
19636 ワード

        Shell        linux            ,                   。Shell  shell  ,          ,           。
sh(Bournce)        UNIX        shell
csh、tcsh、zsh    C shell    ,  bash Korn shell          sehll
ksh、pdksh        Korn shell        pdksh David Korn  ,       UNIX   shell
bash	            GNU   Bourne Again Shell linux   shell。             ,       ,           
Shell Script  
    Shell script   shell          ,         ,   shell          ,       、             ,        。Shell script                ,             ,     。  shell script     ,    cpu    ,           。
    Shell script  
    1、        。                、    、        、           ,           。
    2、            。  ,              ,    “/etc/init.d/syslogd restart”,syslogd  script。
    3、        。
    4、        。             ,     script  。
    5、       。    awk         
    6、            。       UNIX      shell script。
      :  shell script     ,              ,  shell script        bash shell       ,  ,           ,     。
        shell  ,            ,             。     ,                   ,             。 shell ,           $         。      ,  “$var”  ${var}
        :          ,            。  ,          。               ,           ,    $  。
        $           ,             ,         ,        。
              (     =           =    )
$PS1	                ,   $  。
$PS2	                ,         ,   >  
$IFS	                 。Shell          ,     、       
$0	               Shell     
$$	               Shell      ,             
             ,       IFS   。 IFS   , $*                 。
$*   ,   IFS
             、     :read、array、declare
       Read:                  –p(      )  -t(    )
       Array:   echo  “${var[1]}”  “${var[2]}”  
     2、      [ test
      test  -f   file      [  -f file  ]
       :  []               ,            “”   ,      ‘‘ “”   。
string 1  = string2                   
string 1 != string2                  
    -n  string                   
    -z  string                
-d  file	             
-e  file	         
-f  file	             
-g  file	            “SGID”   
-u  file	            “SUID”   
-r  file	            “  ”   
-x  file	            “   ”   
-w  file	            “  ”   
-s  file	           “     ”
-p  file	             FIFO(pipe)  
-b  file	             block device  
-c  file	             character device  
-L  file	                 
expression1  -eq   expression2	          
expression1  -ne   expression2	           
expression1  -gt   expression2	expression1  expression2  
expression1  -ge   expression2	expression1     expression2  
expression1  -lt   expression2	expression1   expression2  
expression1  -le   expression2	expression1     expression2  
    !  expression	                  
多重条件判定、例えばtest-r filename-a-x filename

if  condatation                if   condtaion  then
then                               statements
    statements      ======     elif 
elif                               statements
    statements                 else
else                               statements
    statements                 fi
       :  if  [  -f file  ];  then
for  variable in  values
        :   1  100       for  variable in  $ ( seq 1 100 );
while  condation do
until  condaion
case  variable in
    pattern  [ |  pattern  ]  …)  statements;;
    pattern  [ |  pattern  ]  …)  statements;;
      AND  :statement1  &&  statements2 &&  statements3  && ….
      OR    :statements1  ||   statements2   ||   statements3 ||  … 
                    ,                。
function  fname() {
    1、break:            ,  for、while until  。
    2、””  :       。          ,   true   。
               while  true   =====   while  :
    3、continue:     for、while until            。
    4、”.”   :     shell     
        ,                   ,       shell,            ,      ,      ,         shell。     source                    ,               shell。
    5、echo  :    。
               echo  -n  “string  to output”
               echo  -e  “string  to  output   \c” 
    6、eval  :       。
    7、exit  n  :         n    。    
    8、export  :             shell ,     shell   。     ,   shell          shell     ( )shell      。Export                 ,                          。         ,          shell             。
    9、expr  ==  $((……))         , $( )
    10、trap  :                  。
trap command   signal     
trap   "rm -f temp_file"   EXIT
    11、find  :         。
          :  find  [path] [options]  [tests]   [actions]       
-maxdepths N	      N   
    12、grep(            General Regular ExpresiionPraser):         
         :  grep  [options] PATTERN  [FILES]                            
-c	        ,         
-h	            ,           
-l	            ,           
[]	            ,              
 、Shell script  


#This is a program about CD collection

#Copyright (C) 2014


#command line description


 #wc(Word Count)                 、  、  


  #-c     。


  #-m     。       -c       





 #grep [options] PATTERN [FILES]









 #cut       ,           ,       。    ,                     “ ”      ,          。

 #cut  [-bn] [file]   cut [-c] [file]     cut [-df] [file]

