技術英語 > a weatherization [makeover] > To weather a storm is to get through it as best you can, and make it through to the other side.

@ LOE > July 6, 2012

Also, financially weathering a weatherization makeover.

make overは「譲渡」という意味もあるが、上記の例文では以下の「作り変え」の意味のようだ。

  1. 作り変え、改造


a weatherization makeover : 防寒対策の大改造
financially weathering : 財政的に風化させる

直訳すると「防寒対策の大改造を財政的に風化させる」という意味だが、あまりしっくりしない。Something does not sit right with it.



To weather a storm is to get though it as best you can, and make it through to the other side.
This metaphor can then get extended into "to weather the financial storm".
To the sentence means:
Surviving the cost-pressures of upgrading your home's energy-conservation measures.