
ACE          stderr(  )、    、   (Output Stream)、
        C/S   ,ACE                。           。

     ACE      (logging sink)    ACE_Log_Msg   open   ,
     set_flags clr_flags            。
open     :
   * Initialize the ACE logging facility. Supplies the program name
   * that is available to each logging message call. Default arguments
   * set up logging to STDERR only.
   * @param prog_name      The name of the calling program.
   * @param options_flags  A bitwise-or of options flags used to set
   *                       the initial behavior and logging sink(s).
   *                       (see the enum above for the valid values).
   * @param logger_key     The name of ACE_FIFO rendezvous point where
   *                       the local client logger daemon is listening
   *                       for logging messages. Only meaningful if the
   *                       LOGGER bit is set in the @a flags argument.
  int open (const ACE_TCHAR *prog_name,
            u_long options_flags = ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR,
            const ACE_TCHAR *logger_key = 0);
     prog_name      ,      ,   ACE_Log_Msg program_name
    ,            ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE ,           ,
STDERR        Write messages to STDERR
LOGGER        Write messages to the local client logger daemon
OSTREAM       Write messages to the assigned output stream
MSG_CALLBACK  Write messages to the callback object
VERBOSE       Prepends program name, timestamp, host name, process ID,
              and message priority to each message
VERBOSE_LITE  Prepends timestamp and message priority to each message
SILENT        Do not print messages at all
SYSLOG        Write messages to the system's event log
CUSTOM        Write messages to the user-provided back end
     logger key         LOGGER(C/S  )      ,
        ,                    sink 。

set_flags、clr_flags :
// Enable the bits in the logger's options flags.
void set_flags (unsigned long f);
// Disable the bits in the logger's options flags.
void clr_flags (unsigned long f);
     open        options_flags,  set_flags             
( ),clr_flags 。
            sink   。

1. stderr

ACE_LOG_MSG->open (argv[0], ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR);
ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test/n")));

ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR);
ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test/n")));
2.   System Logger
ACE_LOG_MSG->open(argv[0], ACE_Log_Msg::SYSLOG, ACE_TEXT ("ACE log"));
ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test/n")));
       System Logger   set_flags、clr_flags   。Windows     ,
Event Log , Event Source Open 。Unix/Linux
     syslog facility。  Windows LM_STARTUP、LM_SHUTDOWN、LM_TRACE、
3.   Output Streams
#include < ace/Log_Msg.h >
#include < ace/streams.h >
int ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
    ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE *output = new ofstream ("test.txt");
    ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (output, 1);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR);
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test/n")));
    return 0;
         msg_ostream assign  ACE OSTREAM,     log sink 
ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM,  log sink   set_flags   open  ,     
set_flags       clr_flags     
ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR( sink), stderr 。
   msg_ostream   (      ,   ):
   * delete_stream == 1, forces Log_Msg.h to delete the stream in
   * its own ~dtor (assumes control of the stream)
   * use only with proper ostream (eg: fstream), not (cout, cerr)
  void msg_ostream (ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE *, int delete_ostream);
delete_stream == 1, delete output;
   ofstream。    ostream   cout、cerr、clog ,
         cout   ,
    ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (&cout);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->open (argv[0], ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test/n")));
4.   Callback
 ACE ,                   ,     :
(1)  ACE_Log_Msg_Callback    ,
          virtual void log (ACE_Log_Record &log_record).
(2) ACE_Log_Msg       (   MyCallback):
    Callback *callback = new Callback;
    ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::MSG_CALLBACK);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_callback (callback);
(3) , ACE_DEBUG, MyCallback log 。
(4)        :
    ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::MSG_CALLBACK);
    delete callback;
   ACE_Log_Msg_Callback log       ACE_Log_Record, 
     print        :
int print (const ACE_TCHAR host_name[], u_long verbose_flag, FILE *fp);

  int print (const ACE_TCHAR host_name[], u_long verbose_flag,
                                            ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE &stream);
 0(    ),                    ,  :
    log_record.print (ACE_TEXT (""), ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE, cout);      
 /*       */
    log_record.print (ACE_TEXT (""), 0, ofstream("test.txt",ios::app));
/*       */
  ACE_Log_Record     ,       :
/* main.cpp */
#include < ace/Task.h >
#include < ace/Log_Msg.h >
#include " MyCallback.h "
int ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
    MyCallback *callback = new MyCallback;
    ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::MSG_CALLBACK);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR);
    ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_callback (callback);
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("test1/n")));
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, ACE_TEXT ("test2/n")));
    ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::MSG_CALLBACK);
    delete callback;
    return 0;

