
41348 ワード

 * deployJava.js
 * This file is part of the Deployment Toolkit.  It provides functions for web
 * pages to detect the presence of a JRE, install the latest JRE, and easily run
 * applets or Web Start programs.  More Information on usage of the 
 * Deployment Toolkit can be found in the Deployment Guide at:
 * The "live" copy of this file may be found at :
 * For web pages provisioned using https, you may want to access the copy at:
 * You are encouraged to link directly to the live copies. 
 * The above files are stripped of comments and whitespace for performance,
 * You can access this file w/o the whitespace and comments removed at:

var deployJava = {
    debug: null,

    firefoxJavaVersion: null,

    myInterval: null,
    preInstallJREList: null,
    returnPage: null,
    brand: null,
    locale: null,
    installType: null,
    EAInstallEnabled: false,
    EarlyAccessURL: null,
    // GetJava page
    getJavaURL: '',
    // Apple redirect page
    appleRedirectPage: '',

    // mime-type of the DeployToolkit plugin object
    oldMimeType: 'application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit',
    mimeType: 'application/java-deployment-toolkit',

    // location of the Java Web Start launch button graphic
    launchButtonPNG: '',

    browserName: null,
    browserName2: null,

     * Returns an array of currently-installed JRE version strings.  
     * Version strings are of the form #.#[.#[_#]], with the function returning
     * as much version information as it can determine, from just family 
     * versions ("1.4.2", "1.5") through the full version ("1.5.0_06").
     * Detection is done on a best-effort basis.  Under some circumstances 
     * only the highest installed JRE version will be detected, and 
     * JREs older than 1.4.2 will not always be detected.
    getJREs: function() {
        var list = new Array();
        if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) {
            var plugin =  deployJava.getPlugin();
            var VMs = plugin.jvms;
            for (var i = 0; i < VMs.getLength(); i++) {
                list[i] = VMs.get(i).version;
        } else {
            var browser = deployJava.getBrowser();
            if (browser == 'MSIE') {
                if (deployJava.testUsingActiveX('1.7.0')) {
                    list[0] = '1.7.0';
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingActiveX('1.6.0')) {
                    list[0] = '1.6.0';
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingActiveX('1.5.0')) {
                    list[0] = '1.5.0';
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingActiveX('1.4.2')) {
                    list[0] = '1.4.2';
                } else if (deployJava.testForMSVM()) {
                    list[0] = '1.1';
            } else if (browser == 'Netscape Family') {
                if (deployJava.firefoxJavaVersion != null) {
                    list[0] = deployJava.firefoxJavaVersion;
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingMimeTypes('1.7')) {
                    list[0] = '1.7.0'; 
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingMimeTypes('1.6')) {
                    list[0] = '1.6.0';
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingMimeTypes('1.5')) {
                    list[0] = '1.5.0';
                } else if (deployJava.testUsingMimeTypes('1.4.2')) {
                    list[0] = '1.4.2';
                } else if (deployJava.browserName2 == 'Safari') {
                    if (deployJava.testUsingPluginsArray('1.7.0')) {
                        list[0] = '1.7.0'; 
                    } else if (deployJava.testUsingPluginsArray('1.6')) {
                        list[0] = '1.6.0';
                    } else if (deployJava.testUsingPluginsArray('1.5')) {
                        list[0] = '1.5.0';
                    } else if (deployJava.testUsingPluginsArray('1.4.2')) {
                        list[0] = '1.4.2';
        if (deployJava.debug) {
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                alert('We claim to have detected Java SE ' + list[i]);
        return list;
     * Triggers a JRE installation.  The exact effect of triggering an 
     * installation varies based on platform, browser, and if the 
     * Deployment Toolkit plugin is installed.
     * The requestVersion string is of the form #[.#[.#[_#]]][+|*], 
     * which includes strings such as "1.4", "1.5.0*", and "1.6.0_02+".  
     * A star (*) means "any version starting within this family" and 
     * a plus (+) means "any version greater or equal to this".  
     * "1.5.0*" * matches 1.5.0_06 but not 1.6.0_01, whereas 
     * "1.5.0+" matches both.
     * If the Deployment Toolkit plugin is not present, this will just call 
     * deployJava.installLatestJRE(). 
    installJRE: function(requestVersion) {
        var ret = false;
        if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) {
            if (deployJava.getPlugin().installJRE(requestVersion)) {
                if (deployJava.returnPage != null) {
                    document.location = deployJava.returnPage;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return deployJava.installLatestJRE();

