《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第7章:数学と確率論——テーマ6

21552 ワード

2014-03-20 02:24
解法:私の解法は整点しか適用できません.実数座標については効率の低い方法に変えなければなりません.LeetCode-Max Points on a Line-zhuli 19901106-ブログ園を参照してください.
  1 // 7.6 Find the line that crosses the most points.

  2 #include <unordered_map>

  3 #include <vector>

  4 using namespace std;


  6 struct Point {

  7     int x;

  8     int y;

  9     Point() : x(0), y(0) {}

 10     Point(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b) {}

 11 };


 13 struct st {

 14     int x;

 15     int y;

 16     st(int _x = 0, int _y = 0): x(_x), y(_y) {};


 18     bool operator == (const st &other) const {

 19         return x == other.x && y == other.y;

 20     };


 22     bool operator != (const st &other) const {

 23         return x != other.x || y != other.y;

 24     };

 25 };


 27 struct line {

 28     // ax + by + c = 0;

 29     int a;

 30     int b;

 31     int c;

 32     line(int _a = 0, int _b = 0, int _c = 0): a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) {};

 33 };


 35 struct hash_functor {

 36     size_t operator () (const st &a) const {

 37         return (a.x * 1009 + a.y);

 38     }

 39 };


 41 struct compare_functor {

 42     bool operator () (const st &a, const st &b) const {

 43         return (a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y);

 44     }

 45 };


 47 typedef unordered_map<st, int, hash_functor, compare_functor> st_map;


 49 class Solution {

 50 public:

 51     int maxPoints(vector<Point> &points, line &result_line) {

 52         int n = (int)points.size();


 54         if (n <= 2) {

 55             return n;

 56         }


 58         st_map um;

 59         st tmp;

 60         // special tangent value for duplicate points

 61         st dup(0, 0);


 63         int i, j;

 64         st_map::const_iterator umit;

 65         int dup_count;

 66         int max_count;

 67         int result = 0;

 68         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

 69             for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {

 70                 tmp.x = points[j].x - points[i].x;

 71                 tmp.y = points[j].y - points[i].y;

 72                 // make sure one tangent value has one representation only.

 73                 normalize(tmp);

 74                 if (um.find(tmp) != um.end()) {

 75                     ++um[tmp];

 76                 } else {

 77                     um[tmp] = 1;

 78                 }

 79             }

 80             max_count = dup_count = 0;

 81             for (umit = um.begin(); umit != um.end(); ++umit) {

 82                 if (umit->first != dup) {

 83                     if (umit->second > max_count) {

 84                         max_count = umit->second;

 85                         getLine(umit->first, points[i], result_line);

 86                     }

 87                 } else {

 88                     dup_count = umit->second;

 89                 }

 90             }

 91             max_count = max_count + dup_count + 1;

 92             result = (max_count > result ? max_count : result);

 93             um.clear();

 94         }


 96         return result;

 97     }

 98 private:

 99     void normalize(st &tmp) {

100         if (tmp.x == 0 && tmp.y == 0) {

101             // (0, 0)

102             return;

103         }

104         if (tmp.x == 0) {

105             // (0, 1)

106             tmp.y = 1;

107             return;

108         }

109         if (tmp.y == 0) {

110             // (1, 0)

111             tmp.x = 1;

112             return;

113         }

114         if (tmp.x < 0) {

115             // (-2, 3) and (2, -3) => (2, -3)

116             tmp.x = -tmp.x;

117             tmp.y = -tmp.y;

118         }


120         int gcd_value;


122         gcd_value = (tmp.y > 0 ? gcd(tmp.x, tmp.y) : gcd(tmp.x, -tmp.y));

123         // (4, -6) and (-30, 45) => (2, -3)

124         // using a double precision risks in accuracy

125         // so I did it with a pair

126         tmp.x /= gcd_value;

127         tmp.y /= gcd_value;

128     }


130     int gcd(int x, int y) {

131         // used for reduction of fraction

132         return y ? gcd(y, x % y) : x;

133     }


135     void getLine(st tan, Point p, line &res) {

136         res.a = tan.y;

137         res.b = -tan.x;

138         res.c = -(res.a * p.x + res.b * p.y);

139     }

140 };


142 int main()

143 {

144     vector<Point> v;

145     Solution sol;

146     int i, n;

147     Point p;

148     line res;


150     while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1) {

151         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

152             scanf("%d%d", &p.x, &p.y);

153             v.push_back(p);

154         }

155         sol.maxPoints(v, res);

156         printf("%d %d %d
", res.a, res.b, res.c); 157 v.clear(); 158 } 159 160 return 0; 161 }