/* MyCallback.h */
#include < ace/streams.h >
#include < ace/Log_Msg.h >
#include < ace/Log_Msg_Callback.h >
#include < ace/Log_Record.h >
#include < ace/streams.h >
#include < ace/Log_Msg_Callback.h >
#include < ace/Log_Record.h >
#include < ace/SString.h >
#include < ace/OS.h >
class MyCallback : public ACE_Log_Msg_Callback
    void log (ACE_Log_Record &log_record)
        cerr << "Log Message Received:" << endl;
        unsigned long msg_severity = log_record.type ();
ACE_Log_Priority prio = ACE_static_cast (ACE_Log_Priority, msg_severity);
    const ACE_TCHAR *prio_name = ACE_Log_Record::priority_name (prio);
        cerr << "/tType:        "
             << ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (prio_name)
             << endl;
        cerr << "/tLength:      " << log_record.length () << endl;
        const time_t epoch = log_record.time_stamp ().sec ();
        cerr << "/tTime_Stamp:  "
             << ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ACE_OS::ctime (&epoch))
             << flush;
        cerr << "/tPid:         " << () << endl;
        ACE_CString data (">> ");
        data += ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (log_record.msg_data ());
        cerr << "/tMsgData:     " << data.c_str () << endl;

Log Message Received:
        Type:        LM_DEBUG
        Length:      32
        Time_Stamp:  Mon Mar 27 17:03:06 2005
        Pid:         2752
        MsgData:     >> test1
Log Message Received:
        Type:        LM_INFO
        Length:      32
        Time_Stamp:  Mon Mar 27 17:03:06 2005
        Pid:         2752
        MsgData:     >> test2
, ACE_Log_Msg , spawn ,
  Callback        ,          callback,
            :ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_callback (callback);
             (distributed logger),logging server   
    ,          logging requests.      (      )
      logging client daemon  ,     proxy,
            logging server   。           :
#include < ace/Log_Msg.h >
int ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
  ACE_LOG_MSG->open (argv[0],
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("Sent to Logging Server/n")));
  return 0;
(1)    logging server:
%ACE_ROOT%/netsvcs/servers/main -f server.conf
(2)    logging client daemon:
%ACE_ROOT%/netsvcs/servers/main -f client.conf
  server.conf    :
dynamic Logger Service_Object * ACE:_make_ACE_Logging_Strategy() "-s log.txt -f STDERR|OSTREAM"
dynamic Server_Logging_Service Service_Object * netsvcs:_make_ACE_Server_Logging_Acceptor()
active "-p 20009"
      dynamic  ,      logging strategy,
        log.txt(-s   ),     STDERR。
      logging server  (listen)   20009。
client.conf    :
dynamic Client_Logging_Service Service_Object * netsvcs:_make_ACE_Client_Logging_Acceptor()
active "-p 20009 -h localhost"
      dynamic  ,   logging client daemon      2009
( server.conf  ),  -h         ip(     )。
   logging server logging client daemon  ,          , 
logging server   :
Sent to Logging Server
   logging server    (%ACE_ROOT%/netsvcs/servers/) 
   log.txt,   :
starting up Logging Server at port 20009 on handle 1900
Sent to Logging Server
               logging  ,              
         。         ACE_SOCK_Stream   l
ogging server   ,   logging client daemon,      。
   server.conf client.conf      logging      ACE 
Runtime Configuration,           。            :
-f Specify ACE_Log_Msg flags (OSTREAM, STDERR, LOGGER, VERBOSE, 
   SILENT, VERBOSE_LITE) used to control logging.
-i The interval, in seconds, at which the log file size is sampled
   (default is 0; do not sample by default).
-k Specify the rendezvous point for the client logger
-m The maximum log file size in Kbytes.
-n Set the program name for the %n format specifier.
-N The maximum number of log files to create.
-o Request the standard log file ordering (keeps multiple log files
  in numbered order). Default is not to order log files.
-p Pass in the processwide priorities to either enable (DEBUG, INFO,
-s Specify the file name used when OSTREAM is specified as an output target.
-t Pass in the per instance priorities to either enable (DEBUG, INFO,
-w Cause the log file to be wiped out on both start-up and reconfiguration.