mysql load data infileインポートの様々な問題

2102 ワード

1.linux (mysql 5.6.36)
a>       (    ,  secure_file_priv  NULL     ,          my.ini      )
| Variable_name    | Value                  |
| secure_file_priv | /home/webedit/hq/data/ |
  :        :LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/webedit/hq/data/article_content.csv'  INTO TABLE article_content_record  character set utf8 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"';         
The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement          
b>  :      linux       
| Variable_name              | Value    |
| default_tmp_storage_engine | InnoDB   |
| innodb_tmpdir              |          |
| max_tmp_tables             | 32       |
| slave_load_tmpdir          | /tmp     |
| tmp_table_size             | 16777216 |
| tmpdir                     | /tmp     |
tmpdir        Mysql     /tmp        
mv  article_content.csv /tmp           
LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/article_content.csv'  INTO TABLE article_content_record  character set utf8 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"';