Spark:DataFrame Hbaseを一括インポートする2つの方法(HFile,Hive)

163607 ワード

  1 drop table table_hive_mange;
  2 create table table_hive_mange
  3 (key String,
  4 dict_id String,
  5 city_id String,
  6 city_name String,
  7 city_code String,
  8 group_id String,
  9 group_name String,
 10 area_code String,
 11 bureau_id String,
 12 sort String,
 13 bureau_name String)
 14 row format delimited
 15 fields terminated by '|'
 16 STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
 17 WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,
 18 info:dict_id,
 19 info:city_id,
 20 info:city_name,
 21 info:city_code,
 22 info:group_id,
 23 info:group_name,
 24 info:area_code,
 25 info:bureau_id, info:sort,
 26 info:bureau_name")
 27 TBLPROPERTIES("" = "table_hive_mange");
 29 hive> drop table table_hive_mange;
 30 OK
 31 Time taken: 1.554 seconds
 32 hive> create table table_hive_mange
 33     > (key String,
 34     > dict_id String,
 35     > city_id String,
 36     > city_name String,
 37     > city_code String,
 38     > group_id String,
 39     > group_name String,
 40     > area_code String,
 41     > bureau_id String,
 42     > sort String,
 43     > bureau_name String)
 44     > row format delimited
 45     > fields terminated by '|'
 46     > STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
 47     > WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,
 48     > info:dict_id,
 49     > info:city_id,
 50     > info:city_name,
 51     > info:city_code,
 52     > info:group_id,
 53     > info:group_name,
 54     > info:area_code,
 55     > info:bureau_id, info:sort,
 56     > info:bureau_name")
 57     > TBLPROPERTIES("" = "table_hive_mange");
 58 OK
 59 Time taken: 6.884 seconds
 61 hive> desc formatted table_hive_mange;
 62 OK
 63 # col_name              data_type               comment             
 65 key                     string                  from deserializer   
 66 dict_id                 string                  from deserializer   
 67 city_id                 string                  from deserializer   
 68 city_name               string                  from deserializer   
 69 city_code               string                  from deserializer   
 70 group_id                string                  from deserializer   
 71 group_name              string                  from deserializer   
 72 area_code               string                  from deserializer   
 73 bureau_id               string                  from deserializer   
 74 sort                    string                  from deserializer   
 75 bureau_name             string                  from deserializer   
 77 # Detailed Table Information             
 78 Database:               default                  
 79 Owner:                  hdfs                     
 80 CreateTime:             Tue Oct 16 16:23:22 CST 2018     
 81 LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
 82 Protect Mode:           None                     
 83 Retention:              0                        
 84 Location:               hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/table_hive_mange  
 85 Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
 86 Table Parameters:                
 87        table_hive_mange    
 88         storage_handler         org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler
 89         transient_lastDdlTime   1539678202          
 91 # Storage Information            
 92 SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe  
 93 InputFormat:            null                     
 94 OutputFormat:           null                     
 95 Compressed:             No                       
 96 Num Buckets:            -1                       
 97 Bucket Columns:         []                       
 98 Sort Columns:           []                       
 99 Storage Desc Params:             
100         field.delim             |                   
101         hbase.columns.mapping   :key,
info:bureau_id, info:sort,
102 serialization.format | 103 Time taken: 2.098 seconds, Fetched: 40 row(s) 104 105 // HBase 106 hbase(main):001:0> desc 'table_hive_mange' 107 Table table_hive_mange is ENABLED 108 table_hive_mange 109 COLUMN FAMILIES DESCRIPTION 110 {NAME => 'info', BLOOMFILTER => 'ROW', VERSIONS => '1', IN_MEMORY => 'false', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => 'FALSE', DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING => 'NONE', TTL => 'FOREVER', COMPRESSION => 'NONE', MIN_VERSIONS => '0', BLOCKCACHE => 'true', BLOCKSIZE => 111 '65536', REPLICATION_SCOPE => '0'} 112 1 row(s) in 0.3910 seconds 113 114 hbase(main):002:0>  

 1 drop table table_hive_mange1;
 2 create table table_hive_mange1
 3 (key String,
 4 dict_id String,
 5 city_id String,
 6 city_name String,
 7 city_code String,
 8 group_id String,
 9 group_name String,
10 area_code String,
11 bureau_id String,
12 sort String,
13 bureau_name String)
14 row format delimited
15 fields terminated by '|'
18 hive> drop table table_hive_mange1;
19 OK
20 Time taken: 0.027 seconds
21 hive> create table table_hive_mange1
22     > (key String,
23     > dict_id String,
24     > city_id String,
25     > city_name String,
26     > city_code String,
27     > group_id String,
28     > group_name String,
29     > area_code String,
30     > bureau_id String,
31     > sort String,
32     > bureau_name String)
33     > row format delimited
34     > fields terminated by '|'
36 OK
37 Time taken: 0.188 seconds
38 hive> desc formatted 
39     > table_hive_mange1;
40 OK
41 # col_name              data_type               comment             
43 key                     string                                      
44 dict_id                 string                                      
45 city_id                 string                                      
46 city_name               string                                      
47 city_code               string                                      
48 group_id                string                                      
49 group_name              string                                      
50 area_code               string                                      
51 bureau_id               string                                      
52 sort                    string                                      
53 bureau_name             string                                      
55 # Detailed Table Information             
56 Database:               default                  
57 Owner:                  hdfs                     
58 CreateTime:             Tue Oct 16 16:24:41 CST 2018     
59 LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
60 Protect Mode:           None                     
61 Retention:              0                        
62 Location:               hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/table_hive_mange1         
63 Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
64 Table Parameters:                
65         transient_lastDdlTime   1539678281          
67 # Storage Information            
68 SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe       
69 InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
70 OutputFormat:        
71 Compressed:             No                       
72 Num Buckets:            -1                       
73 Bucket Columns:         []                       
74 Sort Columns:           []                       
75 Storage Desc Params:             
76         field.delim             |                   
77         serialization.format    |                   
78 Time taken: 4.3 seconds, Fetched: 37 row(s) 

 1 [hdfs@iptve2e03 tmp_lillcol]$ hadoop fs -cat hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse//hive-hbase
 2 736_9   1|1|73629|   1|    |110|      |weq|76D5A3D3EA4|1|            
 3 475_   2|13|4750|   2|    |110|      |weq|5F4E9  C5|1|            
 4 765_   3|3|7650|   3|    |110|      |weq|59B4B  92|1|            
 5 667_   4|14|6672|   4|    |110|      |weq|CF19F   B|21|            
 6 758_   5|4|7586|   5|    |110|      |weq|507EB  78|1|            
 7 796_   6|15|7966|   6|    |110|      |weq|9C9C0   4|21|            
 8 754_8   7|5|75468|   7|    |110|      |weq|5B736   F|11|            
 9 706_   8|16|7062|   8|    |110|      |weq|51A88   8|11|            
10 754_   9|6|7547|   9|    |110|      |weq|EEA9F  59|1|            
11 626_   0|17|6263|   0|    |110|    |weq|9FF783FEE9|11|            
12 754_   -|7|7542|   -|    |110|      |weq|246A1  FC|1|            
13 755_   12|18|7553|   12|    |110|      |weq|E9BE9   9|11|            
14 661_   12|8|6618|   12|    |110|      |weq|5D0A9   E|11|            
15 765_   3|19|7651|   3|    |110|        |weq|BD6F 6379|11|            
16 754_   32|9|7544|   32|    |110|      |weq|18D7A  1E|1|            
17 375_   234|20|3755|   234|    |110|      |weq|31E2F  82|1|            
18 626_0   45|10|62630|   45|    |110|      |weq|1BA07   B|11|            
19 458   99|21|458|   99|    |110|      |weq|3C09D   B|11|            
20 715   12|11|715|   12|    |110|      |weq|3A49A   7|11|            
21 723_   3|2|7231|   3|    |110|    |weq|F8E9FCB7B1|11|            
22 221_   2|12|2210|   2|    |110|    |weq|13F1D05894|1|             

1.4 table_hive_mange 1にデータを追加
1 load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_mange1;
2 hive> load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_mange1;
3 Loading data to table default.table_hive_mange1
4 Table default.table_hive_mange1 stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=1947]
5 OK
6 Time taken: 0.402 seconds
7 hive> 

1.5 table_の表示hive_mange 1のデータ
 1 hive> select * from table_hive_mange1;
 2 OK
 3 736_9   1    1       73629      1             110               weq     76D5A3D3EA4     1                   
 4 475_   2     13      4750       2             110               weq     5F4E9  C5     1                   
 5 765_   3     3       7650       3             110               weq     59B4B  92     1                   
 6 667_   4     14      6672       4             110               weq     CF19F   B    21                  
 7 758_   5     4       7586       5             110               weq     507EB  78     1                   
 8 796_   6     15      7966       6             110               weq     9C9C0   4    21                  
 9 754_8   7    5       75468      7             110               weq     5B736   F    11                  
10 706_   8     16      7062       8             110               weq     51A88   8    11                  
11 754_   9     6       7547       9             110               weq     EEA9F  59     1                   
12 626_   0     17      6263       0             110                 weq     9FF783FEE9      11                  
13 754_   -     7       7542       -             110               weq     246A1  FC     1                   
14 755_   12    18      7553       12                    110               weq     E9BE9   9    11                  
15 661_   12    8       6618       12                    110               weq     5D0A9   E    11                  
16 765_   3     19      7651       3             110                     weq     BD6F 6379      11                  
17 754_   32    9       7544       32                    110               weq     18D7A  1E     1                   
18 375_   234   20      3755       234                   110               weq     31E2F  82     1                   
19 626_0   45   10      62630      45                    110               weq     1BA07   B    11                  
20 458   99     21      458        99                    110               weq     3C09D   B    11                  
21 715   12     11      715        12                    110               weq     3A49A   7    11                  
22 723_   3     2       7231       3             110                 weq     F8E9FCB7B1      11                  
23 221_   2     12      2210       2             110                 weq     13F1D05894      1                   
24 Time taken: 0.035 seconds, Fetched: 21 row(s)
25 hive>  

1.6 table_hive_mange 1のデータ挿入table_hive_mange
 1 insert into table  table_hive_mange  select * from table_hive_mange1;
 3 hive> insert into table  table_hive_mange  select * from table_hive_mange1;
 4 Query ID = hdfs_20181016165252_4e5b605f-0351-4bd0-aa2e-0d9829694f6d
 5 Total jobs = 1
 6 Launching Job 1 out of 1
 7 Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there s no reduce operator
 8 Starting Job = job_1519375199907_258533, Tracking URL = http://iptve2e01:8088/proxy/application_1519375199907_258533/
 9 Kill Command = /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.7.2-1.cdh5.7.2.p0.18/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1519375199907_258533
10 Hadoop job information for Stage-0: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 0
11 2018-10-16 16:53:46,259 Stage-0 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%
12 2018-10-16 16:54:06,773 Stage-0 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 6.65 sec
13 MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 6 seconds 650 msec
14 Ended Job = job_1519375199907_258533
15 MapReduce Jobs Launched: 
16 Stage-Stage-0: Map: 1   Cumulative CPU: 6.65 sec   HDFS Read: 7381 HDFS Write: 0 SUCCESS
17 Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 6 seconds 650 msec
18 OK
19 Time taken: 89.331 seconds 

