
23588 ワード

1,binding keyとrouting key
binding keyもrouting keyも自分で設定した文字のセットにすぎないが、使う場所が違う.binding keyはスイッチとキューをバインドするときに方法で伝達される文字列で、routing keyはメッセージを発表するついでに持参した文字列で、この2つは実は1つのものだと言っている人もいるが、そうではない.いいえ、この2つの役割が異なるため、1つのスイッチは多くのキューをバインドすることができますが、各キューに必要なメッセージのタイプが異なるかもしれません.binding keyは、このバインド時にスイッチとキューの間に残るヒント情報です.メッセージが送信されると、メッセージとともに送信されるrouting keyはbinding keyと同じようにメッセージがこのキューに必要なものであることを説明し、異なる場合はこのキューに渡さないでください.スイッチは次のキューを探してみてください.分かったでしょう、この2つのkeyは暗号で、合ったのは自分の人で、それに合わないなら、もう一度探してください.
binding keyとrouting keyのペアは実は完全に同じではなく、「似ている」ペアを作ることもできます.スイッチを確立するときは、MQに伝えます.私が宣言するこのスイッチとその上のキューの間でメッセージを送信するときにrouting keyとbinding keyが完全に同じであることを要求します.このモードはDirectと呼ばれています.routing keyとbinding keyが「ぼやけている」マッチングできる場合は、このモードはTopicと呼ばれ、マッチングが必要でなければFanoutと呼ばれます.
スイッチとキューは、いずれも作成時に永続化に設定、再起動後に返信することができるが、その中のメッセージはできず、メッセージも復元する場合は、メッセージをスイッチにパブリッシュする際に、フラグ「Delivery Mode」(配達モード)を指定することができ、1は非永続化、2は永続化である.
3、残りのディスクは以下のmqを限定すると、すべての生産者をアクティブにブロックし、デフォルトは50 m、disk_free_Limit可変
以下はcentos 7の上にある、MQのインストール手順である.
yum install ncurses-devel   unixODBC unixODBC-devel  

wget http://www.erlang.org/download/ otp_src_17.3.tar.gz

tar zxvf otp_src_17.3.tar.gz

cd otp_src_17.3 

./configure --without-javac


make && make install

yum install xmlto

wget http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-server/v3.4.1/rabbitmq-server-3.4.1.tar.gz

tar zxvf rabbitmq-server-3.4.1.tar.gz

cd rabbitmq-server-3.4.1/

make TARGET_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq SBIN_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/sbin MAN_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/man DOC_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/doc

make TARGET_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq SBIN_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/sbin MAN_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/man DOC_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/rabbitmq/doc  install

/usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq-server -detached   rabbitmq

/usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl status     

/usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl stop   rabbitmq

mkdir /etc/rabbitmq

cd  /usr/rabbitmq/sbin

./rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management  (    )

./rabbitmq-plugins disable rabbitmq_management (    )

#   rabbitmq


#    iptables

# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables    

#    -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 15672 -j ACCEPT

#    iptable   systemctl restart iptables.service

# /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq-defaults   config    



#vm_memory_high_watermark       ,       ,       ,      ,    0.4,      40%,


vi /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq.config   


{rabbit, [{vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.75},

         {vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.7}]}


touch /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf








yum install librabbitmq-devel.x86_64

wget http://pecl.php.net/get/amqp-1.4.0.tgz

tar zxvf amqp-1.4.0.tgz

cd amqp-1.4.0


./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --with-amqp

make && make install


vim /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini



service nginx reload

service php-fpm restart


          /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl list_exchanges name type durable auto_delete arguments


          /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl list_queues name durable auto_delete messages consumers me


          /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl list_bindings


          /usr/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl list_connections




$conn_args = array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest');

$conn = new AMQPConnection($conn_args);

if ($conn->connect()) {

    echo "Established a connection to the broker 
"; } else { echo "Cannot connect to the broker
"; } // $message = json_encode(array('Hello World3!','php3','c++3:')); // channel $channel = new AMQPChannel($conn); // exchange $ex = new AMQPExchange($channel); $ex->setName('exchange');// $ex->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); $ex->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //$ex->setFlags(AMQP_AUTODELETE); //echo "exchange status:".$ex->declare(); echo "exchange status:".$ex->declareExchange(); echo "
"; for($i=0;$i<100;$i++){ if($routingkey=='key2'){ $routingkey='key'; }else{ $routingkey='key2'; } $ex->publish($message,$routingkey); } /* $ex->publish($message,$routingkey); $q = new AMQPQueue($channel); $q->setName('queue'); $q->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE | AMQP_AUTODELETE); echo "queue status: ".$q->declare(); echo "
"; echo 'queue bind: '.$q->bind('exchange','route.key'); routingKey echo "
"; $channel->startTransaction(); echo "send: ".$ex->publish($message, 'route.key'); // routingKey $channel->commitTransaction(); $conn->disconnect();



