vue sockjsエラーThe connection has not been established yet

2395 ワード

import SockJS from "sockjs-client";

// websocket   
  stompClient: any = null;  

//   websocket
  connection() {
    const that = this;
    let socket = new SockJS(`http://xxxx`, null, { timeout: 50000 });
    //   STOMP         
    that.stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
    that.stompClient.debug = (str: any) => {
      // console.log(str + "
"); }; // websocket that.stompClient.connect( that.headers, // () => { that.stompClient.subscribe("/xxxx", (msg: any) => { // if (msg.body) { const res = JSON.parse(msg.body); const items = > 0 ? : null; if (items) { // that.chart.appendData({ // seriesIndex: 0, // data: items // }) that.sourceData = that.sourceData.concat(items) that.updateChart() that.updateTime = moment(items[items.length - 1][0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') } } }); that.stompClient.subscribe("/user/queue/error", (msg: any) => { // console.log(" ", msg); that.$notification.error({ message: ' ', description: msg }); }); }, // (err: any) => { // console.log(" ", err); // that.$notification.error({ // duration: 99, // message: ' ', // description: err // }); // 1 setTimeout(() => { that.stompClient = null; that.resetHeader() that.connection() that.getSourceData() }, 1000) } ); } // disconnect() { this.resetHeader() if (this.stompClient) { this.stompClient.disconnect(); this.stompClient = null; } }
The connection has not been established yet
InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable