
14639 ワード

The most basic representation of a date and time is the type time_t. The value of a time_t variable is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, sometimes call the Unix epoch . This is the best way to internally represent the start and end times for an event because it is easy to compare these values. Two time_t values a and b can be compared using <:
if(a < b)


    printf("Time a is before time b
"); }

struct tm
While time_t represents a date and time as a single number, struct tm represents it as a struct with a lot of numbers:
struct tm


  int tm_sec;            /* Seconds.    [0-60] (1 leap second) */

  int tm_min;            /* Minutes.    [0-59] */

  int tm_hour;            /* Hours.    [0-23] */

  int tm_mday;            /* Day.        [1-31] */

  int tm_mon;            /* Month.    [0-11] */

  int tm_year;            /* Year    - 1900.  */

  int tm_wday;            /* Day of week.    [0-6] */

  int tm_yday;            /* Days in year.[0-365]    */

  int tm_isdst;            /* DST.        [-1/0/1]*/


You can convert a time_t value to a struct tm value using the localtime function:
struct tm startTM;

    time_t start;

    /* ... */

    startTM = *localtime(&start);

You can convert a struct tm value to a time_t value using the mktime function:
struct tm startTM;

    time_t start;

    /* ... */

    start = mktime(&startTM);

How to input a date
Your program will need to input a date. Here is an example of a safe and robust way to input a date:
time_t InputDate(char *prompt)


    char buffer[100];

    char *result;

    struct tm date;



        printf("%s", prompt);

        /* Get a line of up to 100 characters */

        fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);

        /* Remove any 
we may have input
*/ if(strlen(buffer) > 0) buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; result = strptime(buffer, "%m/%d/%Y", &date); } while(result == NULL); /* Convert to time_t format */ date.tm_min = 0; date.tm_hour = 0; date.tm_sec = 0; date.tm_isdst = 1; return mktime(&date); }

This function asks the user for a time with the given prompt. If the time is correctly entered, it converts it to type time_t, expressing a time and date of 12:00am on the entered date.
In order to use the strptime function, you will need to #include . However, you must preceed the #include with this code:
#define __USE_XOPEN

#include <time.h>

Any time you #include in your program, use the line #define __USE_XOPEN before it. Note that it begins with two underlines.
How to input a time
After entering the date, you can enter a time using this safe and robust function:
time_t InputTime(char *prompt, time_t date)


    char buffer[100];

    char *result;

    struct tm time;

    time = *localtime(&date);



        printf("%s", prompt);

        /* Get a line of up to 100 characters */

        fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);

        /* Remove any 
we may have input
*/ if(strlen(buffer) > 0) buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; result = strptime(buffer, "%I:%M%p", &time); } while(result == NULL); return mktime(&time); }

This function is passed a date expressed as a time_t value, the output of the InputDate function. The time is entered and added to the date to produce a date and time value that is returned. Here is an example of how these functions can be used to input a date, start time, and end time.
time_t date;

    time_t start;

    time_t end;


    date = InputDate("Event date: ");

    start = InputTime("Start time: ", date);

    end = InputTime("End time: ", date);

How to output a time_t value.
To output a time or date, you convert it to a struct tm:
struct tm startTM;

    time_t start;

    /* ... */

    startTM = *localtime(&start);

Once converted, the value in struct tm are:
struct tm


  int tm_sec;            /* Seconds.    [0-60] (1 leap second) */

  int tm_min;            /* Minutes.    [0-59] */

  int tm_hour;            /* Hours.    [0-23] */

  int tm_mday;            /* Day.        [1-31] */

  int tm_mon;            /* Month.    [0-11] */

  int tm_year;            /* Year    - 1900.  */

  int tm_wday;            /* Day of week.    [0-6] */

  int tm_yday;            /* Days in year.[0-365]    */

  int tm_isdst;            /* DST.        [-1/0/1]*/


Now I can get the hour in the example as startTM.tm_hour. There are a couple strange things about this struct. To get the actual year, use startTM.tm_year + 1900.  To get the actual month number, use startTM.tm_mon + 1.
The function ctime
The function ctime converts a time_t value into a string of the following form:
Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2011

This is a handy way to test to see if a time is what you expect. For example, if I have a variable: time_t timeDate and want to know what its value is, I can add this code while debugging:
printf("The date/time is %s
", ctime(&timeDate));

This is also the easiest way to save the start date/time and end date/time to a file.
Reading the output of ctime
To read the output of ctime from a file and convert it back to a time_t value, use this code:
struct tm tim;

        time_t startTime;

        fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file);

        strptime(buffer, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &tim);

        startTime = mktime(&tim);

This inputs the date/time string from a file into the character string buffer. It then used strptime to convert it to a struct tm structure. Then the funciton mktime converts the struct tm value to a time_t value.