2963 ワード
// :RGBHSL。 。
// cheungmine
#include "stdafx.h"
#define min3v(v1, v2, v3) ((v1)>(v2)? ((v2)>(v3)?(v3):(v2)):((v1)>(v3)?(v3):(v2)))
#define max3v(v1, v2, v3) ((v1)red/255.f;
float g = rgb->green/255.f;
float b = rgb->blue/255.f;
float maxVal = max3v(r, g, b);
float minVal = min3v(r, g, b);
// hue
if(maxVal == minVal)
h = 0; // undefined
else if(maxVal==r && g>=b)
h = 60.0f*(g-b)/(maxVal-minVal);
else if(maxVal==r && g0.5f)
s = (maxVal-minVal)/(2 - (maxVal+minVal)); //(maxVal-minVal > 0)?
hsl->hue = (h>360)? 360 : ((h<0)?0:h);
hsl->saturation = ((s>1)? 1 : ((s<0)?0:s))*100;
hsl->luminance = ((l>1)? 1 : ((l<0)?0:l))*100;
// Converts HSL to RGB
static void HSLtoRGB(const COLOR_HSL *hsl, COLOR_RGB *rgb)
float h = hsl->hue; // h must be [0, 360]
float s = hsl->saturation/100.f; // s must be [0, 1]
float l = hsl->luminance/100.f; // l must be [0, 1]
float R, G, B;
if(hsl->saturation == 0)
// achromatic color (gray scale)
R = G = B = l*255.f;
float q = (l<0.5f)?(l * (1.0f+s)):(l+s - (l*s));
float p = (2.0f * l) - q;
float Hk = h/360.0f;
float T[3];
T[0] = Hk + 0.3333333f; // Tr 0.3333333f=1.0/3.0
T[1] = Hk; // Tb
T[2] = Hk - 0.3333333f; // Tg
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
if(T[i] < 0) T[i] += 1.0f;
if(T[i] > 1) T[i] -= 1.0f;
if((T[i]*6) < 1)
T[i] = p + ((q-p)*6.0f*T[i]);
else if((T[i]*2.0f) < 1) //(1.0/6.0)<=T[i] && T[i]<0.5
T[i] = q;
else if((T[i]*3.0f) < 2) // 0.5<=T[i] && T[i]red = (BYTE)((R>255)? 255 : ((R<0)?0 : R));
rgb->green = (BYTE)((G>255)? 255 : ((G<0)?0 : G));
rgb->blue = (BYTE)((B>255)? 255 : ((B<0)?0 : B));
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
COLOR_RGB rgb={254, 216, 166};
RGBtoHSL(&rgb, &hsl);
printf("H=%.0f; S=%.0f; L=%.0f/n", hsl.hue, hsl.saturation, hsl.luminance);
HSLtoRGB(&hsl, &rgb);
RGBtoHSL(&rgb, &hsl);
printf("H=%.0f; S=%.0f; L=%.0f/n", hsl.hue, hsl.saturation, hsl.luminance);
return 0;
// Windows ,HSL [0,240]。 “ ” , RGB( | | )
// HSL( | | ) 。
// , COLOR_HSL Windows HSL , [0,240] , :
COLOR_HSL hsl={300, 50, 82};
// COLOR_HSL Windows HSL :
win_H = 240 * hsl.hue / 360.f;
win_S = 240 * hsl.saturation / 100.f;
win_L = 240 * hsl.luminance / 100.f;