Michael Abrash Interview

Michael AbrashというWindows NTのグラフィックス部分実装で力を発揮した("闘うプログラマー")人のinterview 。




I'm Michael Abrash. I'm working on virtual reality Valve. I have been in a computer industry for 33 years now. My first game was sold in 1982, what's called "space strike" run on the IBM PC. I wrote several other games then.

In the 90s, I worked in "id" and I was on [XXX] of the two problems :one Quake and John Carmack. I also was the graphics lead for Windows NT, first couple of versions and I worked on XBOX. And now I am working on Valve.

I would have to say my favorite game all time was Quake, because it was so much fun being a part of making that. My favorite game of any recent time would be portal 2.

I remember playing a video game on some unnamed radio shack, [thing you huck up to your TV] that has six games in it like pong. I don't even know what that system was called.
