[めも]Android Studio 2.3 関連のIssue[Android 開発環境]



安定しているのは、今の所、Android Studio 2.2.3 らしいです。


一部、SDK Tools関連の情報も含みます。

ツール、エミュレータ(AVD)周りで大きな変更があった(SDK Tools 25.3.x)



詳細は、Android SDK Tools Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017)Android Emulator Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017) などを参照して下さい。




Issue 233816: avdmanager list [avd] throws a ClassCastException

Tools version: 25.3.0 (installed via sdkmanager canary channel)

・sdkmanager のコマンドラインツールで、ログが正常に出力されない(78文字/行に制限される)

Issue 229373: sdkmanager limits output line length to 78

Tools Version: 25.2.3
(25.3.0のリリースノートによると、February 9の時点では未修整)


仮想デバイス名に(カッコ)を使えない(Android Studio 2.2.x)

Known Issuesから。
You can't have parentheses ( or ) in Virtual Device names in Android Studio 2.2

-> 修正版:2.3.x

This issue has already been resolved in Android Studio 2.3.


設定ファイルの問題 (一部のオプションが動作しない問題)

Issue 224273:
gradle version 2.2.0 ignore apptOption noCompress
Issue 224167: aaptOptions ignoreAssetsPattern not working on Gradle 2.2.0

#2 probably a regression introduced by the new packager.
#5 The "" were needed because of a bug when passing the empty argument to aapt's -0 option.


-> 修正版:2.2.3

Bug fix for aaptOptions IgnoreAssetsPattern not working properly (http://b.android.com/224167)


Issue 233777: Gradle: incorrect incremental build with jar lib and proguard (regression over 2.2.0)

#5 This was due to the default published variant use a folder that's not tied to the variant name (and instead use 'default').

-> 修正版:2.3 RC 1

Android Studio 2.3 RC 1
This build contains a small set of important bug fixes.
Gradle: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=233777


innerクラスのsuperの問題 (ProGuard 5.3.1)

#625 Wrong code generated when MyClass.super.method()

Android Studio 2.3 Canary 3
ProGuard version update: We have upgraded the ProGuard version that the Android Plugin for Gradle uses to ProGuard 5.3.2.

Android Studio 2.2.3
ProGuard version rollback. Due to a correctness issue discovered in ProGuard 5.3.1, we have rolled back to ProGuard 5.2.1.

Instant Runも色々あるらしい(特に2.3.x)


-> Issue 234401: Instant run always performing a cold swap when in debug mode

-> 修正版:2.4 Preview 1

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 1
Instant Run Debug Issue 234401 should now be resolved.


Issue 233093: AS generate more than 100 DEX files in one APK for API 21 and 22

It looks that Android Studio 2.3 is skipping dex merge process and keep one dex file for one project dependency for the IDE build
The current fix is to enable the upgrade from legacy to native multidex only if the target device is 23 and above.
In 2.4 we will start merging external dependencies' DEX files, so this should not be a problem any more.

-> 修正版:2.3 Beta 4

Fixed Issues
Build Fixes: 233068, 233093,

-> 関連項目

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 1
・Incremental dex’ing. Dex’ing is now done at a per class level. This allows for more incrementality and will result in faster incremental builds. You should also expect improved build speeds for applications using legacy multi-dex (minSdkVersion < 21).
・Dependency resolution at execution time. In previous versions, dependency resolution occurs during Gradle configuration time.・・・


(Jackコンパイラは、Java 8を使う場合のみ)
Android Studio Project Site - Known Issuesから

Instant Run not compatible with Jack

Instant Run currently is not compatible with the Jack compiler, so it is disabled for projects configured to use the Jack compiler until the fix is applied. (Using the Jack compiler is necessary only when using Java 8 language features.)

Tools and libraries that require the app’s class files not compatible with Jack

Various tools that read .class files (such as JaCoCo, Mockito, and some lint checks) are currently not compatible with the Jack compiler.



Android Studio 2.2.3のissue の検索結果から、
Issue 219524: CreateProcess error=216 using android stuidio 2.2

This happens because for now we only bundle the 64bit JRE on Windows. Two things:
- do not use the embedded JDK: in the Project Structure dialog, uncheck the box and select the 32-bit JRE you've been using so far;
- decrease the memory footprint for Gradle in gradle.properties, for instance set it to -Xmx768m.


Issue 230567: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ViewBackgroundHelper in layout designer view
※ViewBackgroundHelper は、android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatBackgroundHelper をextendしたもの。
-> 修正版:2.3 Beta 3
(Beta 3のFixed Issuesに入っていますが、直っていないという報告も)


Android Studioの最近のバージョン

Android Studio Project Site - Recent Changes
※リンク先には、Beta/Canary チャンネルの物も含みます。

(この記事を書いた時間:2017/3/16 AM3:24)

2.4 Preview 1

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 1 is now Available
posted 20 hours ago by Chris Iremonger [ updated 18 hours ago ]

2.3 (リリース版)

ConstraintLayout 1.0.2 is now available
Note: with Android Studio 2.3 being released
(02 March 2017) Android Studio 2.3

2.3 RC 1

Android Studio 2.3 RC 1 is Now Available
posted Feb 18, 2017, 2:20 PM by Tor Norbye

2.3 Canary 3、Beta 1~4


Android Studio 2.2.3 is now Available
posted Dec 7, 2016, 6:16 AM by Chris Iremonger [ updated Dec 7, 2016, 6:35 AM ]

Android SDK Tools、Emulatorの最近のバージョン

Android SDK Tools Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017)
posted Feb 9, 2017, 10:19 AM by Chris Iremonger [ updated Feb 10, 2017, 3:14 AM ]

Android Emulator Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017)
posted Feb 9, 2017, 10:20 AM by Chris Iremonger [ updated Feb 12, 2017, 2:20 AM by J. Eason ]