
32163 ワード

import random

class OceanTreasure:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__board = [['~'] * 60 for row in range(15)]
        self.__chests = []
        while len(self.__chests) < 3:
            coord = [str(random.randint(0, 59)), str(random.randint(0, 14))]
            if coord not in self.__chests:

    def getChests(self):
        # returns the list of coordinates of the chests still to be found.
        return self.__chests

    def getTreasuresLeft(self):
        # returns the number of treasure chests still to be found.
        return len(self.__chests)

    def dropSonar(self, x, y, sonar):
        distance = self.checkDistance(x, y)
        if distance == None:
            sonar = 'O'
        elif distance == 0:
            self.__chests.remove([x, y])
            sonar = 'X'
        elif distance > 0:
            sonar = str(distance)
        elif distance < 0:
            if distance == -1:
                sonar = 'a'
            elif distance == -2:
                sonar = 'b'
            elif distance == -3:
                sonar = 'c'
            elif distance == -4:
                sonar = 'd'
            elif distance == -5:
                sonar = 'e'

        self.__board[int(y)][int(x)] = sonar  # change the character

    def checkDistance(self, x, y):
        location = [x, y]
        if location in self.__chests:
            return 0
        distanceList = []
        coordList = []
        coordDict = {}
        for chest in self.__chests:
            distance = ((int(chest[0]) - int(float(x))) ** 2 + (
                    int(chest[1]) - int(float(y))) ** 2) ** 0.5
        for i in range(0, 3):
            coordDict[distanceList[i-1]] = coordList[i-1]

        closedChest = coordDict[min(distanceList)]
        xRange = abs(int(closedChest[0]) - int(x))
        yRange = abs(int(closedChest[1]) - int(y))
        if xRange < 10 and yRange < 6:
            if xRange < 2 * yRange and xRange != 0 or yRange == 0:
                return xRange
                return -yRange

    def drawBoard(self):
        print(" " * 4, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", sep=" " * 9)
        print(" " * 3 + "0123456789" * 6)
        index = 0
        for line in self.__board:
            leftIndex = "%2d" % (index)
            row = ""
            for grid in line:
                row += grid
            print(leftIndex, row, str(index), sep=" ")
            index += 1
        print(" " * 4, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", sep=" " * 9)
        print(" " * 3 + "0123456789" * 6)

def main():
    ocean = OceanTreasure()
    chestLocation = ocean.getChests()
    gameOver = False
    droppedSpot = []
    position = ['', '']
    usedSonar = 0
    haveInput = False
    while not gameOver:
        print("You have " + str(20 - usedSonar) + " sonar devices available. Treasures found: " + \
              str(3 - ocean.getTreasuresLeft()) + ". Still to be found: " + \
              str(ocean.getTreasuresLeft()) + ".")
        print('Where do you want to drop your sonar?')
        while not haveInput:
            userInput = input(
                'Enter coordinates x y (x in [0, 59] and y in [0, 14],      ) (or Q to quit and H for help): ')
                if userInput.lower() in ['q', 'h']:
                        if userInput.lower() == 'q':  # quit game
                            haveInput = True  # quit the loop
                            gameOver = True
                        elif userInput.lower() == 'h':  # get help
                                'your input should be a pair of x y which sepreted by a space (x in [0, 59] and y in [0. 14])')
                            haveInput = False
                    except Exception as exce:

                        haveInput = True
                        position = userInput.split(' ')
                        assert (len(position) == 2 and isinstance(int(position[0]), int) and isinstance(int(position[1]), int) and int(position[0]) in range(0, 60) and int(position[1]) in range(0, 15)),"You must enter a pair of coordinates separated by a space (or Q to quit and H for help).
if position not in droppedSpot: droppedSpot.append(position) else: print('You have already dropped a sonar there. You lost a sonar device.
) except: haveInput = False print( 'your input should be a pair of x y which is separated by a space (x in [0, 59] and y in [0, 14])') except: haveInput = False try: ocean.dropSonar(position[0], position[1], '') usedSonar += 1 haveInput = False print(chestLocation) except: print('Thanks for playing') # end the game gameOver = True if usedSonar == 20 and ocean.getTreasuresLeft() > 0: # check if all the sonars have been used gameOver = True print('You lost all your 20 sonar devises.
The remaining chests were in: '
+ str(ocean.getChests())) elif ocean.getTreasuresLeft() == 0: # check if there is no chest left gameOver = True print('You found all the 3 treasure Chests using ', usedSonar, ' out of 20 sonar devices.') main()