
    public static List getTests(Context ctx){
        List allTests = new ArrayList<>();
        allTests.add(new ZipBug9950697());
        allTests.add(new ZipBug8219321());
        allTests.add(new ZipBug9695860());
       // allTests.add(new JarBug13678484());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2013_6282());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2011_1149());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2014_3153());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2014_4943());
        //tests.add(new StumpRoot());
        allTests.add(new WeakSauce());
        allTests.add(new GraphicBufferTest());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2015_6602());
        allTests.add(new OpenSSLTransientBug());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2015_3636());
        //tests.add(new ZergRush()); // Hide super old bugs?
        allTests.add(new SamsungCREDzip());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2015_6608());
        allTests.add(new CVE20151528());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2015_6616());
        allTests.add(new CVE20153860());
        allTests.add(new CVE_2016_0807());

        List filteredTest = new ArrayList<>();
        String cpuArch1 = SystemUtils.propertyGet(ctx, "ro.product.cpu.abi");
        String cpuArch2 = SystemUtils.propertyGet(ctx, "ro.product.cpu.abi2");

            The logic here is:
              The test must support every architecture that the device lists
        for(VulnerabilityTest vt : allTests){

            if(vt.getSupportedArchitectures() == null) {
                Log.d(TAG, "architectures is null for : " + vt.getCVEorID());

            } else {
                if(isArchitectureSupported(vt, cpuArch1) &&
                   isArchitectureSupported(vt, cpuArch2)){
        return filteredTest;
public interface VulnerabilityTest extends Serializable {
   public String getCVEorID();
   public boolean isVulnerable(Context context) throws Exception;
   public List getSupportedArchitectures();
    protected List doInBackground(Void... params) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Async execute called!!!!");

        List results = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) {

            VulnerabilityTest test = tests.get(i);
            Log.d(TAG, "Running test: " + test.getCVEorID());
            Exception x = null;
            boolean isVuln = false;
            try {
                isVuln = test.isVulnerable(mCtx);
                Log.d(TAG, test.getCVEorID() + "  isVulnerable: " + isVuln);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.d(TAG, test.getCVEorID() + "  failed with: " + e.getMessage());
                x = e;
            results.add(new VulnerabilityTestResult(test, isVuln, x));

        return results;
public class VulnerabilityTestResult implements Serializable {

    private final VulnerabilityTest mTest;
    private final boolean mIsVuln;
    private final Exception mE;

    public VulnerabilityTestResult(VulnerabilityTest test, boolean isVuln, Exception e){
        mIsVuln = isVuln;
        mE = e;
        mTest = test;

    public String getCVEorID(){
       return mTest.getCVEorID();

    public Boolean getResult(){
        return mIsVuln;

    public Exception getException(){
        return mE;

    public boolean isVulnerable() { return mIsVuln; }
//patch code

 if (nhdr.n_type == NT_GNU_BUILD_ID) {
           // Skip the name (which is the owner and should be "GNU").
           addr += NOTE_ALIGN(nhdr.n_namesz);
-          uint8_t build_id_data[128];
-          if (nhdr.n_namesz > sizeof(build_id_data)) {
-            ALOGE("Possible corrupted note, name size value is too large: %u",
-                  nhdr.n_namesz);
+          uint8_t build_id_data[160];
+          if (nhdr.n_descsz > sizeof(build_id_data)) {
+            ALOGE("Possible corrupted note, desc size value is too large: %u",
+                  nhdr.n_descsz);
             return false;
           if (backtrace->Read(addr, build_id_data, nhdr.n_descsz) != nhdr.n_descsz) {
//check code
    public boolean isVulnerable(Context context) throws Exception {

        File debuggerd = new File("/system/bin/debuggerd");
        if(!debuggerd.exists() || !debuggerd.isFile()){
            throw new Exception("debuggerd doesn't exist or is not a file");

        String patchedString = "Possible corrupted note, desc size value is too large: %u";
        String unpatchedString = "Possible corrupted note, name size value is too large: %u";

        ByteArrayOutputStream debuggerdBAOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream((int)debuggerd.length());
        BinaryAssets.copy(new FileInputStream(debuggerd), debuggerdBAOS);
        byte[] debuggerdBin = debuggerdBAOS.toByteArray();

        KMPMatch binMatcher = new KMPMatch();

        int indexOf = binMatcher.indexOf(debuggerdBin, patchedString.getBytes());
        boolean hasPatchedString = indexOf == -1;

        indexOf = binMatcher.indexOf(debuggerdBin,  unpatchedString.getBytes());
        boolean hasUnpatchedString = indexOf == -1;

        return hasPatchedString && !hasUnpatchedString;
int Check_CVE_2015_1528()
    const char *libname = "libcutils.so";
    size_t * ( *native_handle_create )( int numFds, int numInts ) = NULL;

    void *handle = dlopen( libname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL );
    if( !handle )
        printf( "error opening %s: %s
, libname, dlerror() ); return -1; } native_handle_create = dlsym( handle, "native_handle_create" ); if( !native_handle_create ) { printf( "missing native_handle_create
); return -2; } int ret = -3; int numFds = 1025; int numInts = 1; size_t *bla = native_handle_create( numFds, numInts ); if( !bla ) { // fixed printf( "looks fixed to me
); ret = 0; goto done; } // sanity checks switch(bla[0])// version { case 12://android wear 5.0.2 LWX49K if( bla[1] != numFds || bla[2] != numInts ) { LOG_D( "got back unexpected values
); } else { LOG_D( "its vulnerable
); return 1; } break; default: LOG_D( "failed. version %d %d %d
, bla[0], bla[1], bla[2] ); break; } done: // done with this dlclose( handle ); // should be allocated with malloc //! if its already null, then free does nothing free( bla ); return ret; }
  • VulnerabilityTestインタフェースを継承し、インタフェース方法を実現する.
  • VulnerabilityOrganizerクラスに登録します.