OrientDBユーザーズマニュアルのSQL Query on a NoSQL database

2956 ワード

前節では、OrientDBの基本概念をいくつか参照し、SQL言語をサポートする議論が最も多かったことについて説明しました.Is not a contradiction for a DBMS that is defined NoSQL embrace this standard?Maybe not.
We defined in the introductory movement NoSQL not as something contrary to SQL itself, but as the warning "use the DBMS right for your use case. So why support its SQL ? Incidentally the relational model is very different from the graph and very far from the concepts of schema-less document database.
The answer is simple: anyone reading this know SQL because it has been the predominant technology in the last 30 years. Rather than inventing Yet Another Language I thought from ancient SQL would be a good idea to allow anyone to use OrientDB from day one.
Obviously the standard SQL language has no concept of schema-less, trees or graphs because it was designed for a model that does not cover this kind of structures, if not purely through adaptation applications. To support these new paradigms are created for new entrants and an extended syntax.
では、バインドされたプレゼンテーションデータベースを使用します.コンソール(前の章を参照)を開き、コンピュータのデータベースdemoに接続します.実行:select*from city(リレーショナル・データベースでCityテーブルのすべてのレコードを検索するように).
> select * from city

次に、複数の接続のレコードを含む条件付きクエリーを作成します.関係世界ではマルチテーブル間のjoin,but the links are directly OrientDB waterwaysである.次に、その実装方法を示します.
> select * from city where country.name = 'Italy'

> select from city

E 'can also navigate through records in the projections, useful if you do affect, not as a result the current class, but connected elements.例えば、Addressタイプの記録からイタリアの最初の3つの都市の名前を抽出したい場合は、次のようにします.
> select city.name from address where city.country.name = 'Italy' limit 3

> select from account where addresses.size() > 0

> select flatten(addresses) from Account where addresses contains ( city.country.name = 'Washington' )
