
		#error message

#ifndef __cpluscplus //C++                 ,       。
#error This file should be processed with C++ compiler


void f()
#if ( PRODUCT == 1 )
    printf("This is a low level product!
"); #elif ( PRODUCT == 2 ) printf("This is a middle level product!
"); #elif ( PRODUCT == 3 ) printf("This is a high level product!
"); #else #warning The macro Product is NOT defined! //#error The macro Product is NOT defined! #endif } int main() { f(); printf("1. Query Information.
"); printf("2. Record Information.
"); printf("3. Delete Information.
"); #if ( PRODUCT == 1 ) printf("4. Exit.
"); #elif ( PRODUCT == 2 ) printf("4. High Level Query.
"); printf("5. Exit.
"); #elif ( PRODUCT == 3 ) printf("4. High Level Query.
"); printf("5. Mannul Service.
"); printf("6. Exit.
"); #endif return 0; }

~/will$ gcc 23-2.c
23-2.c: In function ‘f’:
23-2.c:12: error: #error The macro Product is NOT defined!

~/will$ gcc 23-2.c
23-2.c: In function ‘f’:
23-2.c:12: warning: #warning The macro Product is NOT defined!
~/will$ ./a.out
1. Query Information.
2. Record Information.
3. Delete Information.

~/will$ gcc -DPRODUCT=3 23-2.c
~/will$ ./a.out
This is a high level product!
1. Query Information.
2. Record Information.
3. Delete Information.
4. High Level Query.
5. Mannul Service.
6. Exit.

		#line number filename

#lineコンパイル指示字の本質は再定義_FILE__ および_LINE__

// The code section is written by A.
// Begin
#line 1 "a.c"

// End

// The code section is written by B.
// Begin
#line 1 "b.c"

// End

// The code section is written by Delphi.
// Begin
#line 1 "willwilling's.c"

int main()
    printf("%s : %d
", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf("%s : %d
", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 0; } // End

~/will$ gcc 23-3.c
~/will$ ./a.out
willwilling's.c : 5
willwilling's.c : 7