1.7 table_の表示hive_mangeのデータ
 1 hive> select * from table_hive_mange     ;
 2 OK
 3 221_   2     12      2210       2             110                 weq     13F1D05894      1                   
 4 375_   234   20      3755       234                   110               weq     31E2F  82     1                   
 5 458   99     21      458        99                    110               weq     3C09D   B    11                  
 6 475_   2     13      4750       2             110               weq     5F4E9  C5     1                   
 7 626_0   45   10      62630      45                    110               weq     1BA07   B    11                  
 8 626_   0     17      6263       0             110                 weq     9FF783FEE9      11                  
 9 661_   12    8       6618       12                    110               weq     5D0A9   E    11                  
10 667_   4     14      6672       4             110               weq     CF19F   B    21                  
11 706_   8     16      7062       8             110               weq     51A88   8    11                  
12 715   12     11      715        12                    110               weq     3A49A   7    11                  
13 723_   3     2       7231       3             110                 weq     F8E9FCB7B1      11                  
14 736_9   1    1       73629      1             110               weq     76D5A3D3EA4     1                   
15 754_8   7    5       75468      7             110               weq     5B736   F    11                  
16 754_   -     7       7542       -             110               weq     246A1  FC     1                   
17 754_   32    9       7544       32                    110               weq     18D7A  1E     1                   
18 754_   9     6       7547       9             110               weq     EEA9F  59     1                   
19 755_   12    18      7553       12                    110               weq     E9BE9   9    11                  
20 758_   5     4       7586       5             110               weq     507EB  78     1                   
21 765_   3     19      7651       3             110                     weq     BD6F 6379      11                  
22 796_   6     15      7966       6             110               weq     9C9C0   4    21                  
23 Time taken: 0.29 seconds, Fetched: 20 row(s)
24 hive>      

1.8 HBAseでtable_を表示するhive_mangeのデータ
 1 hbase(main):008:0> scan 'table_hive_mange',{LIMIT=>2}
 2 ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                     
 3  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539680045751, value=weq                                                                                                                       
 4  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=13F1D05894                                                                                                                
 5  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
 6                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
 7  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
 8  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=2210                                                                                                                        
 9  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                                                                                     
10  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=12                                                                                                                          
11  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=110                                                                                                                        
12  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE9\x9F\xA9\xE5\x9B\xBD\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                                         
13  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:sort, timestamp=1539680045751, value=1                                                                                                                              
14  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539680045751, value=weq                                                                                                                       
15  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=31E2F\xE4\xB8\x8D\xE7\x9F\xA582                                                                                           
16  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE6\xB7\xB1\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
17                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
18  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
19  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=3755                                                                                                                        
20  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                                                                                   
21  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=20                                                                                                                          
22  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539680045751, value=110                                                                                                                        
23  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539680045751, value=\xE8\x89\xBE\xE6\xAC\xA7\xE5\xB0\xBC\xE4\xBA\x9A\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                 
24  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:sort, timestamp=1539680045751, value=1                                                                                                                              
25 2 row(s) in 0.0140 seconds
27 hbase(main):009:0> 

 1    hbase(disabled->drop)
 3 hbase(main):009:0> disable 'table_hive_mange'
 4 0 row(s) in 2.2700 seconds
 6 hbase(main):010:0> drop  'table_hive_mange'
 7 0 row(s) in 1.2290 seconds
 9 hive> show tables;
10 OK
11 frt_user_auth_log1
12 table_hive_mange
13 table_hive_mange1
14 Time taken: 0.116 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s)
15 hive> select * from table_hive_mange; 16 OK 17 Failed with exception table_hive_mange 18 Time taken: 0.245 seconds
19 hive> select * from table_hive_mange; 20 OK 21 Failed with exception table_hive_mange 22 Time taken: 0.148 seconds
23 hive> show tables; 24 OK 25 table_hive_mange 26 table_hive_mange1 27 Time taken: 0.01 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s)
28 hive> select * from table_hive_mange; 29 OK 30 Failed with exception table_hive_mange 31 Time taken: 0.09 seconds 32 hive> drop table table_hive_mange; 33 FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException: table_hive_mange 34 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin.checkTableExistence( 35 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin.isTableEnabled( 36 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin.isTableEnabled( 37 ... 38 ) 39 hive> show tables; 40 OK 41 table_hive_mange1 42 Time taken: 0.009 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s) 43 44 // Hive 45 hive> drop table table_hive_mange; 46 OK 47 Time taken: 6.604 seconds 48 49 hbase(main):032:0> scan 'table_hive_mange',{LIMIT=>2} 50 ROW COLUMN+CELL 51 52 ERROR: Unknown table table_hive_mange! 53 54 hbase(main):033:0> list 

2.1 Hbaseテーブルtable_の作成hive_xternal 
1 create  'table_hive_xternal','info'
3 hbase(main):012:0> create  'table_hive_xternal','info'
4 0 row(s) in 1.2450 seconds
6 => Hbase::Table - table_hive_xternal
7 hbase(main):013:0>  

 1 drop table table_hive_xternal;
 2 create external table table_hive_xternal
 3 (key String,
 4 dict_id String,
 5 city_id String,
 6 city_name String,
 7 city_code String,
 8 group_id String,
 9 group_name String,
10 area_code String,
11 bureau_id String,
12 sort String,
13 bureau_name String)
14 row format delimited
15 fields terminated by '|'
16 STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
17 WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,
18     info:dict_id,
19     info:city_id,
20     info:city_name,
21     info:city_code,
22     info:group_id,
23     info:group_name,
24     info:area_code,
25     info:bureau_id,
26     info:sort,
27     info:bureau_name")
28 TBLPROPERTIES("" = "table_hive_xternal");
 1 hive> create external table table_hive_xternal
 2     > (key String,
 3     > dict_id String,
 4     > city_id String,
 5     > city_name String,
 6     > city_code String,
 7     > group_id String,
 8     > group_name String,
 9     > area_code String,
10     > bureau_id String,
11     > sort String,
12     > bureau_name String)
13     > row format delimited
14     > fields terminated by '|'
15     > STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
16     > WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,
17     >     info:dict_id,
18     >     info:city_id,
19     >     info:city_name,
20     >     info:city_code,
21     >     info:group_id,
22     >     info:group_name,
23     >     info:area_code,
24     >     info:bureau_id,
25     >     info:sort,
26     >     info:bureau_name")
27     > TBLPROPERTIES("" = "table_hive_xternal");
28 OK
29 Time taken: 0.092 seconds
31 hive> desc formatted table_hive_xternal;
32 OK
33 # col_name              data_type               comment             
35 key                     string                  from deserializer   
36 dict_id                 string                  from deserializer   
37 city_id                 string                  from deserializer   
38 city_name               string                  from deserializer   
39 city_code               string                  from deserializer   
40 group_id                string                  from deserializer   
41 group_name              string                  from deserializer   
42 area_code               string                  from deserializer   
43 bureau_id               string                  from deserializer   
44 sort                    string                  from deserializer   
45 bureau_name             string                  from deserializer   
47 # Detailed Table Information             
48 Database:               default                  
49 Owner:                  hdfs                     
50 CreateTime:             Tue Oct 16 17:20:26 CST 2018     
51 LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
52 Protect Mode:           None                     
53 Retention:              0                        
54 Location:               hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/table_hive_xternal        
55 Table Type:             EXTERNAL_TABLE           
56 Table Parameters:                
57         EXTERNAL                TRUE                
58        table_hive_xternal  
59         storage_handler         org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler
60         transient_lastDdlTime   1539681626          
62 # Storage Information            
63 SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe  
64 InputFormat:            null                     
65 OutputFormat:           null                     
66 Compressed:             No                       
67 Num Buckets:            -1                       
68 Bucket Columns:         []                       
69 Sort Columns:           []                       
70 Storage Desc Params:             
71         field.delim             |                   
72         hbase.columns.mapping   :key,
73 serialization.format | 74 Time taken: 0.882 seconds, Fetched: 41 row(s) 

 1 drop table table_hive_xternal_1;
 2 create table table_hive_xternal_1
 3 (key String,
 4 dict_id String,
 5 city_id String,
 6 city_name String,
 7 city_code String,
 8 group_id String,
 9 group_name String,
10 area_code String,
11 bureau_id String,
12 sort String,
13 bureau_name String)
14 row format delimited
15 fields terminated by '|'
 1 hive> desc formatted table_hive_xternal_1;
 2 OK
 3 # col_name              data_type               comment             
 5 key                     string                                      
 6 dict_id                 string                                      
 7 city_id                 string                                      
 8 city_name               string                                      
 9 city_code               string                                      
10 group_id                string                                      
11 group_name              string                                      
12 area_code               string                                      
13 bureau_id               string                                      
14 sort                    string                                      
15 bureau_name             string                                      
17 # Detailed Table Information             
18 Database:               default                  
19 Owner:                  hdfs                     
20 CreateTime:             Tue Oct 16 17:21:05 CST 2018     
21 LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
22 Protect Mode:           None                     
23 Retention:              0                        
24 Location:               hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/table_hive_xternal_1      
25 Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
26 Table Parameters:                
27         transient_lastDdlTime   1539681665          
29 # Storage Information            
30 SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe       
31 InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
32 OutputFormat:        
33 Compressed:             No                       
34 Num Buckets:            -1                       
35 Bucket Columns:         []                       
36 Sort Columns:           []                       
37 Storage Desc Params:             
38         field.delim             |                   
39         serialization.format    |                   
40 Time taken: 0.033 seconds, Fetched: 37 row(s) 

 1 [hdfs@iptve2e03 tmp_lillcol]$ hadoop fs -cat hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase
 2 736_9   1|1|73629|   1|    |110|      |weq|76D5A3D3EA4|1|            
 3 475_   2|13|4750|   2|    |110|      |weq|5F4E9  C5|1|            
 4 765_   3|3|7650|   3|    |110|      |weq|59B4B  92|1|            
 5 667_   4|14|6672|   4|    |110|      |weq|CF19F   B|21|            
 6 758_   5|4|7586|   5|    |110|      |weq|507EB  78|1|            
 7 796_   6|15|7966|   6|    |110|      |weq|9C9C0   4|21|            
 8 754_8   7|5|75468|   7|    |110|      |weq|5B736   F|11|            
 9 706_   8|16|7062|   8|    |110|      |weq|51A88   8|11|            
10 754_   9|6|7547|   9|    |110|      |weq|EEA9F  59|1|            
11 626_   0|17|6263|   0|    |110|    |weq|9FF783FEE9|11|            
12 754_   -|7|7542|   -|    |110|      |weq|246A1  FC|1|            
13 755_   12|18|7553|   12|    |110|      |weq|E9BE9   9|11|            
14 661_   12|8|6618|   12|    |110|      |weq|5D0A9   E|11|            
15 765_   3|19|7651|   3|    |110|        |weq|BD6F 6379|11|            
16 754_   32|9|7544|   32|    |110|      |weq|18D7A  1E|1|            
17 375_   234|20|3755|   234|    |110|      |weq|31E2F  82|1|            
18 626_0   45|10|62630|   45|    |110|      |weq|1BA07   B|11|            
19 458   99|21|458|   99|    |110|      |weq|3C09D   B|11|            
20 715   12|11|715|   12|    |110|      |weq|3A49A   7|11|            
21 723_   3|2|7231|   3|    |110|    |weq|F8E9FCB7B1|11|            
22 221_   2|12|2210|   2|    |110|    |weq|13F1D05894|1|             

2.5 table_hive_xternal_1にデータを追加
1 load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_xternal_1;
2 hive> load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_xternal_1; 3 Loading data to table default.table_hive_xternal_1 4 Table default.table_hive_xternal_1 stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=2681] 5 OK 6 Time taken: 0.534 seconds 