//  RabbitMQ

$conn_args = array( 'host'=>'' , 'port'=> '5672', 'login'=>'guest' , 'password'=> 'guest','vhost' =>'/');

$conn = new AMQPConnection($conn_args);


//  queue  ,  exchange,  routingkey

$channel = new AMQPChannel($conn);

$q = new AMQPQueue($channel);






$messages = $q->get(AMQP_AUTOACK) ;

if ($messages){

var_dump(json_decode($messages->getBody(), true ));





 * Passing in this constant as a flag will forcefully disable all other flags.

 * Use this if you want to temporarily disable the amqp.auto_ack ini setting.

 *                    ,        amqp.auto_ack    


define('AMQP_NOPARAM', 0);


 * Durable exchanges and queues will survive a broker restart, complete with all of their data.

 *          ,           ,           


define('AMQP_DURABLE', 2);


 * Passive exchanges and queues will not be redeclared, but the broker will throw an error if the exchange or queue does not exist.

 *                   ,             ,           


define('AMQP_PASSIVE', 4);


 * Valid for queues only, this flag indicates that only one client can be listening to and consuming from this queue.

 *       ,                           


define('AMQP_EXCLUSIVE', 8);


 * For exchanges, the auto delete flag indicates that the exchange will be deleted as soon as no more queues are bound

 * to it. If no queues were ever bound the exchange, the exchange will never be deleted. For queues, the auto delete

 * flag indicates that the queue will be deleted as soon as there are no more listeners subscribed to it. If no

 * subscription has ever been active, the queue will never be deleted. Note: Exclusive queues will always be

 * automatically deleted with the client disconnects.

 *       ,                            ,            ,           .

 *      ,                           ,            ,     ,        



define('AMQP_AUTODELETE', 16);


 * Clients are not allowed to make specific queue bindings to exchanges defined with this flag.



define('AMQP_INTERNAL', 32);


 * When passed to the consume method for a clustered environment, do not consume from the local node.

 *                 ,              


define('AMQP_NOLOCAL', 64);


 * When passed to the {@link AMQPQueue::get()} and {@link AMQPQueue::get()} methods as a flag,

 * the messages will be immediately marked as acknowledged by the server upon delivery.

 *     get                ,               acknowledged (   )


define('AMQP_AUTOACK', 128);


 * Passed on queue creation, this flag indicates that the queue should be deleted if it becomes empty.

 *              ,                  


define('AMQP_IFEMPTY', 256);


 * Passed on queue or exchange creation, this flag indicates that the queue or exchange should be

 * deleted when no clients are connected to the given queue or exchange.

 *                    ,                ,           


define('AMQP_IFUNUSED', 512);


 * When publishing a message, the message must be routed to a valid queue. If it is not, an error will be returned.

 *         ,                 ,         


define('AMQP_MANDATORY', 1024);


 * When publishing a message, mark this message for immediate processing by the broker. (High priority message.)

 *        ,          .


define('AMQP_IMMEDIATE', 2048);


 * If set during a call to {@link AMQPQueue::ack()}, the delivery tag is treated as "up to and including", so that multiple

 * messages can be acknowledged with a single method. If set to zero, the delivery tag refers to a single message.

 * If the AMQP_MULTIPLE flag is set, and the delivery tag is zero, this indicates acknowledgement of all outstanding

 * messages.

 *     AMQPQueue::ack        ,              ,                  ,     0

 *           ,     AMQP_MULTIPLE,       0,              


define('AMQP_MULTIPLE', 4096);


 * If set during a call to {@link AMQPExchange::bind()}, the server will not respond to the method.The client should not wait

 * for a reply method. If the server could not complete the method it will raise a channel or connection exception.

 *     AMQPExchange::bind()     ,         ,           ,            ,        


define('AMQP_NOWAIT', 8192);


 * If set during a call to {@link AMQPQueue::nack()}, the message will be placed back to the queue.

 *      AMQPQueue::nack      ,          


define('AMQP_REQUEUE', 16384);


 * A direct exchange type.

 * direct     


define('AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT', 'direct');


 * A fanout exchange type.

 * fanout     


define('AMQP_EX_TYPE_FANOUT', 'fanout');


 * A topic exchange type.

 * topic     


define('AMQP_EX_TYPE_TOPIC', 'topic');


 * A header exchange type.

 * header     


define('AMQP_EX_TYPE_HEADERS', 'headers');


 * socket      


define('AMQP_OS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_ERRNO', 536870947);