     * Triggers a JRE installation.  The exact effect of triggering an 
     * installation varies based on platform, browser, and if the 
     * Deployment Toolkit plugin is installed.
     * In the simplest case, the browser window will be redirected to the 
     * JRE installation page, and (if possible) a redirect back to 
     * the current URL upon successful installation.  The return redirect is 
     * not always possible, as the JRE installation may require the browser to 
     * be restarted.
     * In the best case (when the Deployment Toolkit plugin is present), this
     * function will immediately cause a progress dialog to be displayed 
     * as the JRE is downloaded and installed.
    installLatestJRE: function() {
        if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) {
            if (deployJava.getPlugin().installLatestJRE()) {
                if (deployJava.returnPage != null) {
                    document.location = deployJava.returnPage;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            var browser = deployJava.getBrowser();
            var platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
            if ((deployJava.EAInstallEnabled == 'true') && 
                (platform.indexOf('win') != -1) && 
                (deployJava.EarlyAccessURL != null)) {

                deployJava.preInstallJREList = deployJava.getJREs();
                if (deployJava.returnPage != null) {
                    deployJava.myInterval = 
                        setInterval("deployJava.poll()", 3000);

                location.href = deployJava.EarlyAccessURL;

                // we have to return false although there may be an install
                // in progress now, when complete it may go to return page
                return false;
            } else {
                if (browser == 'MSIE') {
                    return deployJava.IEInstall();
                } else if ((browser == 'Netscape Family') && 
                           (platform.indexOf('win32') != -1)) {
                    return deployJava.FFInstall();
                } else {
                    location.href = deployJava.getJavaURL + 
                        ((deployJava.returnPage != null) ?
                        ('&returnPage=' + deployJava.returnPage) : '') + 
                        ((deployJava.locale != null) ?
                        ('&locale=' + deployJava.locale) : '') +
                        ((deployJava.brand != null) ? 
                         ('&brand=' + deployJava.brand) : '');
                // we have to return false although there may be an install
                // in progress now, when complete it may go to return page
                return false;

     * Ensures that an appropriate JRE is installed and then runs an applet.
     * minimumVersion is of the form #[.#[.#[_#]]], and is the minimum 
     * JRE version necessary to run this applet.  minimumVersion is optional, 
     * defaulting to the value "1.1" (which matches any JRE).  
     * If an equal or greater JRE is detected, runApplet() will call 
     * writeAppletTag(attributes, parameters) to output the applet tag, 
     * otherwise it will call installJRE(minimumVersion + '+').
     * After installJRE() is called, the script will attempt to detect that the 
     * JRE installation has completed and begin running the applet, but there
     * are circumstances (such as when the JRE installation requires a browser
     * restart) when this cannot be fulfilled.
     * As with writeAppletTag(), this function should only be called prior to 
     * the web page being completely rendered.  Note that version wildcards 
     * (star (*) and plus (+)) are not supported, and including them in the 
     * minimumVersion will result in an error message.
    runApplet: function(attributes, parameters, minimumVersion) {
        if (minimumVersion == 'undefined' || minimumVersion == null) {
            minimumVersion = '1.1';

        var regex = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$";

        var matchData = minimumVersion.match(regex);

        if (deployJava.returnPage == null) {
            // if there is an install, come back here and run the applet
            deployJava.returnPage = document.location;

