
10303 ワード

POJ 2777

      :C >> <<    + -  ,x << 1 + 1   x * 2 + 1   ,      

     (x << 1) + 1,            。

           。      ……

    2011-07-29 07:59


#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXN 1000000

struct node


    int l, r, c;


int c[32];

void build(int l, int r, int x)


    t[x].l = l;

    t[x].r = r;

    t[x].c = 1;

    if (l == r)


    int m = (l + r) >> 1;

    build(l, m, x << 1);

    build(m + 1, r, (x << 1) + 1);


void update(int l, int r, int c, int x)


    if ((l == t[x].l) && (r == t[x].r))

        return t[x].c = c;

   // else if (t[x].l < t[x].r)


        int m  = (t[x].l + t[x].r)  >> 1;

        if (t[x].c >= 1)


            t[x << 1].c = t[(x << 1) + 1].c = t[x].c;

            t[x].c = -1;


        if (r <= m)

            update(l, r, c, x << 1);

        else if (l > m)

            update(l, r, c, (x << 1) + 1);



            update(l, m, c, (x << 1));

            update(m + 1, r, c, (x << 1) + 1);




void query(int l, int r, int x)


    if (t[x].c > 0)

        return c[t[x].c] = 1;

//    else if (t[x].c == -1 && t[x].l < t[x].r)


        int m = (t[x].l + t[x].r) >> 1;

        if (r <= m)

            query(l, r, x << 1);

        else if (l > m)

            query(l, r, (x << 1) + 1);



            query(l, m, x << 1);

            query(m + 1, r, (x << 1) + 1);




int count()


    int i, sum = 0;

    for(i = 1; i <= 30; i++)

        sum += c[i];

    return sum;


void swap(int *a, int *b)


    int temp = *a;

    *a = *b;

    *b = temp;


int main()


    int n, t, o;

    while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &t, &o) == 3)


        build(1, n, 1);

        while (o--)


            char ch[2];

            scanf("%s", &ch);

            if (ch[0] == 'C')


                int a, b, c;

                scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);

                if (a > b)

                    swap(&a, &b);

                update(a, b, c, 1);




                int a, b;

                scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

                if (a > b)

                    swap(&a, &b);

                memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));

                query(a, b, 1);

, count()); } } } return 0; }

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HDU 1698

  :   n    1   ,  m     [x..y]    1,2 3   ,         

  :    ,    ,     。

  :   C     G++    。Debug  ,                        ,            ,      


#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXN 400000

#define ROOT 1



    int left,right,cover;


//cover            ,  -1    

void build(int p, int left, int right)


    t[p].left = left;

    t[p].right = right;

    t[p].cover = 1;

    if (left == right)


    int m = (left + right) / 2;

    build(p*2, left, m);

    build(p*2+1, m+1, right);

}//  ,      1   

void change(int p, int left , int right, int color)


    if ((t[p].left >= left) && (t[p].right <= right))


        t[p].cover = color;


    }//                 cover    

    if (t[p].cover != -1)


        t[p*2].cover = t[p*2+1].cover = t[p].cover;

        t[p].cover = -1;

    }//                ,       ,cover  -1,                 ,           

    int m = (t[p].left + t[p].right) / 2;

    if (left <= m)

        change(p*2, left, right, color);

    if (right > m )

        change(p*2+1, left, right, color);

    //      ,             ,           ,                  ,              。         ,        ,     ,    。


int count(int p, int left, int right)


    int m = (t[p].left + t[p].right) / 2;

    if (t[p].left == left && t[p].right == right)


        if (t[p].cover != -1)

            return t[p].cover * (t[p].right - t[p].left + 1);

        else return count(p*2, left, m) + count(p*2+1, m+1, right);

    }//  ,                    

   if (m >= right)

        return count(p*2, left, m);

    else if (m < left)

        return count(p*2+1, m+1, right);

    else return count(p*2, left, m) + count(p*2+1, m+1, right);



//              ,  count         ,     

int main()


    int i,j,k,m,n,t,x,y,z;

    scanf("%d", &t);

    for (k = 1; k <= t; k++)


        scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);

        build(ROOT, 1, n);

        for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)


            scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z);

            change(ROOT, x, y, z);


           printf("Case %d: The total value of the hook is %d.
,k,count(1,1,n)); }// . return 0; }

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