
2952 ワード

    def movingCount(self, threshold, rows, cols):
        if rows < 1 or cols < 1 or threshold < 0:
            return 0
        visited = [False] * (rows * cols)
        return self.moving(threshold, rows, cols, 0, 0, visited)

    def moving(self, threshold, rows, cols, curx, cury, visited):
        cnt = 0
        if 0 <= curx < cols and 0 <= cury < rows and not visited[cury * cols + curx]:
            if self.calbitsum(curx) + self.calbitsum(cury) <= threshold:
                visited[cury * cols + curx] = True
                #            +             
                cnt = 1 + self.moving(threshold, rows, cols, curx - 1, cury, visited) \
                      + self.moving(threshold, rows, cols, curx, cury - 1, visited) \
                      + self.moving(threshold, rows, cols, curx + 1, cury, visited) \
                      + self.moving(threshold, rows, cols, curx, cury + 1, visited)
        return cnt

    def calbitsum(self, x):
        ressum = 0
        while x != 0:
            ressum += x % 10
            x /= 10
        return ressum