2.6 table_の表示hive_xternal_1のデータ
 1 hive> select * from table_hive_xternal_1;
 2 OK
 3 736_9   1    1       73629      1             110               weq     76D5A3D3EA4     1                   
 4 475_   2     13      4750       2             110               weq     5F4E9  C5     1                   
 5 765_   3     3       7650       3             110               weq     59B4B  92     1                   
 6 667_   4     14      6672       4             110               weq     CF19F   B    21                  
 7 758_   5     4       7586       5             110               weq     507EB  78     1                   
 8 796_   6     15      7966       6             110               weq     9C9C0   4    21                  
 9 754_8   7    5       75468      7             110               weq     5B736   F    11                  
10 706_   8     16      7062       8             110               weq     51A88   8    11                  
11 754_   9     6       7547       9             110               weq     EEA9F  59     1                   
12 626_   0     17      6263       0             110                 weq     9FF783FEE9      11                  
13 754_   -     7       7542       -             110               weq     246A1  FC     1                   
14 755_   12    18      7553       12                    110               weq     E9BE9   9    11                  
15 661_   12    8       6618       12                    110               weq     5D0A9   E    11                  
16 765_   3     19      7651       3             110                     weq     BD6F 6379      11                  
17 754_   32    9       7544       32                    110               weq     18D7A  1E     1                   
18 375_   234   20      3755       234                   110               weq     31E2F  82     1                   
19 626_0   45   10      62630      45                    110               weq     1BA07   B    11                  
20 458   99     21      458        99                    110               weq     3C09D   B    11                  
21 715   12     11      715        12                    110               weq     3A49A   7    11                  
22 723_   3     2       7231       3             110                 weq     F8E9FCB7B1      11                  
23 221_   2     12      2210       2             110                 weq     13F1D05894      1                   
24 Time taken: 0.036 seconds, Fetched: 21 row(s) 

2.7 table_hive_xternal_1のデータ挿入table_hive_xternal
 1 insert into table table_hive_xternal select * from table_hive_xternal_1;
2 hive> insert into table table_hive_xternal select * from table_hive_xternal_1; 3 Query ID = hdfs_20181016172323_aad773d7-444f-431c-b0a2-917756ec965f 4 Total jobs = 1 5 Launching Job 1 out of 1 6 Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator 7 Starting Job = job_1519375199907_258597, Tracking URL = 8 Kill Command = /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.7.2-1.cdh5.7.2.p0.18/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job -kill job_1519375199907_258597 9 Hadoop job information for Stage-0: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 0 10 2018-10-16 17:23:57,040 Stage-0 map = 0%, reduce = 0% 11 2018-10-16 17:24:03,215 Stage-0 map = 100%, reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 4.31 sec 12 MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 4 seconds 310 msec 13 Ended Job = job_1519375199907_258597 14 MapReduce Jobs Launched: 15 Stage-Stage-0: Map: 1 Cumulative CPU: 4.31 sec HDFS Read: 7472 HDFS Write: 0 SUCCESS 16 Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 4 seconds 310 msec 17 OK 18 Time taken: 13.523 seconds 

2.8 table_の表示hive_xternalのデータ
 1 select * from table_hive_xternal;
 3 hive> select * from table_hive_xternal;
 4 OK
 5 221_   2     12      2210       2             110                 weq     13F1D05894      1                   
 6 375_   234   20      3755       234                   110               weq     31E2F  82     1                   
 7 458   99     21      458        99                    110               weq     3C09D   B    11                  
 8 475_   2     13      4750       2             110               weq     5F4E9  C5     1                   
 9 626_0   45   10      62630      45                    110               weq     1BA07   B    11                  
10 626_   0     17      6263       0             110                 weq     9FF783FEE9      11                  
11 661_   12    8       6618       12                    110               weq     5D0A9   E    11                  
12 667_   4     14      6672       4             110               weq     CF19F   B    21                  
13 706_   8     16      7062       8             110               weq     51A88   8    11                  
14 715   12     11      715        12                    110               weq     3A49A   7    11                  
15 723_   3     2       7231       3             110                 weq     F8E9FCB7B1      11                  
16 736_9   1    1       73629      1             110               weq     76D5A3D3EA4     1                   
17 754_8   7    5       75468      7             110               weq     5B736   F    11                  
18 754_   -     7       7542       -             110               weq     246A1  FC     1                   
19 754_   32    9       7544       32                    110               weq     18D7A  1E     1                   
20 754_   9     6       7547       9             110               weq     EEA9F  59     1                   
21 755_   12    18      7553       12                    110               weq     E9BE9   9    11                  
22 758_   5     4       7586       5             110               weq     507EB  78     1                   
23 765_   3     19      7651       3             110                     weq     BD6F 6379      11                  
24 796_   6     15      7966       6             110               weq     9C9C0   4    21                  
25 Time taken: 0.089 seconds, Fetched: 20 row(s)

2.9 HBAseでtable_を表示するhive_xternalのデータ
 1 scan 'table_hive_xternal',{LIMIT=>2}
 2 hbase(main):013:0> scan 'table_hive_xternal',{LIMIT=>2}
 3 ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                     
 4  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=weq                                                                                                                       
 5  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=13F1D05894                                                                                                                
 6  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
 7                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
 8  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
 9  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=2210                                                                                                                        
10  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                                                                                     
11  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=12                                                                                                                          
12  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=110                                                                                                                        
13  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x9F\xA9\xE5\x9B\xBD\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                                         
14  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:sort, timestamp=1539681842885, value=1                                                                                                                              
15  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=weq                                                                                                                       
16  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=31E2F\xE4\xB8\x8D\xE7\x9F\xA582                                                                                           
17  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE6\xB7\xB1\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
18                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
19  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
20  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=3755                                                                                                                        
21  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                                                                                   
22  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=20                                                                                                                          
23  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=110                                                                                                                        
24  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE8\x89\xBE\xE6\xAC\xA7\xE5\xB0\xBC\xE4\xBA\x9A\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                 
25  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:sort, timestamp=1539681842885, value=1                                                                                                                              
26 2 row(s) in 0.0260 seconds
hive Hbase
 1 //  hive 
 2 hive> show tables ;
 3 OK
 4 table_hive_xternal
 5 table_hive_xternal_1
 6 Time taken: 0.011 seconds, Fetched: 9 row(s)
 7 hive> drop table table_hive_xternal;
 8 OK
 9 Time taken: 0.476 seconds
10 hive> show tables ;
11 OK
12 table_hive_xternal_1
13 Time taken: 0.01 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s)
14 hive> 
16 //  Hbase
17 hbase(main):014:0> scan 'table_hive_xternal',{LIMIT=>2}
18 ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                     
19  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=weq                                                                                                                       
20  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=13F1D05894                                                                                                                
21  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
22                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
23  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
24  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=2210                                                                                                                        
25  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                                                                                     
26  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=12                                                                                                                          
27  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=110                                                                                                                        
28  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x9F\xA9\xE5\x9B\xBD\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                                         
29  221_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE2                   column=info:sort, timestamp=1539681842885, value=1                                                                                                                              
30  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:area_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=weq                                                                                                                       
31  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=31E2F\xE4\xB8\x8D\xE7\x9F\xA582                                                                                           
32  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE6\xB1\x89\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE7\x9C\x81\xE6\xB7\xB1\xE4\xB8\xAD\xE7\x8C\xB4\xE5\xA7\x91\xE7\xB1\xB3\xE8\xA5\xBF\xE7\xBF\xBB
33                                                              \xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8                                                                                                                                                        
34  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_code, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE5\x95\xA5\xE5\xAD\x90\xE5\xAD\x97\xE6\xAE\xB5                                                                          
35  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=3755                                                                                                                        
36  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:city_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                                                                                   
37  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:dict_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=20                                                                                                                          
38  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_id, timestamp=1539681842885, value=110                                                                                                                        
39  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:group_name, timestamp=1539681842885, value=\xE8\x89\xBE\xE6\xAC\xA7\xE5\xB0\xBC\xE4\xBA\x9A\xE5\xA4\xA7\xE5\x8C\xBA                                                 
40  375_\xE9\x93\x9C\xE9\x94\xA3\xE6\xB9\xBE234                 column=info:sort, timestamp=1539681842885, value=1                                                                                                                              
41 2 row(s) in 0.0200 seconds 