        if (matchData != null) {
            var browser = deployJava.getBrowser();
            if ((browser != '?') && ('Safari' != deployJava.browserName2)) {
                if (deployJava.versionCheck(minimumVersion + '+')) {
                    deployJava.writeAppletTag(attributes, parameters);
                } else if (deployJava.installJRE(minimumVersion + '+')) {
                    // after successfull install we need to refresh page to pick
                    // pick up new plugin
                    location.href = document.location;
                    deployJava.writeAppletTag(attributes, parameters);
            } else {
                // for unknown or Safari - just try to show applet
                deployJava.writeAppletTag(attributes, parameters);
        } else {
            if (deployJava.debug) {
                alert('Invalid minimumVersion argument to runApplet():' + 

     * Outputs an applet tag with the specified attributes and parameters, where
     * both attributes and parameters are associative arrays.  Each key/value 
     * pair in attributes becomes an attribute of the applet tag itself, while
     * key/value pairs in parameters become <PARAM> tags.  No version checking 
     * or other special behaviors are performed; the tag is simply written to 
     * the page using document.writeln().
     * As document.writeln() is generally only safe to use while the page is 
     * being rendered, you should never call this function after the page 
     * has been completed.
    writeAppletTag: function(attributes, parameters) {
        var startApplet = '<' + 'applet ';
        var params = '';
        var endApplet = '<' + '/' + 'applet' + '>';
        var addCodeAttribute = true;

        for (var attribute in attributes) {
            startApplet += (' ' +attribute+ '="' +attributes[attribute] + '"');
            if (attribute == 'code' || attribute == 'java_code') {
                addCodeAttribute = false;
        if (parameters != 'undefined' && parameters != null) {
            var codebaseParam = false;
            for (var parameter in parameters) {
                if (parameter == 'codebase_lookup') {
                    codebaseParam = true;
                // Originally, parameter 'object' was used for serialized 
                // applets, later, to avoid confusion with object tag in IE
                // the 'java_object' was added.  Plugin supports both.
                if (parameter == 'object' || parameter == 'java_object') {
                    addCodeAttribute = false;
                params += '<param name="' + parameter + '" value="' + 
                    parameters[parameter] + '"/>';
            if (!codebaseParam) {
                params += '<param name="codebase_lookup" value="false"/>';

        if (addCodeAttribute) {
            startApplet += (' code="dummy"');
        startApplet += '>';

