Duff's device(Cサイクル展開)

2642 ワード

Duff's deviceは実際にはループ展開でプログラム効率を向上させる方法であり、ループ展開はCPUリソースを有効に利用して効率を向上させることができる.
次にDuff's deviceについて説明します.copyを20バイトと仮定します.
int count;                        // Set to 20
    int n = (count + 7) / 8;      // n is now 3.  (The "while" is going
                                  //              to be run three times.)

    switch (count % 8) {          // The remainder is 4 (20 modulo 8) so
                                  // jump to the case 4

    case 0:                       // [skipped]
             do {                 // [skipped]
                 *to = *from++;   // [skipped]
    case 7:      *to = *from++;   // [skipped]
    case 6:      *to = *from++;   // [skipped]
    case 5:      *to = *from++;   // [skipped]
    case 4:      *to = *from++;   // Start here.  Copy 1 byte  (total 1)
    case 3:      *to = *from++;   // Copy 1 byte (total 2)
    case 2:      *to = *from++;   // Copy 1 byte (total 3)
    case 1:      *to = *from++;   // Copy 1 byte (total 4)
           } while (--n > 0);     // N = 3 Reduce N by 1, then jump up
                                  //       to the "do" if it's still
    }                             //        greater than 0 (and it is)

次に、汎用的なDuff's deviceと、その呼び出しを示します.
#define DUFF_DEVICE_8(aCount, aAction)	\
do {	\
int count_ = (aCount);	\
int times_ = (count_ + 7) >> 3;	\
switch (count_ & 7){	\
case 0: do { aAction;	\
case 7: aAction;	\
case 6: aAction;	\
case 5: aAction;	\
case 4: aAction;	\
case 3: aAction;	\
case 2: aAction;	\
case 1: aAction;	\
} while (--times_ > 0);	\
}	\
} while (0)

次の呼び出しコードではDuff's deviceの魅力が尽きません.
int CopyToEEPROM(const void* pSource, void* pDest, unsigned len) {

	// Anything to copy?
	if (len > 0) {
		const char* s = (const char*)pSource;
		char* d = (char*)pDest;

		// First, need to copy data to page buffer
		DUFF_DEVICE_8(len, *d++ = *s++);

		// Start EEPROM write cycle

		// Check if data was transferred correctly
		s = (const char*)pSource;
		d = (char*)pDest;
		DUFF_DEVICE_8(len, if (*d++ != *s++) return 1; /* Fail */);
	return 0; // Success