hbase Hive
 1 //  hbase 
 2 hbase(main):018:0> disable 'table_hive_xternal'
 3 0 row(s) in 2.2310 seconds
 5 hbase(main):019:0> drop 'table_hive_xternal'
 6 0 row(s) in 1.2290 seconds
 8 //  Hive
 9 hive> select * from table_hive_xternal;
10 OK
11 Failed with exception table_hive_xternal
12 Time taken: 0.109 seconds 
2.3 Hive-Hbase     
  • Hbaseは先に
  • を確立する必要があるかどうか
       ,   table_hive_mange HBase      
  • table_hive_mange
    1 load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_mange;
    2 hive> load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_mange;
    3 FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10101]: A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD 
  • 削除テーブルの影響
  •    HBase,       ,        hive         (     ),  drop table               ;
    Hive ,Hbase
    HBase Hive

  • Hbaseは先に
  • を確立する必要があるかどうか
      ,      HBase       
     1 hive> create external table table_hive_xternal
     2     > (key String,
     3     > dict_id String,
     4     > city_id String,
     5     > city_name String,
     6     > city_code String,
     7     > group_id String,
     8     > group_name String,
     9     > area_code String,
    10     > bureau_id String,
    11     > sort String,
    12     > bureau_name String)
    13     > row format delimited
    14     > fields terminated by '|'
    15     > STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
    16     > WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,
    17     >     info:dict_id,
    18     >     info:city_id,
    19     >     info:city_name,
    20     >     info:city_code,
    21     >     info:group_id,
    22     >     info:group_name,
    23     >     info:area_code,
    24     >     info:bureau_id,
    25     >     info:sort,
    26     >     info:bureau_name")
    27     > TBLPROPERTIES("" = "table_hive_xternal");
    28 FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:MetaException(message:HBase table table_hive_xternal doesn't exist while the table is declared as an external table.)
    29         at org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler.preCreateTable(
  • table_hive_xternal
    1 load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_xternal;
    2 hive> load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/hive-hbase' into table table_hive_xternal;
    3 FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10101]: A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD 
  • 削除テーブルの影響
  •    Hive ,Hbase      
    Hbase ,Hive

    HFile HBase

    1 //
    2 [hdfs@iptve2e03 tmp_lillcol]$ cat 
    3 #mysql     
    4 mysql.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    5 mysql.url=jdbc:mysql://
    6 mysql.username=user
    7 mysql.password=123456

     1 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-core_2.10" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.2"
     2 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-sql_2.10" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.2"
     3 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-hive_2.10" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.2"
     4 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-client" % "1.2.0-cdh5.7.2"
     5 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-server" % "1.2.0-cdh5.7.2"
     6 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-common" % "1.2.0-cdh5.7.2"
     7 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-protocol" % "1.2.0-cdh5.7.2"
     8 libraryDependencies += "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.38"
     9 libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-streaming_2.10" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.2"
    10 libraryDependencies += "com.yammer.metrics" % "metrics-core" % "2.2.0" 