        document.write(startApplet + '
' + params + '
' + endApplet); }, /** * Returns true if there is a matching JRE version currently installed * (among those detected by getJREs()). The versionPattern string is * of the form #[.#[.#[_#]]][+|*], which includes strings such as "1.4", * "1.5.0*", and "1.6.0_02+". * A star (*) means "any version within this family" and a plus (+) means * "any version greater or equal to the specified version". "1.5.0*" * matches 1.5.0_06 but not 1.6.0_01, whereas "1.5.0+" matches both. * * If the versionPattern does not include all four version components * but does not end with a star or plus, it will be treated as if it * ended with a star. "1.5" is exactly equivalent to "1.5*", and will * match any version number beginning with "1.5". * * If getJREs() is unable to detect the precise version number, a match * could be ambiguous. For example if getJREs() detects "1.5", there is * no way to know whether the JRE matches "1.5.0_06+". versionCheck() * compares only as much of the version information as could be detected, * so versionCheck("1.5.0_06+") would return true in in this case. * * Invalid versionPattern will result in a JavaScript error alert. * versionPatterns which are valid but do not match any existing JRE * release (e.g. "32.65+") will always return false. */ versionCheck: function(versionPattern) { var index = 0; var regex = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?(\\*|\\+)?$"; var matchData = versionPattern.match(regex); if (matchData != null) { var familyMatch = true; var patternArray = new Array(); for (var i = 1; i < matchData.length; ++i) { // browser dependency here. // Fx sets 'undefined', IE sets '' string for unmatched groups if ((typeof matchData[i] == 'string') && (matchData[i] != '')) { patternArray[index] = matchData[i]; index++; } } if (patternArray[patternArray.length-1] == '+') { familyMatch = false; patternArray.length--; } else { if (patternArray[patternArray.length-1] == '*') { patternArray.length--; } } var list = deployJava.getJREs(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (deployJava.compareVersionToPattern(list[i], patternArray, familyMatch)) { return true; } } return false; } else { alert('Invalid versionPattern passed to versionCheck: ' + versionPattern); return false; } }, /** * Returns true if an installation of Java Web Start of the specified * minimumVersion can be detected. minimumVersion is optional, and * if not specified, '1.4.2' will be used. * (Versions earlier than 1.4.2 may not be detected.) */ isWebStartInstalled: function(minimumVersion) { var browser = deployJava.getBrowser(); if ((browser == '?') || ('Safari' == deployJava.browserName2)) { // we really don't know - better to try to use it than reinstall return true; } if (minimumVersion == 'undefined' || minimumVersion == null) { minimumVersion = '1.4.2'; } var retval = false; var regex = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$"; var matchData = minimumVersion.match(regex); if (matchData != null) { retval = deployJava.versionCheck(minimumVersion + '+'); } else { if (deployJava.debug) { alert('Invalid minimumVersion argument to isWebStartInstalled(): ' + minimumVersion); } retval = deployJava.versionCheck('1.4.2+'); } return retval; }, // obtain JPI version using navigator.mimeTypes array // if found, set the version to deployJava.firefoxJavaVersion getJPIVersionUsingMimeType: function() { // Walk through the full list of mime types. for (var i = 0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; ++i) { var s = navigator.mimeTypes[i].type; // The jpi-version is the plug-in version. This is the best // version to use. var m = s.match(/^application\/x-java-applet;jpi-version=(.*)$/); if (m != null) { deployJava.firefoxJavaVersion = m[1]; // Opera puts the latest sun JRE last not first if ('Opera' != deployJava.browserName2) { break; } } } }, // launch the specified JNLP application using the passed in jnlp file // the jnlp file does not need to have a codebase // this requires JRE 7 or above to work // if machine has no JRE 7 or above, we will try to auto-install and then launch // (function will return false if JRE auto-install failed) launchWebStartApplication: function(jnlp) { var uaString = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); deployJava.getJPIVersionUsingMimeType(); // make sure we are JRE 7 or above if (deployJava.isWebStartInstalled('1.7.0') == false) { // perform latest JRE auto-install if ((deployJava.installJRE('1.7.0+') == false) || ((deployJava.isWebStartInstalled('1.7.0') == false))) { return