does not match one of the registered values異常原因及び対応方式

OAuth 2をSSOとして使用する場合、クライアントは統合認証センターにアクセスし、検証に合格し、リダイレクトが戻った後、次の問題が発生する可能性があります在这里插入图片描述 OAuth Error error="invalid_grant",error_description=“Invalid redirect: http://localhost:8082/login does not match one of the registered values.”
    public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {


  • http://localhost:8082/indexしかし、2つ目を使用すると、次のインタフェース在这里插入图片描述が表示されます.なぜなら、私のhostと構成が一致していないためです.私のhostは127.0.0.1を構成しています.

  • の原因となる
    	 * Attempt to match one of the registered URIs to the that of the requested one.
    	 * @param redirectUris the set of the registered URIs to try and find a match. This cannot be null or empty.
    	 * @param requestedRedirect the URI used as part of the request
    	 * @return redirect uri
    	 * @throws RedirectMismatchException if no match was found
    	private String obtainMatchingRedirect(Set<String> redirectUris, String requestedRedirect) {
    		Assert.notEmpty(redirectUris, "Redirect URIs cannot be empty");
    		if (redirectUris.size() == 1 && requestedRedirect == null) {
    			return redirectUris.iterator().next();
            //      ,              
    		for (String redirectUri : redirectUris) {
    		    //                    ,          does not match one of the registered values    
    			if (requestedRedirect != null && redirectMatches(requestedRedirect, redirectUri)) {
    				// Initialize with the registered redirect-uri
    				UriComponentsBuilder redirectUriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(redirectUri);
    				UriComponents requestedRedirectUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(requestedRedirect).build();
    				if (this.matchSubdomains) {
    				if (!this.matchPorts) {
    				redirectUriBuilder.replaceQuery(requestedRedirectUri.getQuery());		// retain additional params (if any)
    		throw new RedirectMismatchException("Invalid redirect: " + requestedRedirect
    				+ " does not match one of the registered values.");

    	 * Whether the requested redirect URI "matches" the specified redirect URI. For a URL, this implementation tests if
    	 * the user requested redirect starts with the registered redirect, so it would have the same host and root path if
    	 * it is an HTTP URL. The port, userinfo, query params also matched. Request redirect uri path can include
    	 * additional parameters which are ignored for the match

    * For other (non-URL) cases, such as for some implicit clients, the redirect_uri must be an exact match. * * @param requestedRedirect The requested redirect URI. * @param redirectUri The registered redirect URI. * @return Whether the requested redirect URI "matches" the specified redirect URI. */

    protected boolean redirectMatches(String requestedRedirect, String redirectUri) { UriComponents requestedRedirectUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(requestedRedirect).build(); UriComponents registeredRedirectUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(redirectUri).build(); // scheme boolean schemeMatch = isEqual(registeredRedirectUri.getScheme(), requestedRedirectUri.getScheme()); // boolean userInfoMatch = isEqual(registeredRedirectUri.getUserInfo(), requestedRedirectUri.getUserInfo()); // host boolean hostMatch = hostMatches(registeredRedirectUri.getHost(), requestedRedirectUri.getHost()); // boolean portMatch = matchPorts ? registeredRedirectUri.getPort() == requestedRedirectUri.getPort() : true; // path boolean pathMatch = isEqual(registeredRedirectUri.getPath(), StringUtils.cleanPath(requestedRedirectUri.getPath())); // boolean queryParamMatch = matchQueryParams(registeredRedirectUri.getQueryParams(), requestedRedirectUri.getQueryParams()); // return schemeMatch && userInfoMatch && hostMatch && portMatch && pathMatch && queryParamMatch; }