      1 import
      2 import java.util.Properties
      4 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
      5 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
      6 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.{FsAction, FsPermission}
      7 import
      8 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.HFileOutputFormat2
      9 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
     10 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.{HBaseConfiguration, KeyValue}
     11 import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job
     12 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
     13 import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{concat, lit}
     14 import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
     15 import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext}
     16 import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
     18 /**
     19   * @author      -lillcol
     20   *         2018/10/14-11:08
     21   *
     22   */
     23 object TestHFile {
     24   var hdfsPath: String = ""
     25   var proPath: String = ""
     26   var DATE: String = ""
     28   val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(getClass.getSimpleName)
     29   val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
     30   val sqlContext: SQLContext = new HiveContext(sc)
     32   import sqlContext.implicits._
     34   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     35     hdfsPath = args(0)
     36     proPath = args(1)
     38     //HFile    
     39     val save_path: String = hdfsPath + "TableTestHFile"
     40     //    DataFrame
     41     val dim_sys_city_dict: DataFrame = readMysqlTable(sqlContext, "DIM_SYS_CITY_DICT", proPath)
     43     val resultDataFrame: DataFrame = dim_sys_city_dict
     44       .select(concat($"city_id", lit("_"), $"city_name", lit("_"), $"city_code").as("key"), $"*")
     45     // :resultDataFrame     key       ,            
     46     saveASHfFile(resultDataFrame, "cf_info", save_path)
     47   }
     49   /**
     50     *  DataFrame     HFile
     51     *
     52     * @param resultDataFrame      HFile  DataFrame,DataFrame         "key"
     53     * @param clounmFamily        (   Hbase   ,   load        )
     54     * @param save_path       HFile     
     55     */
     56   def saveASHfFile(resultDataFrame: DataFrame, clounmFamily: String, save_path: String): Unit = {
     57     val conf: Configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create()
     58     lazy val job = Job.getInstance(conf)
     59     job.setMapOutputKeyClass(classOf[ImmutableBytesWritable]) //  MapOutput Key Value      
     60     job.setMapOutputValueClass(classOf[KeyValue])
     62     var columnsName: Array[String] = resultDataFrame.columns //         key
     63     columnsName = columnsName.drop(1).sorted // key         
     65     val result1: RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Seq[KeyValue])] = resultDataFrame
     66       .map(row => {
     67         var kvlist: Seq[KeyValue] = List()
     68         var rowkey: Array[Byte] = null
     69         var cn: Array[Byte] = null
     70         var v: Array[Byte] = null
     71         var kv: KeyValue = null
     72         val cf: Array[Byte] = clounmFamily.getBytes //  
     73         rowkey = Bytes.toBytes(row.getAs[String]("key")) //key
     74         for (i )) {
     75           cn = columnsName(i).getBytes() //    
     76           v = Bytes.toBytes(row.getAs[String](columnsName(i))) //   
     77           // rdd   HFile     ,       Hfile key ImmutableBytesWritable,       RDD    ImmutableBytesWritable    key
     78           kv = new KeyValue(rowkey, cf, cn, v) //     rowkey, cf, clounmVale, value
     79           //
     80           kvlist = kvlist :+ kv //   kv  kvlist  (          )
     81         }
     82         (new ImmutableBytesWritable(rowkey), kvlist)
     83       })
     85     //RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Seq[KeyValue])]     RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)]
     86     val result: RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)] = result1.flatMapValues(s => {
     87       s.iterator
     88     })
     90     delete_hdfspath(save_path) //  save_path      
     91     //    
     92     result
     93       .sortBy(x => x._1, true) //        
     94       .saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(save_path,
     95       classOf[ImmutableBytesWritable],
     96       classOf[KeyValue],
     97       classOf[HFileOutputFormat2],
     98       job.getConfiguration)
    100   }
    102   /**
    103     *   hdfs    
    104     *
    105     * @param url        
    106     */
    107   def delete_hdfspath(url: String) {
    108     val hdfs: FileSystem = FileSystem.get(new Configuration)
    109     val path: Path = new Path(url)
    110     if (hdfs.exists(path)) {
    111       val filePermission = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.READ)
    112       hdfs.delete(path, true)
    113     }
    114   }
    116   /**
    117     *    Mysql     
    118     *
    119     * @param sqlContext
    120     * @param tableName   Mysql    
    121     * @param proPath          
    122     * @return    Mysql    DataFrame
    123     */
    124   def readMysqlTable(sqlContext: SQLContext, tableName: String, proPath: String) = {
    125     val properties: Properties = getProPerties(proPath)
    126     sqlContext
    127       .read
    128       .format("jdbc")
    129       .option("url", properties.getProperty("mysql.url"))
    130       .option("driver", properties.getProperty("mysql.driver"))
    131       .option("user", properties.getProperty("mysql.username"))
    132       .option("password", properties.getProperty("mysql.password"))
    133       //        .option("dbtable", tableName.toUpperCase)
    134       .option("dbtable", tableName)
    135       .load()
    137   }
    139   /**
    140     *    Mysql            
    141     *
    142     * @param sqlContext
    143     * @param table             Mysql    
    144     * @param filterCondition     
    145     * @param proPath                
    146     * @return    Mysql    DataFrame
    147     */
    148   def readMysqlTable(sqlContext: SQLContext, table: String, filterCondition: String, proPath: String): DataFrame = {
    149     val properties: Properties = getProPerties(proPath)
    150     var tableName = ""
    151     tableName = "(select * from " + table + " where " + filterCondition + " ) as t1"
    152     sqlContext
    153       .read
    154       .format("jdbc")
    155       .option("url", properties.getProperty("mysql.url"))
    156       .option("driver", properties.getProperty("mysql.driver"))
    157       .option("user", properties.getProperty("mysql.username"))
    158       .option("password", properties.getProperty("mysql.password"))
    159       .option("dbtable", tableName)
    160       .load()
    161   }
    163   /**
    164     *       
    165     *
    166     * @param proPath
    167     * @return
    168     */
    169   def getProPerties(proPath: String): Properties = {
    170     val properties: Properties = new Properties()
    171     properties.load(new FileInputStream(proPath))
    172     properties
    173   }
    174 }

     1 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     2     hdfsPath = args(0)
     3     proPath = args(1)
     5     //HFile    
     6     val save_path: String = hdfsPath + "TableTestHFile"
     7     //    DataFrame
     8     val dim_sys_city_dict: DataFrame = readMysqlTable(sqlContext, "DIM_SYS_CITY_DICT", proPath)
    10     val resultDataFrame: DataFrame = dim_sys_city_dict
    11       .select(concat($"city_id", lit("_"), $"city_name", lit("_"), $"city_code").as("key"), $"*")
    12     // :resultDataFrame     key       ,            
    13     saveASHfFile(resultDataFrame, "cf_info", save_path)
    14   }

     5. コマンドの実行
     1 nohup spark-submit --master yarn \
     2 --driver-memory 4G \
     3 --num-executors 2 \
     4 --executor-cores 4 \
     5 --executor-memory 8G \
     6 --class com.iptv.job.basedata.TestHFile \
     7 --jars /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/tmp_lillcol/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38.jar \
     8 tygq.jar \
     9 hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/ \
    10 /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/tmp_lillcol/ > ./TestHFile.log 2>&1 &