false; } } var jnlpDocbase = null; // use document.documentURI for docbase if (document.documentURI) { jnlpDocbase = document.documentURI; } // fallback to document.URL if documentURI not available if (jnlpDocbase == null) { jnlpDocbase = document.URL; } var browser = deployJava.getBrowser(); var launchTag; if (browser == 'MSIE') { launchTag = '<' + 'object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ' + 'width="0" height="0">' + '<' + 'PARAM name="launchjnlp" value="' + jnlp + '"' + '>' + '<' + 'PARAM name="docbase" value="' + jnlpDocbase + '"' + '>' + '<' + '/' + 'object' + '>'; } else if (browser == 'Netscape Family') { launchTag = '<' + 'embed type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=' + deployJava.firefoxJavaVersion + '" ' + 'width="0" height="0" ' + 'launchjnlp="' + jnlp + '"' + 'docbase="' + jnlpDocbase + '"' + ' />'; } if (document.body == 'undefined' || document.body == null) { document.write(launchTag); // go back to original page, otherwise current page becomes blank document.location = jnlpDocbase; } else { var divTag = document.createElement("div"); = "div1"; = "relative"; = "-10000px"; = "0px auto"; divTag.className ="dynamicDiv"; divTag.innerHTML = launchTag; document.body.appendChild(divTag); } }, createWebStartLaunchButtonEx: function(jnlp, minimumVersion) { if (deployJava.returnPage == null) { // if there is an install, come back and run the jnlp file deployJava.returnPage = jnlp; } var url = 'javascript:deployJava.launchWebStartApplication(\'' + jnlp + '\');'; document.write('<' + 'a href="' + url + '" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\'; ' + 'return true;"><' + 'img ' + 'src="' + deployJava.launchButtonPNG + '" ' + 'border="0" /><' + '/' + 'a' + '>'); }, /** * Outputs a launch button for the specified JNLP URL. When clicked, the * button will ensure that an appropriate JRE is installed and then launch * the JNLP application. minimumVersion is of the form #[.#[.#[_#]]], and * is the minimum JRE version necessary to run this JNLP application. * minimumVersion is optional, and if it is not specified, '1.4.2' * will be used. * If an appropriate JRE or Web Start installation is detected, * the JNLP application will be launched, otherwise installLatestJRE() * will be called. * * After installLatestJRE() is called, the script will attempt to detect * that the JRE installation has completed and launch the JNLP application, * but there are circumstances (such as when the JRE installation * requires a browser restart) when this cannot be fulfilled. */ createWebStartLaunchButton: function(jnlp, minimumVersion) { if (deployJava.returnPage == null) { // if there is an install, come back and run the jnlp file deployJava.returnPage = jnlp; } var url = 'javascript:' + 'if (!deployJava.isWebStartInstalled(&quot;' + minimumVersion + '&quot;)) {' + 'if (deployJava.installLatestJRE()) {' + 'if (deployJava.launch(&quot;' + jnlp + '&quot;)) {}' + '}' + '} else {' + 'if (deployJava.launch(&quot;' + jnlp + '&quot;)) {}' + '}'; document.write('<' + 'a href="' + url + '" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\'; ' + 'return true;"><' + 'img ' + 'src="' + deployJava.launchButtonPNG + '" ' + 'border="0" /><' + '/' + 'a' + '>'); }, /** * Launch a JNLP application, (using the plugin if available) */ launch: function(jnlp) { /* * Using the plugin to launch Java Web Start is disabled for the time being */ document.location=jnlp; return true; }, /* * returns true if the ActiveX or XPI plugin is installed */ isPluginInstalled: function() { var plugin = deployJava.getPlugin(); if (plugin && plugin.jvms) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /* * returns true if the plugin is installed and AutoUpdate is enabled */ isAutoUpdateEnabled: function() { if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) { return deployJava.getPlugin().isAutoUpdateEnabled(); } return false; }, /* * sets AutoUpdate on if plugin is installed */ setAutoUpdateEnabled: function() { if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) { return deployJava.getPlugin().setAutoUpdateEnabled(); } return false; }, /* * sets the preferred install type : null, online, kernel */ setInstallerType: function(type) { deployJava.installType = type; if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) { return deployJava.getPlugin().setInstallerType(type); } return false; }, /* * sets additional package list - to be used by kernel installer */ setAdditionalPackages: function(packageList) { if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) { return