
34711 ワード

using namespace std;
struct Month_struct{
    string name="";
    int days[42];
struct Note_book{
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;
    string note;
    Note_book(int year,int month,int day,string note):year(year),month(month),day(day),note(note){}
Month_struct Month_set[12];
int month_length[12]={31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
string month_name[12]={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
string week_name[7]={"Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"};
bool is_leap(int year){//check whether the year is leap year
    if(year%4!=0)return false;
        if(year%100==0)return false;
        else return true;
int calculte_first_day_of_week(int year){
    int w=(year-1)+((year-1)/4)-((year-1)/100)+((year-1)/400)+1;
    return w%7;
int main(){
    // cout<
        printf("input 1 to show the calendar
); printf("input 2 to find the lunar data
); printf("input 3 to show the note or input the note
); printf("input : "); int command; cin>>command; // create the calendar int year; switch (command){ case 1:{ system("clear"); printf("Please input the year: "); //judge the Feb if(is_leap(year))month_length[1]=29; else month_length[1]=28; int week_iterator=calculte_first_day_of_week(year); cin>>year; cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<11;++i){ Month_set[i].name=month_name[i]; week_iterator=week_iterator%7; memset(Month_set[i].days,0,sizeof(Month_set[i].days)); for(int j=1;j<=month_length[i];++j){//creat Month_set[i].days[week_iterator++]=j; } } //print the calendar for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ int current_i=i*3; for(int j=current_i;j<current_i+3;++j)cout<<" "<<setw(6)<<month_name[j]<<" "; cout<<endl; for(int j=0;j<3;++j){ for(int tin_j=0;tin_j<7;++tin_j)cout<<setw(3)<<week_name[tin_j]; cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; //day for(int times=0;times<6;++times){ int day_iterator=times*7; for(int k=current_i;k<current_i+3;++k){ for(int j=day_iterator;j<day_iterator+7;++j){ if(Month_set[k].days[j]==0)cout<<" "; else cout<<" "<<setw(2)<<Month_set[k].days[j]; } cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; } } printf("click any keys to continue
); getchar(); getchar(); break; } case 2:{ system("clear"); printf("Please input the date: "); // int year,month,day; cout<<'
; getchar(); getchar(); break; } case 3:{ system("clear"); printf("Please input the date:"); int month,day; cin>>year>>month>>day; cout<<endl; string nt=""; for(int i=0;i<nb.size();++i){ if(nb[i].year==year&&nb[i].month==month&&nb[i].day==day)nt=nb[i].note; } if(nt.length()){ cout<<"There is the note:
; cout<<nt<<endl; printf("input 1 to change the note and 2 to exit"); int action; cin>>action; if(action==1){ cout<<"Input your note on this data:
; string text; cin>>text; Note_book temp(year,month,day,text); nb.push_back(temp); } } else { cout<<"There isn't any note! Input 1 to create one note and 2 to exit:
; int action; cin>>action; if(action==1){ cout<<"Input your note on this data:
; string text; cin>>text; Note_book temp(year,month,day,text); nb.push_back(temp); } else break; } printf("click any keys to continue
); getchar(); getchar(); break; } } } }