技術英語 > There is a little truth in what she says. / A lie is a lie is a lie.

引用: 冠詞マスター教本 by 石井隆之さん

a little関連

(b) There is a little wine left in the bottle.
(c) There is a little truth in what she says.

a littleから何故か思い出したのは a lie 関連のちょっと変わったフレーズで、Steinbeck だったかの小説(怒りの葡萄?)の言葉だったと思う。

A lie is a lie is a lie, no matter how white, how small,
how incorporating of a smidgeon of truth there be in it.


A lie is a lie is a lie.はisが2つあるため、文法的にはおかしいらしい。


The boy that that that that that is my brother.
