「Thread_example 1.pc」コードをLinuxプラットフォームの下でコンパイルして実行させる

8785 ワード

Thread_example1.PCは『Pro*C/C++Programmer's Guide』(10 g Release 2(10.2))のマルチスレッドサンプルプログラムですが、UNIXプラットフォームの下で作成されており、Linuxプラットフォームの下でコンパイルして実行できるように、いくつかの変更が必要です.以下はLinuxプラットフォームの変更バージョンです.
 * Name:        Thread_example1.pc
 * Description: This program illustrates how to use threading in
 *      conjunction with precompilers. The program creates as many
 *      sessions as there are threads. Each thread executes zero or
 *      more transactions, that are specified in a transient
 *      structure called 'records'.
 * Requirements:
 *      The program requires a table 'ACCOUNTS' to be in the schema
 *      scott/tiger. The description of ACCOUNTS is:
 *  SQL> desc accounts
 *   Name                            Null?    Type
 *  ------------------------------- -------  ------
 *  ACCOUNT                                  NUMBER(36)
 *  BALANCE                                  NUMBER(36,2)
 *  For proper execution, the table should be filled with the accounts
 *      10001 to 10008.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sqlca.h>

#define      _EXC_OS_        _EXC__UNIX
#define      _CMA_OS_        _CMA__UNIX

#define  DCE_THREADS //[add]
  #include <pthread.h>
  #include <thread.h>

/* Function prototypes */
void   err_report();
void   do_transaction();
void   *do_transaction();
void   get_transaction();
void   logon();
void   logoff();

#define CONNINFO "scott/tiger"
#define THREADS  3 

struct parameters 
{ sql_context * ctx;
  int thread_id;
typedef struct parameters parameters;

struct record_log
{  char action;
   unsigned int from_account;
   unsigned int to_account;
   float  amount;
typedef struct record_log record_log;

record_log records[]= { { 'M', 10001, 10002, 12.50 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 25.00 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 123.00 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 125.00 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10006, 12.23 },
                        { 'M', 10007, 10008, 225.23 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10008, 0.70 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 11.30 },
                        { 'M', 10003, 10002, 47.50 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10006, 125.00 },
                        { 'M', 10007, 10008, 225.00 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10008, 0.70 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 11.00 },
                        { 'M', 10003, 10002, 47.50 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10006, 125.00 },
                        { 'M', 10007, 10008, 225.00 },
                        { 'M', 10002, 10008, 0.70 },
                        { 'M', 10001, 10003, 11.00 },
                        { 'M', 10003, 10002, 47.50 },
                        { 'M', 10008, 10001, 1034.54}};

static unsigned int trx_nr=0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
mutex_t mutex;

 *  Main
  sql_context ctx[THREADS];
  pthread_t thread_id[THREADS];
  pthread_attr_t status;
  thread_t thread_id[THREADS];
  int status;
  parameters params[THREADS];
  int i;

  EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO err_report(sqlca);

  /* Create THREADS sessions by connecting THREADS times */
    printf("Start Session %d....",i);

  /*Create mutex for transaction retrieval */
  if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL))
  if (mutex_init(&mutex, USYNC_THREAD, NULL))
     printf("Can't initialize mutex
"); exit(1); } /*Spawn threads*/ for(i=0;i<THREADS;i++) { params[i].ctx=ctx[i]; params[i].thread_id=i; printf("Thread %d... ",i); #ifdef DCE_THREADS if (pthread_create(&thread_id[i],NULL, (void*)do_transaction, (void*) ¶ms[i])) #else if (status = thr_create (NULL, 0, do_transaction, ¶ms[i], 0, &thread_id[i])) #endif printf("Cant create thread %d
",i); else printf("Created
"); } /* Logoff sessions....*/ for(i=0;i<THREADS;i++) { /*wait for thread to end */ printf("Thread %d ....",i); #ifdef DCE_THREADS if (pthread_join(thread_id[i],NULL)) printf("Error when waiting for thread % to terminate
", i); else printf("stopped
"); printf("Detach thread..."); if (pthread_detach(thread_id[i])) printf("Error detaching thread!
"); else printf("Detached!
"); #else if (thr_join(thread_id[i], NULL, NULL)) printf("Error waiting for thread to terminate
"); #endif printf("Stop Session %d....",i); logoff(ctx[i]); EXEC SQL CONTEXT FREE :ctx[i]; } /*Destroys mutex*/ #ifdef DCE_THREADS if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex)) #else if (mutex_destroy(&mutex)) #endif { printf("Can't destroy mutex
"); exit(1); } } /********************************************************************* * Function: do_transaction * * Description: This functions executes one transaction out of the * records array. The records array is 'managed' by * the get_transaction function. * * ********************************************************************/ #ifdef DCE_THREADS void do_transaction(params) #else void *do_transaction(params) #endif parameters *params; { struct sqlca sqlca; record_log *trx; sql_context ctx=params->ctx; /* Done all transactions ? */ while (trx_nr < (sizeof(records)/sizeof(record_log))) { get_transaction(&trx); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO err_report(sqlca); EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :ctx; printf("Thread %d executing transaction
",params->thread_id); switch(trx->action) { case 'M': EXEC SQL UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET BALANCE=BALANCE+:trx->amount WHERE ACCOUNT=:trx->to_account; EXEC SQL UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET BALANCE=BALANCE-:trx->amount WHERE ACCOUNT=:trx->from_account; break; default: break; } EXEC SQL COMMIT; } } /***************************************************************** * Function: err_report * * Description: This routine prints out the most recent error * ****************************************************************/ void err_report(sqlca) struct sqlca sqlca; { if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) printf("

",sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml,sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); exit(1); } /***************************************************************** * Function: logon * * Description: Logs on to the database as USERNAME/PASSWORD * *****************************************************************/ void logon(ctx,connect_info) sql_context ctx; char * connect_info; { EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO err_report(sqlca); EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :ctx; EXEC SQL CONNECT :connect_info; printf("Connected!
"); } /****************************************************************** * Function: logoff * * Description: This routine logs off the database * ******************************************************************/ void logoff(ctx) sql_context ctx; { EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO err_report(sqlca); EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :ctx; EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK RELEASE; printf("Logged off!
"); } /****************************************************************** * Function: get_transaction * * Description: This routine returns the next transaction to process * ******************************************************************/ void get_transaction(trx) record_log ** trx; { #ifdef DCE_THREADS if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) #else if (mutex_lock(&mutex)) #endif printf("Can't lock mutex
"); *trx=&records[trx_nr]; trx_nr++; #ifdef DCE_THREADS if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) #else if (mutex_unlock(&mutex)) #endif printf("Can't unlock mutex
"); }