Sql server 2008からテーブルフィールド属性情報、コメント情報を取得

2061 ワード

select   b.[value] from sys.columns a left join sys.extended_properties b on a.object_id=b.major_id
        and a.column_id=b.minor_id inner join sysobjects c on a.column_id=c.id
        and a.[name]='  ' and c.[name]='  ';

          =case   when   a.colorder=1   then   d.name   else   ''   end,
           =case   when   a.colorder=1   then   isnull(f.value,'')   else   ''   end,
          =case   when   COLUMNPROPERTY(   a.id,a.name,'IsIdentity')=1   then   '√'else   ''   end,
          =case   when   exists(SELECT   1   FROM   sysobjects   where   xtype='PK'   and   name   in   (
        SELECT   name   FROM   sysindexes   WHERE   indid   in(
        SELECT   indid   FROM   sysindexkeys   WHERE   id   =   a.id   AND   colid=a.colid
        )))   then   '√'   else   ''   end,
           =case   when   a.isnullable=1   then   '√'else   ''   end,
        FROM   syscolumns   a
        left   join   systypes   b   on   a.xusertype=b.xusertype
        inner   join   sysobjects   d   on   a.id=d.id     and   d.xtype='U'   and     d.name<>'dtproperties'
        left   join   syscomments   e   on   a.cdefault=e.id
        left   join   sys.extended_properties   g   on   a.id=g.major_id   and   a.colid=g.minor_id
        left   join   sys.extended_properties   f   on   d.id=f.major_id   and   f.minor_id=0
        --where   d.name='orders'         --        ,     
        order   by   a.id,a.colorder