
12646 ワード

dynamic_cast (expression)
using namespace std;

struct V {
    virtual void f() {};  // must be polymorphic to use runtime-checked dynamic_cast
struct A : virtual V {};
struct B : virtual V {
  B(V* v, A* a) {
    // casts during construction
    dynamic_cast<B*>(v); // well-defined: v of type V*, V base of B, results in B*
    dynamic_cast<B*>(a); // undefined behavior: a has type A*, A not a base of B
struct D : A, B {
    D() : B((A*)this, this) { }
struct Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}
struct Derived: Base {
    virtual void name() {}
struct Some {
    virtual ~Some() {}

int main(void)
	D d;
	A& a = d; //upcast       dynamic_cast
	D& new_d = dynamic_cast<D&>(a);//downcast
	B& new_b = dynamic_cast<B&>(a);//sidecast

	Base* b1 = new Base;
	if(Derived* d = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(b1))
		cout << "downcast from b1 to d succeful" << endl;

	Base* b2 = new Derived;
	if(Derived* d = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(b2))
		cout << "downcast from b2 to d successful" << endl;

	if(Some *d = dynamic_cast<Some*>(b1))
		cout << "downcast from b1 to Some Successful" << endl;

	delete b1;
	delete b2;

	return 0;

downcast from b2 to d successful

	           ,      dynamic_cast             !

	Type     ,val     ,   val      Type    ,  val   Type          ,dynamic_cast       val      Type&  。

              ,        !

	1、           :static_cast dynamic_cast     ,
	2、      :static_cast dynamic_cast     ,  static_cast        ,dynamic_cast       ;    ,static_cast    ;
	3、             :dynamic_cast     , static_cast       ; reinterpret_cast    ,     ,      ;

1) If the type of  expression is the exactly  new_type or a less cv-qualified version of  new_type, the result is expression.
2) If the value of  expression is the null pointer value, the result is the null pointer value of type  new_type
3) If  new_type is a pointer or reference to  Base, and the type of  expression is a pointer or reference to  Derived, where  Base is a unique, accessible base class of  Derived, the result is a pointer or reference to the  Base class subobject within the  Derived object pointed or identified by  expression. (note: implicit cast and static_cast can perform this conversion as well)
4) If  expression is a pointer or reference to a polymorphic type, and  new_type is a pointer to  void, the result is a pointer to the most derived object pointed or referenced by  expression.
5) If  expression is a pointer or reference to a polymorphic type  Base, and  new_type is a pointer or reference to the type  Derived a run-time check is performed:
a) The most derived object pointed/identified by  expression is examined. If, in that object,  expressionpoints/referes to a public base of  Derived, and if only one subobject of  Derived type is derived from the subobject pointed/identified by  expression, then the result of the cast points/refers to that  Derivedsubobject. (this is known as the "downcast")
b) Otherwise, if  expression points/refers to a public base of the most derived object, and, simultanously, the most derived object has an unambiguous public base class of type  Derived, the result of the cast points/refers to that  Derived (this is known as the "sidecast")
c) Otherwise, the runtime check fails. If the dynamic_cast is used on pointers, the null pointer value of type new_type is returned. If it was used on references, the exception  std::bad_cast is thrown.
6) When  dynamic_cast is used in a constructor or a destructor (directly or indirectly), and  expression refers to the object that's currently under construction/destruction, the object is considered to be the most derived object. If new_type is not a pointer or reference to the construction's/destructor's own class or one of its bases, the behavior is undefined.

dynamic_cast      ,          ,             。      ,  dynamic_cast    null。
