
4906 ワード

Created on 2016-01-14 08:56:27

@author: heng
import re
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime.now()
file1 = open('I:\\test1\\8. Tweet and Retweets with indexed content\\weibocontents\\Retweet_content.txt','r')
file2 = open('F:\\test\\sina_user_profile_test_Jan_12\\Retweet_content_test_final1.txt','w')
rule3 = '^@.*(
rule2 = '^(retweet).*
rule1 = '^(link).*(
compile_rule1 = re.compile(rule1) compile_rule2 = re.compile(rule2) compile_rule3 = re.compile(rule3) for i in file1: i1 = ''.join(i) i2 = compile_rule1.sub('',i1) i3 = compile_rule2.sub('',i2) i4 = compile_rule3.sub('',i3) file2.write(str(i4)) file1.close() file2.close() end = datetime.datetime.now() print end-start print 'program is ended!!!!!!!!'
Created on 2016-01-14 15:08:49
@author: heng
import datetime

def retweet_content(file1,file2):
    j = 0;k=0
    for i in file1:
        j = j+1
        i1  = ''.join(i)
        i2 = i1.strip('
).split('\t') if len(i2)==4: str_0 = ''.join(i2[0]) if len(i2)==3: file2.write('\t'.join(i2)+'\t'+str_0) k = j if j==k+1: file2.write('\t'+str(i1)) file1.close() file2.close() def time_processing(file3,file4): for i in file3: i1=''.join(i) i2 = i1.split('\t') i3 = ''.join(i2[1]) i3 = i3[0:10]+' '+i3[11:19] i2[1] = i3 i4 = '\t'.join(i2) file4.write(str(i4)) file3.close() file4.close() start = datetime.datetime.now() file1 = open('F:\\test\\sina_user_profile_test_Jan_12\\Retweet_content_test_final1.txt','r') file2 = open('F:\\test\\sina_user_profile_test_Jan_12\\Retweet_content_test3.txt','w') retweet_content(file1, file2) file3 = open('F:\\test\\sina_user_profile_test_Jan_12\\Retweet_content_test3.txt','r') file4 = open('F:\\test\\sina_user_profile_test_Jan_12\\Retweet_content_test4.txt','w') time_processing(file3,file4) end = datetime.datetime.now() print end-start print 'program is ended!!!!!!!!'