five popular myths about c+--by Bjarne Stroustrup(1)

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Myth 1:「To understand C+,you must first learn C」c++を理解するには、まずcを学ばなければなりません
No. Learning basic programming using C++ is far easier than with C.
C is almost a subset of C++, but it is not the best subset to learn first because C lacks the notational support, the type safety, and the easier-to-use standard library offered by C++ to simplify simple tasks. Consider a trivial function to compose an email address:
string compose(const string& name, const string& domain)
  return name+'@'+domain;

It can be used like this
string addr = compose("gre","");

The C version requires explicit manipulation of characters and explicit memory management:
char* compose(const char* name, const char* domain)
  char* res = malloc(strlen(name)+strlen(domain)+2); // space for strings, '@', and 0
  char* p = strcpy(res,name);
  p += strlen(name);
  *p = '@';
  return res;

It can be used like this
char* addr = compose("gre","");
// …
// release memory when done
//      ,      

Which version would you rather teach? Which version is easier to use? Did I really get the C version right? Are you sure? Why?
Finally, which version is likely to be the most efficient? Yes, the C++ version, because it does not have to count the argument characters and does not use the free store (dynamic memory) for short argument strings.
Learning C++
This is not an odd isolated example. I consider it typical. So why do so many teachers insist on the “C first” approach?
Because that’s what they have done for ages.
Because that’s what the curriculum requires.
Because that’s the way the teachers learned it in their youth.
Because C is smaller than C++ it is assumed to be simpler to use.
Because the students have to learn C (or the C subset of C++) sooner or later anyway.
However, C is not the easiest or most useful subset of C++ to learn first. Furthermore, once you know a reasonable amount of C++, the C subset is easily learned. Learning C before C++ implies suffering errors that are easily avoided in C++ and learning techniques for mitigating them.
For a modern approach to teaching C++, see my Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ [13]. It even has a chapter at the end showing how to use C. It has been used, reasonably successfully, with tens of thousands of beginning students in several universities. Its second edition uses C++11 and C++14 facilities to ease learning.
c++教育の現代的な方法については、『Programming:Principles and Practice Using C++』第2版を参照してください.最後の章では、c.をどのように使うかを示しています.何千人もの大学の初心者が使用し始めました.間違いなく、それは有効です.第2版では、c++11とc++14のツールを使用すると、学習が容易になります.
With C++11 [11-12], C++ has become more approachable for novices. For example, here is standard-library vector initialized with a sequence of elements:
vector v = {1,2,3,5,8,13};

In C++98, we could only initialize arrays with lists. In C++11, we can define a constructor to accept a {} initializer list for any type for which we want one.
We could traverse that vector with a range-for loop:
for(int x : v) test(x);

This will call test() once for each element of v.
A range-for loop can traverse any sequence, so we could have simplified that example by using the initializer list directly:
for (int x : {1,2,3,5,8,13}) test(x);

One of the aims of C++11 was to make simple things simple. Naturally, this is done without adding performance penalties.