c# long long_C#のlongキーワード

c# long long
C#uintキーワード(C#uint keyword)
In C#, long is a keyword which is used to declare a variable that can store a signed integer value between the range of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. long keyword is an alias of System.Int64.
C#では、longは、−92223371203685475808〜922337203685475807の間のシンボル整数値を格納できる変数を宣言するためのキーワードである.longキーワードはSystemです.Int 64の別名.
It occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) space in the memory.
構文: long variable_name = value; C#コードプレゼンテーションlongキーワードの例(C#code to demonstrate example of long keyword)
Here, we are declaring a long variable num, initializing it with the value 12345 and printing its value, type and size of a long type variable.
ここでは、長変数numを宣言し、値12345を使用して初期化し、その値、タイプ、および長変数のサイズを印刷します.using System; using System.Text; namespace Test { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //variable declaration long num = 12345; //printing value Console.WriteLine("num: " + num); //printing type of variable Console.WriteLine("Type of num: " + num.GetType()); //printing size Console.WriteLine("Size of a long variable: " + sizeof(long)); //printing minimum & maximum value of long Console.WriteLine("Min value of long: " + long.MinValue); Console.WriteLine("Max value of long: " + long.MaxValue); //hit ENTER to exit Console.ReadLine(); } } } Output
しゅつりょくりょうnum: 12345 Type of num: System.Int64 Size of a long variable: 8 Min value of long: -9223372036854775808 Max value of long: 9223372036854775807 翻訳:https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/long-keyword-in-c-sharp.aspx
c# long long