実行したコマンドを簡単に記録し、メモも付加する。/How to easily record commands you ran and add notes


When you want to record your operations, you can record every command by means like in my previous entries. But it's often meaningless to record all of your commands if you're trying to figure out how to do something. You may want to pick the final version of the commands for each step of your operation, and then want to add notes to explain what that command does. Here is an easy way to do that by some original functions of the shell.

Add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc

# Functions to record operations
function rcmd() {
    touch commands.log
    echo "# ---`date +%F_%T`---" >>commands.log
    fc -ln | tail -n 1 >> commands.log
    echo "Recorded: `tail -n 1 commands.log`"
function rnote() {
    touch commands.log
    echo "# $@" >> commands.log
    echo -e "Recorded: `tail -n 1 commands.log`"
function rrun() {
    chmod u+x commands.log


Now you can hit rcmd to record your last command, rnote to add notes with it, and rrun to run saved commands. Commands are recorded to commands.log in the current directory, which is hard-coded for simplicity.

> echo test

> rcmd
Recorded: echo test

> rnote just tested
Recorded: # just tested

> cat commands.log
# ---2017-10-11_21:00:00---
echo test
# just tested

> echo test2

> rcmd
Recorded: echo test2

> rrun