
2011-08-05 07:56:23cnblogs.com-
WTF - 
rubyGems    ?
  RubyGems(   gems)       Rails         Ruby     。         Ruby          ,               。
  RubyGems      Linux  apt-get。                   Rails。
         (cmd),       gem install rails --remote   gem install rails--include-dependencies。

1. gem on rails
  Link or freeze RubyGems into your rails apps, instead of just plugins. 
2. request-log-analytizer
3.  mem-cached  :: cached_model  
  : sudo gem install cached_model
Many speedy sites use memcached to save the results of expensive database queries and intense rendered templates. This is a basic introduction to using memcached with Rails. 
4. CSS graphs :    
A Ruby on Rails helper for making simple graphs. The graphs use onlyCSS/HTML (and an optional gradient image).
5. Bullet ::          
The Bullet plugin/gem is designed to help you increase your application’s performance by reducing the number of queries it makes. 
           ,          ,   rails_reviewer  
9.Flog       Ruby        ,    Ryan Davis seattle.rb  。
10.God  ,, monit  ruby   
11. rails application visuallizer  , rails         --  ,   
12.google chart api  ,     
13. Rseg
Rseg       Ruby       ,   CC-CEDICT         ,     Ruby 187     UTF8  。
14.logrotate     rails  
15.ar_mailer            ,               ,           ,               ,          Rails 3,        ,      Rails 3,   :ar_mailer_rails3。
      select  ,http://www.letrails.cn/archives/city-helper-update-i18n-and-country-support/
17..rcov       Ruby        ,                           ,rcov         C   ,        ,             。