Play framework + Scala + Json
1052 ワード
case class ErrorCode(status: Int, message: String)
implicit val errorcodeWriters = new Writes[ErrorCode] {
def writes(errorcode: ErrorCode) = Json.obj (
"status" -> errorcode.status,
"message" -> errorcode.message
implicit val errorcodeWriters: Writes[ErrorCode] = (
(JsPath \ "status").write[Int] and
(JsPath \ "message").write[String]
implicit val errorcodeReaders: Reads[ErrorCode] = (
(JsPath \ "status").read[Int] and
(JsPath \ "message").read[String]
)(ErrorCode.apply _)
case class Location(lat: Double, long: Double)
val xjson = Json.toJson(ErrorCode(101, "zxcv"))
val status = (xjson \ "status").as[String]
val errcode:JsResult[ErrorCode] = xjson.validate[ErrorCode]
errcode match {
case s: JsSuccess[ErrorCode] =>"deparsed message ${s.get.message}")
case e: JsError => println("Errors: " + JsError.toFlatForm(e).toString)