
4669 ワード

  • データ構造
  • template<class T>
    class Queue {
    // FIFO objects
          Queue(int MaxQueueSize = 10);
          ~Queue() {delete [] queue;}
          bool IsEmpty() const {return front == rear;}
          bool IsFull() const {return (
               ((rear + 1) % MaxSize == front) ? 1 : 0);}
          T First() const; // return front element
          T Last() const; // return last element
          Queue<T>& Add(const T& x);
          Queue<T>& Delete(T& x);
          int front;   // one counterclockwise from first
          int rear;    // last element
          int MaxSize; // size of array queue
          T *queue;    // element array
  • メンバー関数
  • template<class T>
    Queue<T>::Queue(int MaxQueueSize)
    {// Create an empty queue whose capacity
     // is MaxQueueSize.
       MaxSize = MaxQueueSize + 1;
       queue = new T[MaxSize];
       front = rear = 0;
    template<class T>
    T Queue<T>::First() const
    {// Return first element of queue. Throw
     // OutOfBounds exception if the queue is empty.
       if (IsEmpty()) throw OutOfBounds();
       return queue[(front + 1) % MaxSize];
    template<class T>
    T Queue<T>::Last() const
    {// Return last element of queue. Throw
     // OutOfBounds exception if the queue is empty.
       if (IsEmpty()) throw OutOfBounds();
       return queue[rear];
    template<class T>
    Queue<T>& Queue<T>::Add(const T& x)
    {// Add x to the rear of the queue. Throw
     // NoMem exception if the queue is full.
       if (IsFull()) throw NoMem();
       rear = (rear + 1) % MaxSize;
       queue[rear] = x;
       return *this;
    template<class T>
    Queue<T>& Queue<T>::Delete(T& x)
    {// Delete first element and put in x. Throw
     // OutOfBounds exception if the queue is empty.
       if (IsEmpty()) throw OutOfBounds();
       front = (front + 1) % MaxSize;
       x = queue[front];
       return *this;