 #cut              、           、           。

  #      File   ,cut          。     -b、-c   -f     。


  #-b:          。                ,       -n   。

  #-c:          。

  #-d:      ,      。

 #-f  : -d    ,        。

  #-n:         。  -b       。               -b     List      
, ; , 。 #set envrironment variable menu_choice="" current_cd="" title_file="title.cdb" tracks_file="tracks.cdb" temp_file="cdb.$$" trap 'rm -f $temp_file' EXIT get_return(){ echo -e "Press return \c" read x return 0 } get_comfire(){ echo -e "Are you sure? \c" while true do read x case "$x" in y | yes | YES | Yes ) return 0;; n | NO | No | N ) echo "Canclled!" return 1;; * ) echo "Pleasse enter yes or no!" esac done } # Menu set_menu_choice(){ clear echo "Options :-" echo echo " a) Add new CD" echo " f) Find CD" echo " c) Count the CDs andtracks in the catalog" if [ "$cdcatnum" != "" ]; then echo " l) List tracks on$cdtitle" echo " r) Remove$cdtitle" echo " u) Update trackinformation for $cdtitle" fi echo " q) Quit" echo echo -e "Please enter choice then press retrun \c" read menu_choice return } insert_title(){ #insert information to title_file echo $* >> $title_file return } insert_track(){ echo $* >> $tracks_file return } add_record_tracks(){ echo "Enter track information for this CD" echo "When no more tracks enter q" cdtrack=1 #define the title of track cdttitle="" #set $cdttitle = null while [ "$cdttitle" != q ] do #input title echo -e "Track $cdtrack, track title? \c" read tmp cdttitle=${tmp%%,*} if [ "$tmp" != "$cdttitle" ]; then echo "Sorry, no commas allowed" continue fi if [ -n "$cdttitle" ]; then if [ "$cdttitle" != "q" ]; then insert_track $cdcatnum,$cdtrack,$cdttitle fi else cdtrack=$((cdtrack-1)) fi cdtrack=$((cdtrack+1)) done } add_records(){ echo -e "Enter catalog name \c" read tmp cdcatnum=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter title \c" read tmp cdtitle=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter type \c" read tmp cdtrack=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter artist/composer \c" read tmp cdac=${tmp%%,*} #Check that they want to enter the information echo About to add new entry echo "$cdcatnum $cdtitle $cdtype $cdac" #if comfired then append it to the tille_file if get_comfire ; then insert_title $cdcatnum,$cdtitle,$cdtype,$cdac add_record_tracks else remove_records fi return } find_cd(){ if [ "$1" = "n" ]; then asklis=n else asklist=y fi cdcatnum="" echo -e "Enter a string to search for in the CD titles \c" read searchstr if [ "$searchstr" = "" ]; then return 0 fi if [ ! -e $temp_file ]; then echo"temp_file don'texist!!!!!!!!" fi grep "$searchstr" $title_file > $temp_file set $(wc -l $temp_file) linesfound=$1 case "$linesfound" in 0 ) echo "Sorry, nothing found" get_return return 0 ;; 1 ) ;; 2 ) echo "Sorry, not unique." echo "Found the following" cat $temp_file get_return 0 ;; esac IFS="," read cdcatnum cdtitle cdtype cdac < $temp_file IFS=" " if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "Sorry, could not extract catalog filed from $temp_file" get_return return 0 fi echo echo Catalog number: $cdcatnum echo Title: $cdtitle echo Type: $cdtype echo Artist: $cdac echo get_return if [ "$asklist" == "y" ]; then echo -e "View tracks for this CD? \c" read x if [ "$x" == "y" ]; then echo list_tracks echo fi fi return 1 } update_cd(){ if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "You must select a CD" find_cd n fi if [ -n "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "Current tracks are:-" list_tracks echo echo "this will re-enter the tracks for $cdtitle" get_comfire && { grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file mv $temp_file $tracks_file echo add_record_tracks } fi return } count_cds(){ #wc -l file : statistic thecounts set $(wc -l $title_file) num_titles=$1 set $(wc -l $tracks_file) num_tracks=$1 echo found $num_titles CDs with a total of $num_tracks tracks get_return return } remove_records(){ if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "You must select a CD" find_cd n fi if [ -n "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "You are about to delete $cdtitle" get_comfire && { grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $title_file > $temp_file mv $temp_file $title_file grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file mv $temp_file $tracks_file cdcatnum="" echo Entry removed } get_return fi return } list_tracks(){ if [ "$cdcatnum" == "" ]; then echo "No CD selected yet" return else grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file num_tracks=$(wc -l $temp_file) if [ "$num_tracks" = "0" ]; then echo no tracks found for $cdtitle else { echo echo "$cdtitle :-" echo cut -f 2- -d , $temp_file echo } | ${PAGER:-more} fi fi get_return return } #rm -f $temp_file if [ ! -f $title_file ]; then touch $title_file fi if [ ! -f $tracks_file ]; then touch $tracks_file fi if [ ! -f "$temp_file" ]; then touch $temp_file fi #Now the application proper clear echo echo echo "Mini CD manager" sleep 1 quit=n if [ -e $temp_file ]; then echo "temp_file don't exist!!!" return EXIT fi while [ "$quit" != "y"]; do set_menu_choice case "$menu_choice" in a) add_records;; r) remove_records;; f) find_cd y;; c) count_cds;; l) list_tracks;; b) echo more $title_file echo get_return;; q| Q ) quit=y;; *) echo "Sorry, choice not recoginzed";; esac done #Tidy up and leave rm -f $temp_file echo "Finished" exit 0