Basic Git commands

Basic Git commands

Command Use
git clone URL Download a copy a remote repository
git init Convert current directory into a new Git repository
git status Get a status report your repository
git add --all Add all changed and new files to the staging area of your repository
git commit -m "message" Commit all staged files to your repository
git log Review a repository's history
git log --oneline View a condensed history of your project
git branch --list List all local branches
git branch --all List local and remove branches
git branch --remotes List all remote branches
git checkout --track remote_name/branch Create a copy of a remote branch for local use
git checkout branch Switch to a different local branch
git checkout -b branch branch_parent Create a new branch from a specified branch
git add filename(s) Stage only the specified file so that it is ready to be committed
git add --patch filename Stage only portions of a file so that they are ready to be commiitted
git reset HEAD filename Remove proposed file changes from the staging area
git commit --amend Update the previous commit with changes currently staged, and supply a new commit message
git show commit Log details for a single commit
git tag tag commit Add a tag to a commit object
git tag List all tags
git show tag Log detail for the commit where the tag was applied
git remote add remote_name URL Create a new reference to a new remote repository
git push Upload changes for the current branch to a remote repository
git remote --verbose List the fetch and push URLs for all available remotes
git push --set-upstream remote_name branch_local branch_remote Push a copy of your local branch to the remote server
git merge branch Incorporate the commits currently stored in another branch into the current one
git push --delete remote_name branch_remote Remove named branch from the remote server
git reset --hard HEAD -- filename restore file
git reset --hard HEAD restore in the previous commit