NDO to PNP( ndoutils to PNP4Nagios)
51872 ワード
How to use this script
The aim of this script is to import your ndo database directly into PNP4nagios. To do so, we use an exporter (ndo2pnp.pl) that can connect throught MySQL database and export contents into the same format as perfdata expected from nagios. Then we plug this into pnp4nagios using bulk option.
Main step to import ndo database into pnp4nagios
Here's the main step you can follow :
first, check your database connectivity by listing your services :
then, export database contents into perfdata file :
Beware children ! This extraction can take a huge slice of time !
Here's a small extraction of this export :
Now, use process_perfdata.pl (as nagios user) in order to import your extraction :
NB1: don't forget the --timeout 0. If you forget this option, you'll get timeout while importing big chunks of services.
NB2: use the LOG_LEVEL option in the config file
The aim of this script is to import your ndo database directly into PNP4nagios. To do so, we use an exporter (ndo2pnp.pl) that can connect throught MySQL database and export contents into the same format as perfdata expected from nagios. Then we plug this into pnp4nagios using bulk option.
$ ./ndo2pnp.pl --help Usage : -h --help Display this message. --version Display version then exit. -v --verbose Verbose run. -u --user <NDOUSER> Log on to database with <NDOUSER> (default root). -p --pass <PASSWD> Use <PASSWD> to logon (default gbu2kfe). -t --type <DBTYPE> Change database type (default mysql). --host <DBHOST> Use <DBHOST> (default localhost). --dbname <DB> Use <DB> for ndo database name (default ndoutils). --list-machine Display machine definition in ndo database. --list-service Show services defined. --export-as-pnp Export ndo content as a bulk file used by process_perfdata.pl.
Main step to import ndo database into pnp4nagios
Here's the main step you can follow :
first, check your database connectivity by listing your services :
$ ./ndo2pnp.pl --user <MYSQL_USER> -p <MYSQL_PASS> --list-service Hostname | Service -------------------------------+------------------- gateway | PING localhost | Current Load localhost | Current Users localhost | Disk Space localhost | HTTP localhost | SSH localhost | Total Processes
then, export database contents into perfdata file :
$ ./ndo2pnp.pl --user <MYSQL_USER> -p <MYSQL_PASS> --export-as-pnp > /tmp/perfdata.bulk
Beware children ! This extraction can take a huge slice of time !
Here's a small extraction of this export :
Now, use process_perfdata.pl (as nagios user) in order to import your extraction :
nagios@nagioshost:~$ /usr/share/pnp4nagios/libexec/process_perfdata.pl -b /tmp/perfdata.bulk --timeout 0
NB1: don't forget the --timeout 0. If you forget this option, you'll get timeout while importing big chunks of services.
NB2: use the LOG_LEVEL option in the config file
to get a feedback in the perfdata.log file. ndo2pnp.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; my $version = 0.1; my $verbose = 0; my $show_help = 0; my $show_machine = 0; my $show_service = 0; my $type = "mysql"; my $db_name = "ndoutils"; my $user = "root"; my $password = "root"; my $host = "localhost"; my $export_as_pnp = 0; my $service_table = "nagios_servicechecks"; my $object_table = "nagios_objects"; my $start_time = 0; my $end_time = 0; my $filter_machine = 0; my $filter_service = 0; sub usage { print "Usage : -h --help Display this message. --version Display version then exit. -v --verbose Verbose run. -u --user <NDOUSER> Log on to database with <NDOUSER> (default $user). -p --pass <PASSWD> Use <PASSWD> to logon (default $password). -t --type <DBTYPE> Change database type (default $type). --host <DBHOST> Use <DBHOST> (default $host). --dbname <DB> Use <DB> for ndo database name (default $db_name). --list-machine Display machine definition in ndo database. --list-service Show services defined. --export-as-pnp Export ndo content as a bulk file used by process_perfdata.pl. "; } GetOptions( "version" => \$version, "v" => \$verbose, "verbose" => \$verbose, "h" => \$show_help, "help" => \$show_help, "u=s" => \$user, "user=s" => \$user, "username=s" => \$user, "p=s" => \$password, "pass=s" => \$password, "password=s" => \$password, "type=s" => \$type, "dbname=s" => \$db_name, "host=s" => \$host, "list-machine" => \$show_machine, "list-service" => \$show_service, "export-as-pnp" => \$export_as_pnp, "machines=s" => \$filter_machine, "services=s" => \$filter_service, ); if($show_help) { usage ; exit(); } use DBI; my $dbh = 0; sub connect_db { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$type:$db_name;host=$host", $user, $password) || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr"; } my $request = 0; sub show_machine { $request = "SELECT name1 FROM $object_table WHERE objecttype_id = 1"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request); $sth->execute(); while(my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { print $result[0]."
"; } } sub show_service { $request = "SELECT name1, name2 FROM $object_table WHERE objecttype_id = 2"; print STDERR "Hostname | Service
"; print STDERR "-------------------------------+-------------------
"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request); $sth->execute(); while(my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { printf("%-30s | %s
", $result[0], $result[1]); } } sub export_as_pnp { my %status = (0, "OK", "1", "WARNING", 2, "CRITICAL", 3, "UNKNOWN"); my %state_type = (0, "SOFT", 1 , "HARD"); my $request_filter = "1"; if($start_time) { $request_filter .= " AND $service_table.start_time > '$start_time' "; } if($end_time) { $request_filter .= " AND $service_table.start_time <= '$end_time' "; } if($filter_machine) { my @machines = split(/\s*,\s*/, $filter_machine); $request_filter .= " AND $object_table.name1 IN ('".join("','", @machines)."') "; } if($filter_service) { my @services = split(/\s*,\s*/, $filter_service); $request_filter .= " AND $object_table.name2 IN ('".join("','", @services)."') "; } $request = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start_time), name1, name2, perfdata, command_line, command_args, output, state, state_type FROM $service_table, $object_table WHERE $service_table.service_object_id = $object_table.object_id AND length(perfdata) > 0 AND $request_filter ORDER BY $service_table.start_time "; print "$request
" if($verbose); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request); $sth->execute(); while(my @r = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { basename($r[4]) =~ /^(\w+).*/; my $cmd = "$1"; $cmd .= ($r[5] ? "!".$r[5] : ""); print "DATATYPE::SERVICEPERFDATA\tTIMET::".$r[0]."\tHOSTNAME::".$r[1]."\tSERVICEDESC::".$r[2]."\tSERVICEPERFDATA::".$r[3]. "\tSERVICECHECKCOMMAND::$cmd\tHOSTSTATE::OK\tHOSTSTATETYPE::HARD\tSERVICESTATE::".$status{$r[7]}."\tSERVICESTATETYPE::".$state_type{$r[8]}."
"; } } my $format = "%s"; if($show_machine) { connect_db(); show_machine(); } elsif($show_service) { connect_db(); show_service(); } elsif($export_as_pnp) { connect_db(); export_as_pnp(); } else { print "Nothing to do
"; exit; }