import redis
class urlList():
# create by myjack #
# you can call the function by urlList Class#
# vertion : v-01 #
# date : 2015-4-5 #
def __init__(self):
self.pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
self.Redis = redis.Redis(connection_pool = self.pool)
# push a new link at the end of list
def pushLink(self,rlist,value):
return self.Redis.lpush(rlist,value)
#return the last link
def lpopLink(self,rlist,value):
return self.Redis.lpop(rlist)
#return the first link
def rpopLink(self,rlist,value):
return self.Redis.rpop(rlist)
#get length of list
def lenList(self,rlist):
return self.Redis.llen(rlist)
#init list
def delList(self,rlist):
return self.Redis.delete(rlist)