deployJava.getPlugin().setAdditionalPackages( packageList); } return false; }, /* * sets preference to install Early Access versions if available */ setEarlyAccess: function(enabled) { deployJava.EAInstallEnabled = enabled; }, /* * Determines if the next generation plugin (Plugin II) is default */ isPlugin2: function() { if (deployJava.isPluginInstalled()) { if (deployJava.versionCheck('1.6.0_10+')) { try { return deployJava.getPlugin().isPlugin2(); } catch (err) { // older plugin w/o isPlugin2() function - } } } return false; }, allowPlugin: function() { deployJava.getBrowser(); // Safari and Opera browsers find the plugin but it // doesn't work, so until we can get it to work - don't use it. var ret = ('Safari' != deployJava.browserName2 && 'Opera' != deployJava.browserName2); return ret; }, getPlugin: function() { deployJava.refresh(); var ret = null; if (deployJava.allowPlugin()) { ret = document.getElementById('deployJavaPlugin'); } return ret; }, compareVersionToPattern: function(version, patternArray, familyMatch) { var regex = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$"; var matchData = version.match(regex); if (matchData != null) { var index = 0; var result = new Array(); for (var i = 1; i < matchData.length; ++i) { if ((typeof matchData[i] == 'string') && (matchData[i] != '')) { result[index] = matchData[i]; index++; } } var l = Math.min(result.length, patternArray.length); if (familyMatch) { for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (result[i] != patternArray[i]) return false; } return true; } else { for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (result[i] < patternArray[i]) { return false; } else if (result[i] > patternArray[i]) { return true; } } return true; } } else { return false; } }, getBrowser: function() { if (deployJava.browserName == null) { var browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (deployJava.debug) { alert('userAgent -> ' + browser); } // order is important here. Safari userAgent contains mozilla, // and Chrome userAgent contains both mozilla and safari. if (browser.indexOf('msie') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'MSIE'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'MSIE'; } else if (browser.indexOf('iphone') != -1) { // this included both iPhone and iPad deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'iPhone'; } else if (browser.indexOf('firefox') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'Firefox'; } else if (browser.indexOf('chrome') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'Chrome'; } else if (browser.indexOf('safari') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'Safari'; } else if (browser.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'Other'; } else if (browser.indexOf('opera') != -1) { deployJava.browserName = 'Netscape Family'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'Opera'; } else { deployJava.browserName = '?'; deployJava.browserName2 = 'unknown'; } if (deployJava.debug) { alert ('Detected browser name:'+ deployJava.browserName + ', ' + deployJava.browserName2); } } return deployJava.browserName; }, testUsingActiveX: function(version) { var objectName = 'JavaWebStart.isInstalled.' + version + '.0'; if (!ActiveXObject) { if (deployJava.debug) { alert ('Browser claims to be IE, but no ActiveXObject object?'); } return false; } try { return (new ActiveXObject(objectName) != null); } catch (exception) { return false; } }, testForMSVM: function() { var clsid = '{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}'; if (typeof oClientCaps != 'undefined') { var v = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion(clsid, "ComponentID"); if ((v == '') || (v == '5,0,5000,0')) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } }, testUsingMimeTypes: function(version) { if (!navigator.mimeTypes) { if (deployJava.debug) { alert ('Browser claims to be Netscape family, but no mimeTypes[] array?'); } return false; } for (var i = 0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; ++i) { s = navigator.mimeTypes[i].type; var m = s.match(/^application\/x-java-applet\x3Bversion=(1\.8|1\.7|1\.6|1\.5|1\.4\.2)$/); if (m != null) { if (deployJava.compareVersions(m[1], version)) { return true; } } } return false; }, testUsingPluginsArray: function(version) { if ((!navigator.plugins) || (!navigator.plugins.length)) { return false; } var platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; ++i) { s = navigator.plugins[i].description; if (^Java Switchable Plug-in (Cocoa)/) != -1) { // Safari