John Carmack Interview 1

John Carmack

以下、INTはインタビューしている人。JohnはJohn Carmack。

INT: So, I guest, just kind of generally, I mean, some of the most impressive things, you know, what we really XXX1, you know, video graphics development.

INT: So, I mean, I guess, the first question is, Ahm, just, you know, what some of the most impressive XXX2(inter?) graphical effects, Ah, you know, you think, you are going XXX3 2 dimension.

John: Well, the, I, know things XXX4 get out of way.
This is something I say a lot of times, just I really don't believe special effects where you point out something in, Say "look at the special effect going on here", is over that last several years bunch of things come out in graphics cards where you could do ...


