
4878 ワード

OpenCV 3.3リリースにより、深度学習(dnnモジュール)により良いサポートが提供され、dnnモジュールは現在Caffe、TensorFlow、Torch、PyTorchなどの深度学習フレームワークをサポートしている.
1-1 caffeモデルを呼び出す
String modelDesc = "../face/deploy.prototxt";
String modelBinary = "../face/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel";
dnn::Net net = readNetFromCaffe(modelDesc, modelBinary);
if (net.empty()){
    printf("could not load net...
"); return -1; }

1-2 TensorFlowモデルを呼び出す##
a TensorFlowはモデルを訓練し、保存した.pbファイルbはopencvのreadNetFromTensorflow関数を用いてロードする.pbファイルコアコード:
String labels_txt_file ="../inception5h/imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt";
String tf_pb_file ="../inception5h/tensorflow_inception_graph.pb";
Net net =readNetFromTensorflow(tf_pb_file);   
    printf("read caffe model data failure...
"); return -1; }

呼び出しTensorFlowサンプルOpenCV Inceptionモデルに基づく画像分類
1-3 Darknetモデルを呼び出す##
String modelConfiguration = "../yolov2-tiny-voc/yolov2-tiny-voc.cfg";
String modelBinary = "../yolov2-tiny-voc/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights";
dnn::Net net = readNetFromDarknet(modelConfiguration, modelBinary);
if (net.empty())
    printf("Could not load net...
"); return; }

DarknetサンプルOpenCV DNNを呼び出すYOLOリアルタイムオブジェクト検出
Mat frame = imread("../123.jpg");
Mat inputBlob = blobFromImage(frame, 1/255.F, Size(416, 416), Scalar(), true, false);
net.setInput(inputBlob, "data");

Mat blobFromImage(InputArray image, double scalefactor=1.0, const Size& size = Size(),  const Scalar& mean = Scalar(), bool swapRB=true, bool crop=true);  
    /** @brief Creates 4-dimensional blob from image. Optionally resizes and crops @p image from center,  
    *  subtract @p mean values, scales values by @p scalefactor, swap Blue and Red channels.  
    *  @param image input image (with 1-, 3- or 4-channels).  
    *  @param size spatial size for output image  
    *  @param mean scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. Values are intended  
    *  to be in (mean-R, mean-G, mean-B) order if @p image has BGR ordering and @p swapRB is true.  
    *  @param scalefactor multiplier for @p image values.  
    *  @param swapRB flag which indicates that swap first and last channels  
    *  in 3-channel image is necessary.  
    *  @param crop flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not  
    *  @details if @p crop is true, input image is resized so one side after resize is equal to corresponding  
    *  dimension in @p size and another one is equal or larger. Then, crop from the center is performed.  
    *  If @p crop is false, direct resize without cropping and preserving aspect ratio is performed.  
    *  @returns 4-dimansional Mat with NCHW dimensions order.  
     ,InputArray image,       ,   opencv mat    。
     ,scalefactor,        ,     ,     0-1  ,          0.00390625f (1/256),   1.0
     ,size,                 。
     ,mean,     caffe   ,caffe             。tf           。
     ,swapRB,       1             。
     ,crop,   true,      ,   false,         。

//   darknet
Mat detectionMat = net.forward("detection_out");
//   Inception
prob =net.forward("softmax2");
pred = net.forward("fc2/prob");  

4-1 dnnでディスクからピクチャをロード##
cv2.dnn.blobFromImage cv2.dnn.blobFromImages
4-2 create法を用いて各種フレームワークから直接モデルを導出する##
cv2.dnn.createCaffeImporter cv2.dnn.createTensorFlowImporter cv2.dnn.createTorchImporter
4-3 readメソッドを使用してディスクからシーケンス化モデルを直接ロード##
cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe cv2.dnn.readNetFromTensorFlow cv2.dnn.readNetFromTorch cv2.dnn.readhTorchBlob
参考資料1 OpenCV Tutorials opencv呼び出しtf訓練済みモデル 3 Deep Learning with OpenCV opencvのdnn解析