on MAC if (deployJava.compareVersions("1.5.0", version)) { return true; } } else if (^Java/) != -1) { if (platform.indexOf('win') != -1) { // still can't tell - opera, safari on windows // return true for 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 if (deployJava.compareVersions("1.5.0", version) || deployJava.compareVersions("1.6.0", version)) { return true; } } } } // if above dosn't work on Apple or Windows, just allow 1.5.0 if (deployJava.compareVersions("1.5.0", version)) { return true; } return false; }, IEInstall: function() { location.href = deployJava.getJavaURL + ((deployJava.returnPage != null) ? ('&returnPage=' + deployJava.returnPage) : '') + ((deployJava.locale != null) ? ('&locale=' + deployJava.locale) : '') + ((deployJava.brand != null) ? ('&brand=' + deployJava.brand) : '') + ((deployJava.installType != null) ? ('&type=' + deployJava.installType) : ''); // should not actually get here return false; }, done: function (name, result) { }, FFInstall: function() { location.href = deployJava.getJavaURL + ((deployJava.returnPage != null) ? ('&returnPage=' + deployJava.returnPage) : '') + ((deployJava.locale != null) ? ('&locale=' + deployJava.locale) : '') + ((deployJava.brand != null) ? ('&brand=' + deployJava.brand) : '') + ((deployJava.installType != null) ? ('&type=' + deployJava.installType) : ''); // should not actually get here return false; }, // return true if 'installed' (considered as a JRE version string) is // greater than or equal to 'required' (again, a JRE version string). compareVersions: function(installed, required) { var a = installed.split('.'); var b = required.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { a[i] = Number(a[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) { b[i] = Number(b[i]); } if (a.length == 2) { a[2] = 0; } if (a[0] > b[0]) return true; if (a[0] < b[0]) return false; if (a[1] > b[1]) return true; if (a[1] < b[1]) return false; if (a[2] > b[2]) return true; if (a[2] < b[2]) return false; return true; }, enableAlerts: function() { // reset this so we can show the browser detection deployJava.browserName = null; deployJava.debug = true; }, poll: function() { deployJava.refresh(); var postInstallJREList = deployJava.getJREs(); if ((deployJava.preInstallJREList.length == 0) && (postInstallJREList.length != 0)) { clearInterval(deployJava.myInterval); if (deployJava.returnPage != null) { location.href = deployJava.returnPage; }; } if ((deployJava.preInstallJREList.length != 0) && (postInstallJREList.length != 0) && (deployJava.preInstallJREList[0] != postInstallJREList[0])) { clearInterval(deployJava.myInterval); if (deployJava.returnPage != null) { location.href = deployJava.returnPage; } } }, writePluginTag: function() { var browser = deployJava.getBrowser(); if (browser == 'MSIE') { document.write('<' + 'object classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA" ' + 'id="deployJavaPlugin" width="0" height="0">' + '<' + '/' + 'object' + '>'); } else if (browser == 'Netscape Family' && deployJava.allowPlugin()) { deployJava.writeEmbedTag(); } }, refresh: function() { navigator.plugins.refresh(false); var browser = deployJava.getBrowser(); if (browser == 'Netscape Family' && deployJava.allowPlugin()) { var plugin = document.getElementById('deployJavaPlugin'); // only do this again if no plugin if (plugin == null) { deployJava.writeEmbedTag(); } } }, writeEmbedTag: function() { var written = false; if (navigator.mimeTypes != null) { for (var i=0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) { if (navigator.mimeTypes[i].type == deployJava.mimeType) { if (navigator.mimeTypes[i].enabledPlugin) { document.write('<' + 'embed id="deployJavaPlugin" type="' + deployJava.mimeType + '" hidden="true" />'); written = true; } } } // if we ddn't find new mimeType, look for old mimeType if (!written) for (var i=0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) { if (navigator.mimeTypes[i].type == deployJava.oldMimeType) { if (navigator.mimeTypes[i].enabledPlugin) { document.write('<' + 'embed id="deployJavaPlugin" type="' + deployJava.oldMimeType + '" hidden="true" />'); } } } } }, do_initialize: function() { deployJava.writePluginTag(); if (deployJava.locale == null) { var loc = null; if (loc == null) try { loc = navigator.userLanguage; } catch (err) { } if (loc == null) try { loc = navigator.systemLanguage; } catch (err) { } if (loc == null) try { loc = navigator.language; } catch (err) { } if (loc != null) { loc.replace("-","_") deployJava.locale = loc; } } } }; deployJava.do_initialize();