

Switch to a different mode:
   B  InnoDB Buffers    I  InnoDB I/O Info     Q  Query List
   C  Command Summary   L  Locks               R  InnoDB Row Ops
   D  InnoDB Deadlocks  M  Replication Status  S  Variables & Status
   F  InnoDB FK Err     O  Open Tables         T  InnoDB Txns

   a  Toggle the innotop process    k  Kill a query's connection
   c  Choose visible columns        n  Switch to the next connection
   d  Change refresh interval       p  Pause innotop
   e  Explain a thread's query      q  Quit innotop
   f  Show a thread's full query    r  Reverse sort order
   h  Toggle the header on and off  s  Change the display's sort column
   i  Toggle idle processes         x  Kill a query

 TAB  Switch to the next server group   /  Quickly filter what you see
   !  Show license and warranty         =  Toggle aggregation
   #  Select/create server groups       @  Select/create server connections
   $  Edit configuration settings       \  Clear quick-filters
Press any key to continue

The innotop MySQL and InnoDB monitor