
  • IN_ACCESS : a file was accessed
  • IN_ATTRIB : a metadata changed
  • IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE : an unwritable file was closed
  • IN_CLOSE_WRITE : a writable file was closed
  • IN_CREATE : a file/directory was created in watched directory
  • IN_DELETE : a file/directory was deleted in watched directory
  • IN_DELETE_SELF : a watched item itself was deleted
  • IN_DONT_FOLLOW : don't follow a symlink (since kernel 2.6.15)
  • IN_IGNORED : raised when a watch is removed. Probably useless for you, prefer using instead relying on IN_DELETE*
  • IN_ISDIR : always associated with an event triggered on a directory. The Event structure automatically provides this information via attribute event.dir
  • IN_MASK_ADD : to update a mask without overwriting the previous value (since kernel 2.6.14). Useful when updating a watch
  • IN_MODIFY : a file was modified
  • IN_MOVE_SELF : a watched item was moved, currently its full pathname destination can only be known if its source and destination directories were both watched. Otherwise, the file is still being watched but you cannot rely anymore on the given path attribute event.path
  • IN_MOVED_FROM : a file/directory in a watched directory was moved from another specified watched directory. Can trace the full move of an item when IN_MOVED_TO is available too, in this case if the moved item is itself watched, its path will be updated (see IN_MOVE_SELF )
  • IN_MOVED_TO : a file/directory was moved to another specified watched directory (see IN_MOVE_FROM )
  • IN_ONLYDIR : only watch the path if it is a directory (since kernel 2.6.15). Usable when calling watch_manager.add_watch()
  • IN_OPEN : a file was opened.
  • IN_Q_OVERFLOW : the event queue overflown. This event is not associated with any watch descriptor
  • IN_UNMOUNT : when backing fs was unmounted. Notified to each watch of this fs 