class Company
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Market { get; set; }
public Company(string name, string market)
Name = name;
Market = market;
class Stock
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public Stock(string name, int price)
Name = name;
Price = price;
List<Company> companys = new List<Company>();
companys.Add(new Company("あいうえ株式会社", "東証1部"));
companys.Add(new Company("株式会社かきくけ", "東証2部"));
List<Stock> stocks = new List<Stock>();
stocks.Add(new Stock("あいうえ株式会社", 1055));
stocks.Add(new Stock("株式会社かきくけ", 7832));
foreach(var item in companys.Join(stocks, c => c.Name, c => c.Name, (p1, p2) => new { p1.Name, p1.Market, p2.Price}))
Debug.WriteLine($"{item.Name} {item.Market} {item.Price} 円");
class Company
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Market { get; set; }
public Company(string name, string market)
Name = name;
Market = market;
class Stock
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public Stock(string name, int price)
Name = name;
Price = price;
List<Company> companys = new List<Company>();
companys.Add(new Company("あいうえ株式会社", "東証1部"));
companys.Add(new Company("株式会社かきくけ", "東証2部"));
List<Stock> stocks = new List<Stock>();
stocks.Add(new Stock("あいうえ株式会社", 1055));
stocks.Add(new Stock("株式会社かきくけ", 7832));
foreach(var item in companys.Join(stocks, c => c.Name, c => c.Name, (p1, p2) => new { p1.Name, p1.Market, p2.Price}))
Debug.WriteLine($"{item.Name} {item.Market} {item.Price} 円");
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