
Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning linear equations by using vector spaces and through matrices. In other words, a vector is a matrix in n-dimensional space with only one column. So vector is one of the important constituents for linear algebra. In this tutorial, we will just understand how to represent a vector in python.
In the python code, we printed a random vector and it could be done by using the list of python. Secondly, we defined and printed a zero vector in 4-dimensional space. A zero vector is always denoted by z in linear algebra.
ベクトルを定義するPythonコード(Python code to define a vector)# Vector in Linear Algebra a = [3, 5, -5, 8] # This is a 4 dimensional vector # a list in python is a vector in linear algebra print("Vector a = ", a) # This is how we can print a vector in python z = [0, 0, 0, 0] print("Zero Vector z = ", z) # This is a zero vector Output
しゅつりょくりょうVector a = [3, 5, -5, 8] Zero Vector z = [0, 0, 0, 0] 翻訳:https://www.includehelp.com/python/defining-a-vector.aspx