SQL Serverカーソルの例

1934 ワード

declare my_cursor cursor keyset for select * from info
deallocate my_cursor
open my_cursor
close my_cursor
deallocate my_cursor
declare @id int,@name varchar(20),@address varchar(20)
fetch absolute 56488 from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
fetch relative -88 from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
fetch prior from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
fetch next from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
fetch first from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
fetch last from my_cursor into @id,@name,@address
select @id as id,@name as name,@address as address
use database1
declare my_cursor cursor scroll dynamic

 /**//*scroll           (      ),dynamic        (      )*/


select productname from  product

open my_cursor

declare @pname sysname

fetch next from my_cursor into @pname



    print 'Product Name: ' + @pname

    fetch next from my_cursor into @pname


fetch first from my_cursor into @pname

print @pname

/**//*update product set productname='zzg' where current of my_cursor */

/**//*delete from product where current of my_cursor */

close my_cursor

deallocate my_cursor