    1 [hdfs@iptve2e03 tmp_lillcol]$ hadoop fs -du -h hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/TableTestHFile
    2 0       0       hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/TableTestHFile/_SUCCESS
    3 12.3 K  24.5 K  hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/TableTestHFile/cf_info

     7. HFile load進Hbase
    1 hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/TableTestHFile iptv:spark_test
    3 .....
    4 18/10/17 10:14:20 INFO mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles: Trying to load hfile=hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/TableTestHFile/cf_info/fdc37dc6811140dfa852ac71b00b33aa first=200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ last=769_\xE4\xB8\x9C\xE8\x8E\x9E_GD_DG
    5 18/10/17 10:14:20 INFO client.ConnectionManager$HConnectionImplementation: Closing master protocol: MasterService
    6 18/10/17 10:14:20 INFO client.ConnectionManager$HConnectionImplementation: Closing zookeeper sessionid=0x16604bba6872fff
    7 18/10/17 10:14:20 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: EventThread shut down
    8 18/10/17 10:14:20 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Session: 0x16604bba6872fff closed

     1 hbase(main):005:0> scan 'iptv:spark_test',{LIMIT=>2}
     2 ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                     
     3  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=BF55                                                                                    
     4  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=\x85\xAC\xE5                              
     5  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:city_code, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                  
     6  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:city_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                      
     7  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:city_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=\xB7\x9E                                                                                               
     8  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:dict_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                       
     9  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:group_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                     
    10  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:group_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=\x8C\xBA                                                                      
    11  200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ                          column=cf_info:sort, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                           
    12  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:bureau_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=6AA0EF0B                                                                                       
    13  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:bureau_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=xE5\x8F\xB8                                 
    14  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:city_code, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                  
    15  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:city_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                      
    16  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:city_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=\xBE                                                                                               
    17  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:dict_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                       
    18  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:group_id, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112                                                                                                                     
    19  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:group_name, timestamp=1539742949840, value=\x8C\xBA                                                                      
    20  660_\xE6\xB1\x95\xE5\xB0\xBE_GD_SW                          column=cf_info:sort, timestamp=1539742949840, value=112  

     1 var columnsName: Array[String] = resultDataFrame.columns //         key
     2     columnsName = columnsName.drop(1).sorted // key         
     4     val result1: RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Seq[KeyValue])] = resultDataFrame
     5       .map(row => {
     6         var kvlist: Seq[KeyValue] = List()
     7         var rowkey: Array[Byte] = null
     8         var cn: Array[Byte] = null
     9         var v: Array[Byte] = null
    10         var kv: KeyValue = null
    11         val cf: Array[Byte] = clounmFamily.getBytes //  
    12         rowkey = Bytes.toBytes(row.getAs[String]("key")) //key
    13         for (i )) {
    14           cn = columnsName(i).getBytes() //    
    15           v = Bytes.toBytes(row.getAs[String](columnsName(i))) //   
    16           // rdd   HFile     ,       Hfile key ImmutableBytesWritable,       RDD    ImmutableBytesWritable    key
    17           kv = new KeyValue(rowkey, cf, cn, v) //     rowkey, cf, clounmVale, value
    18           //
    19           kvlist = kvlist :+ kv //   kv  kvlist  (          )
    20         }
    21         (new ImmutableBytesWritable(rowkey), kvlist)
    22       })
    24     //RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Seq[KeyValue])]     RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)]
    25     val result: RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)] = result1.flatMapValues(s => {
    26       s.iterator
    27     })

  • resultDataFrame.columnsはすべてのカラム名を取得しdrop(1)で「key」を削除し、(シーケンス番号は1から)
  • sortedによって列名をソートします.デフォルトは昇順です.ソートしないとエラーが表示されます.具体的なエラーは後述します
  • その後mapにより各行1行のデータを取り出し、さらにforにより各フィールドを処理し、各処理毎に1フィールドに関する情報をListに加えてRDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,Seq[KeyValue])]
  • を得る
  • flatMapValuesによりRDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,Seq[KeyValue])]をRDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue)]に変換
  • 上記の処理によりRDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue)]タイプのデータが得られ,saveAsNewAPIHadoopFileという手法を直接利用できるようになる.
  • rowkey

  • これは言うまでもなく、これは全体的に秩序正しく、コードを実現しなければならない.
    1 //    
    2     result
    3       .sortBy(x => x._1, true) //        
    4       .saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(save_path,
    5       classOf[ImmutableBytesWritable],
    6       classOf[KeyValue],
    7       classOf[HFileOutputFormat2],
    8       job.getConfiguration)
  • 列名
  • 1 //2 var columnsName: Array[String] = resultDataFrame.columns //         key;
    3     columnsName = columnsName.drop(1).sorted // key         

    1 18/10/15 14:19:32 WARN scheduler.TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.1 in stage 2.0 (TID 3, iptve2e03): Added a key not lexically larger than previous. 
    2 Current cell = 200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ/cf_info:area_code/1539584366048/Put/vlen=5/seqid=0, 
    3     lastCell = 200_\xE5\xB9\xBF\xE5\xB7\x9E_GD_GZ/cf_info:dict_id/1539584366048/Put/vlen=2/seqid=0

     1 /**
     2     *   hdfs    
     3     *
     4     * @param url        
     5     */
     6   def delete_hdfspath(url: String) {
     7     val hdfs: FileSystem = FileSystem.get(new Configuration)
     8     val path: Path = new Path(url)
     9     if (hdfs.exists(path)) {
    10       val filePermission = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.READ)
    11       hdfs.delete(path, true)
    12     }
    13   }

  • メリット:
  • 関連付けHive、データの二次加工が容易
  • 欠点:
  • テンポラリ・テーブルを1枚作成し、消費スペースを2倍程度に増やします.
    loadデータの場合は早いですが、insert intoの場合はデータ量に時間がかかります
  • メリット:
  • Loadデータは速い
  • 欠点:
  • データは二次加工が難しいので、クエリーにツールがなければ友好的ではありません.