
8157 ワード

#include //ostringstream
#include //   
#include //ostream_iterator   

using namespace::std;
//         ,        
void changeLength2D(T ** &a, unsigned oldRow,unsigned oldCol,unsigned newRow, unsigned newCol)
	T **b = new T*[newRow];
	for (unsigned i = 0; i != newRow; ++i)
		b[i] = new T[newCol];
	unsigned row, col;
	row = min(oldRow, newRow);
	col = min(oldCol, newCol);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i != row; ++i)
		copy(a[i], a[i]+col,b[i]);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i != oldRow; ++i)
		delete[] a[i];
	delete[] a;
	a = b;
/*class illegalParameterValue
		message("Illegal parameter value") { }
	illegalParameterValue(char* theMessage)
		message = theMessage;
	void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; }
	string message;
};*///        s.str()        ,        (          )
class illegalParameterValue
	illegalParameterValue(string theMessage = "Illegal parameter value")
		message = theMessage;
	void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; }
	string message;
class illegalIndex
	illegalIndex(string theMessage = "Illegal index") //   
		message = theMessage;
	void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; }
	string message;
//  arayList         ,        ,              
class arrayList//:public linearList
	//    ,       ,    
	arrayList(int initialCapacity = 10);
	arrayList(unsigned theLengthChange = 0, int initialCapacity = 10);
		~arrayList() { delete[] element; }
	void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement);
	void changeLength1D(T* &a, int oldLength, int newLength);
	void output(ostream& out) const;
	void trimToSize();
	T  operator[](const int i);
	void push_back(const T& thelement);
	void pop_back();
	void clear();
	int lastIndexof(const T& theElement);
	void reverse();
	void circularShift(int i);
	T* element;
	int arrayLength;
	int listsize;
	unsigned LengthChange;

arrayList::arrayList(int initialCapacity)
	if (initialCapacity < 1)
		ostringstream s;
		s << "Initial capacity=" << initialCapacity << "Must be >0";
		throw illegalParameterValue(s.str());//s.str(()  s    string   
	arrayLength = initialCapacity;
	element = new T[arrayLength];
	listsize = 0;
	LengthChange = 0;     //       private     ,   0
arrayList::arrayList(unsigned theLengthChange,int initialCapacity)
	if (initialCapacity < 1)
		ostringstream s;
		s << "Initial capacity=" << initialCapacity << "Must be >0";
		throw illegalParameterValue(s.str());//s.str(()  s    string   
	arrayLength = initialCapacity;
	element = new T[arrayLength];
	listsize = 0;
	LengthChange = theLengthChange;
 void arrayList::insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement)
		if (theIndex<0 || theIndex>listsize)
			ostringstream s;
			s <
void  arrayList::changeLength1D(T* &a, int oldLength, int newLength)
	if (newLength < 0)
		throw illegalParameterValue("new lenght must be>=0");
	T*temp = new T[newLength];
	int number = min(oldLength, newLength);
	copy(a, a + number, temp);
	delete[] a;
	a = temp;
void  arrayList::output(ostream& cout) const
	copy(element, element + listsize, ostream_iterator(cout, " "));
//        max(size,1)
void arrayList::trimToSize()
	int size = max(listsize, 1);
	T *b = new T[size];
	copy(element, element + size, b); //    O(listSize);
	delete[] element;
	element = b;
//     []
T arrayList::operator[](const int i)
	if (i<0 || i>listsize)
		ostringstream s;
			s << "i=" << i;
		throw illegalIndex(s.str());
return element[i];
//    push_back,            
void arrayList::push_back(const T& thelement)
	element[listsize]= thelement; //   O(1)
//    pop_back,        
void arrayList::pop_back()
	element[--listsize].~T();//           O(1)
//    ,      
void arrayList::clear()
	for(int i=listsize-1;i>=0;i--)  //   O(listsize)
//      ,     find(               ),            
int arrayList::lastIndexof(const T& theElement)
	int i = listsize,j=0,theIndex=listsize;                     //     (   0)                     
	do                                                          //                    ,  while ,i=0       ,     ,        
		i = theIndex;
		theIndex = (int)(find(element + j, element + listsize, theElement) - element);//         O(n)(  )
	} while (theIndex < listsize);
		if (i==listsize)
			return -1;
	else return i;
//        ,  STL  reverse
void arrayList::reverse()
	T a;
	for (int i = 0; i < listsize/2; i++)  //   listsize/2,   O(listsize/2)
		a = element[i];
		element[i] = element[listsize - i - 1];
		element[listsize-i-1] = a;

//        (     )
void arrayList::circularShift(int i)
	T* b = new T[listsize];
		  copy(element, element + listsize, b);
			for (int j = 0; j < listsize-1; j++)
			   element[j] = b[j+1];
			element[listsize - 1] = b[0];
	delete[] b;

int main()
	int row = 2, col = 3;
	int temp[2][3]= { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
	//   a    
	int **a = new int*[row];
	for (size_t i = 0; i != row; ++i)
		a[i] = new int[col];
	// temp      
	for (size_t i = 0; i != row; ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j != col; ++j)
			a[i][j] = temp[i][j];        
	changeLength2D(a, 2, 3, 3, 4);
	//          ,                  
	for (size_t i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
		for (size_t j = 3; j != 4; ++j)
			a[i][j] = 0;
	for (size_t i = 2; i != 3; ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j != 4; ++j)
			a[i][j] = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j != 4; ++j)
          cout << a[i][j] << ' ';
		cout << '
'; }*/ // //arrayListy(3); /*arrayListy(6,3); // , y.insert(0, 2); y.insert(1, 6); y.insert(0, 1); y.insert(2, 4); y.insert(3, 5); y.insert(2, 3); y.output(cout);*/ // /*arrayListy(10); y.insert(0, 2); y.insert(1, 6); y.trimToSize(); // try { y.insert(3, 0); } catch (illegalIndex e) { cout << "Illegal index exception" << endl; cout << "Insert index must be between 0 and list size" << endl; e.outputMessage(); }*/ // [] /*arrayListy(3); y.insert(0, 2); y.insert(1, 6); int s=y[1]; // try { y[6]; } catch (illegalIndex e) { cout << "Illegal index exception" << endl; e.outputMessage(); } cout <y(3); y.push_back(2); y.push_back(3); // pop_back y.pop_back(); // y.clear(); y.output(cout);*/ // lastIndexOf 5 arrayListy(10); y.push_back(0); y.push_back(1); y.push_back(2); y.push_back(3); y.push_back(4); /*int i = y.lastIndexof(4); cout << i << endl;*/ // //y.reverse(); // y.circularShift(2); y.output(cout); return 0; }