Python tsvファイルデータの読み出し

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

create_author :       
create_time   : 2019-03-19
program       : *_* .tsv file handler *_*

import codecs

class TSV(object):
    .tsv file's handler.

    def __init__(self, file):
        TSV init.
        :param file: .tsv file to handle.
        self.file = file

    def __repr__(self):
        return "File {file} under handling......".format(file=self.file)

    def tsv(self):
        .tsv file's column definition and data check.
        :return: List.
            lines data from [file] row by row in dict format.
        with, 'r', "utf-8") as f:
            line = f.readline()
            data = []
            head = []
            while line:
                if line.isspace():
                    line = f.readline()
                elif not line.isspace():
                    # to be compatible between OS
                    head = line.rstrip("\r
").split('\t') line = f.readline() break while line: if line.isspace(): line = f.readline() continue elif not line.isspace(): body = line.rstrip("\r
").split('\t') rows = zip(head, body) tsv_dic = {} for (head_sub, body_sub) in list(rows): tsv_dic[head_sub] = body_sub data.append(tsv_dic) line = f.readline() return data if __name__ == "__main__": with"tsv", 'w', "utf-8") as f: rows = """ Id\tContent 1\tContent1 2\tContent2 3\tContent3 4\tContent4 1024\tContent1024 """ f.writelines(rows.replace(' ', '')) TSV_Tester = TSV(file="tsv") print(TSV_Tester.tsv())