Lintcode C++コード

2235 ワード

class Solution {
     * Returns a index to the first occurrence of target in source,
     * or -1  if target is not part of source.
     * @param source string to be scanned.
     * @param target string containing the sequence of characters to match.
    int strStr(const char *source, const char *target) {
        // write your code here
         int j = 0;
        int i = 0;
        if (source == NULL || target == NULL) 
            return -1;
        for (i = 0; source[i] != '\0'; i++) 
            j = 0;
            while (source[i] == target[j] && source[i] != '\0')
            if (target[j] == '\0')
                return i - j;
            i -= j;
        if (i == j && source[i] == target[j]) 
            return i - j;
        return -1;