
3435 ワード

        ,            ,        ,           ,  ,    
GetCursorPos(&pNow) //         

hwndPointNow = WindowFromPoint(pNow);  //            

::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndPointNow, &dwProcessID);//    PID

GetWindowRect(hwndPointNow, &rect);//      

#define KEY_DOWN(VK_NONAME) ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NONAME) & 0x8000) ? 1:0)     
* filename : main.cpp
* comment : The left mouse button, right pulley, message capture, access to the mouse window handle, window position.
* author : liangqidong <[email protected]>
* History : create by liangqidong @ 2017/09/18
#include     //CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
using namespace std;

#define KEY_DOWN(VK_NONAME) ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NONAME) & 0x8000) ? 1:0) //   ,         

HWND GetWindowHandleByPID(DWORD dwProcessID)
	HWND h = GetTopWindow(0);
	while (h)
		DWORD pid = 0;
		DWORD dwTheardId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(h, &pid);
		if (dwTheardId != 0)
			if (pid == dwProcessID/*your process id*/)
				// here h is the handle to the window  

				if (GetTopWindow(h))
					return h;
				// return h;   
		h = ::GetNextWindow(h, GW_HWNDNEXT);
	return NULL;
int main()
	HWND hwndNow = GetWindowHandleByPID(13956);
	while (1)
		POINT pNow = { 0, 0 };
		if (GetCursorPos(&pNow))  //         
			HWND hwndPointNow = NULL;
			DWORD  dwProcessID = 0;
			RECT rect;
			hwndPointNow = WindowFromPoint(pNow);  //            
			::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndPointNow, &dwProcessID);
			if (13956 == dwProcessID)
				GetWindowRect(hwndPointNow, &rect);
				std::cout << "     :" << (int)hwndNow<< std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "         :" << (int)hwndPointNow << "ID:" << dwProcessID << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "       top:" << rect.top << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "       bottom:" << rect.bottom << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "       left:" << rect.left << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "       right:" << rect.right << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "        :" << rect.right - rect.left << std::endl;  //          
				std::cout << "        :" << rect.bottom - rect.top << std::endl;  //          
				printf("        :");
				if (KEY_DOWN(MOUSE_MOVED))printf(" ");
				else printf(" ");
"); printf(" :"); if (KEY_DOWN(MOUSE_EVENT))printf(" "); else printf(" "); printf("
"); printf(" :"); if (KEY_DOWN(MOUSE_WHEELED))printf(" "); else printf(" "); printf("
"); } Sleep(1000); system("cls");// } } return 0; }
具体的なコードはgitを参照してください[email protected]:snippets/2580563.gitクリックでリンクを開く