Ansible で AIX の fact は何が取得されるか

Ansible で AIX の fact (システムから検出される変数) は何が取得されるのだろうと気になったので確認しました。

参考:AnsibleDoc 変数の使用: システムから検出される変数: Fact (ファクト)


AIX 7200-03-02-1846 (VIOS 環境下のLPARです)
python 2.7.12
(hostname : test_001)

・Ansible 実行環境:
Ansible バージョン 2.9.9



inventory = ./inventory
remote_user = root
ask_pass = false
become = true
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa




setup モジュールを実行します。

$ ansible test -m setup
[WARNING]: Platform aix on host test_001 is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, but future installation
of another Python interpreter could change this. See for more information.
test_001 | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
        "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
        "ansible_apparmor": {
            "status": "disabled"
        "ansible_architecture": "chrp",
        "ansible_date_time": {
            "date": "2020-09-21",
            "day": "21",
            "epoch": "1600678083",
            "hour": "17",
            "iso8601": "2020-09-21T08:48:03Z",
            "iso8601_basic": "20200921T174803444443",
            "iso8601_basic_short": "20200921T174803",
            "iso8601_micro": "2020-09-21T08:48:03.444675Z",
            "minute": "48",
            "month": "09",
            "second": "03",
            "time": "17:48:03",
            "tz": "JST",
            "tz_offset": "JST",
            "weekday": "Monday",
            "weekday_number": "1",
            "weeknumber": "38",
            "year": "2020"
        "ansible_default_ipv4": {
            "address": "XXX.YY..XX.XX",
            "broadcast": "XXX.YY.255.255",
            "device": "en0",
            "flags": [
            "gateway": "YY.XX.YY.XX",
            "interface": "en0",
            "macaddress": "fa:xx:b6:xx:8d:xx",
            "mtu": "1500",
            "netmask": "",
            "network": "XXX.YY.0.0",
            "type": "ether"
        "ansible_default_ipv6": {},
        "ansible_devices": {
            "L2cache0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "size": "0"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "L2 Cache"
            "cache0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "auto_grab_ssd": "no",
                    "cache_enable": "1",
                    "cache_engine": "cengine0",
                    "cfg_persist": "1"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "SSD Cache virtual device"
            "cd0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "prevent_eject": "yes"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Virtual SCSI Optical Served by VIO Server"
            "cengine0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "cache_per_tgt": "1",
                    "cepath": "/usr/ccs/lib/libcehandler.a",
                    "max_partition": "1",
                    "max_pool": "1",
                    "tgt_per_cache": "unlimited"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "SSD Cache engine"
            "cluster0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "clrpvid": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "clvdisk": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "configure": "yes",
                    "node_uuid": "6f1dxxxxxx0-xxxx-xxxx-fa28xxxxxxx20"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Cluster Node"
            "en0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "alias4": "IPv4",
                    "alias6": "IPv6",
                    "arp": "on",
                    "authority": "Authorized",
                    "broadcast": "Broadcast",
                    "monitor": "off",
                    "mtu": "1500",
                    "mtu_bypass": "on",
                    "netaddr": "XXX.YY..XX.XX",
                    "netaddr6": "IPv6",
                    "netmask": "",
                    "prefixlen": "Prefix",
                    "remmtu": "576",
                    "rfc1323": "Enable/Disable",
                    "security": "none",
                    "state": "up",
                    "tcp_mssdflt": "Set",
                    "tcp_nodelay": "Enable/Disable",
                    "tcp_recvspace": "Set",
                    "tcp_sendspace": "Set",
                    "thread": "off"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Standard Ethernet Network Interface"
            "ent0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "alt_addr": "0x000000000000",
                    "buf_mode": "max_min",
                    "chksum_offload": "yes",
                    "copy_buffs": "32",
                    "copy_bytes": "65536",
                    "desired_mapmem": "0",
                    "ipv6_offload": "no",
                    "max_buf_control": "64",
                    "max_buf_huge": "64",
                    "max_buf_large": "64",
                    "max_buf_medium": "256",
                    "max_buf_small": "2048",
                    "max_buf_tiny": "2048",
                    "min_buf_control": "24",
                    "min_buf_huge": "24",
                    "min_buf_large": "24",
                    "min_buf_medium": "128",
                    "min_buf_small": "512",
                    "min_buf_tiny": "512",
                    "poll_uplink": "no",
                    "poll_uplink_int": "1000",
                    "trace_debug": "no",
                    "use_alt_addr": "no"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)"
            "et0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "alias4": "IPv4",
                    "alias6": "IPv6",
                    "arp": "on",
                    "authority": "Authorized",
                    "broadcast": "Broadcast",
                    "mtu": "1492",
                    "netaddr": "Internet",
                    "netaddr6": "IPv6",
                    "netmask": "Subnet",
                    "prefixlen": "Prefix",
                    "remmtu": "576",
                    "rfc1323": "Enable/Disable",
                    "security": "none",
                    "state": "down",
                    "tcp_mssdflt": "Set",
                    "tcp_nodelay": "Enable/Disable",
                    "tcp_recvspace": "Set",
                    "tcp_sendspace": "Set"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface"
            "fcs0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "intr_priority": "3",
                    "lg_term_dma": "0x800000",
                    "max_xfer_size": "0x100000",
                    "num_cmd_elems": "200",
                    "sw_fc_class": "2"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C3-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter"
            "fcs1": {
                "attributes": {
                    "intr_priority": "3",
                    "lg_term_dma": "0x800000",
                    "max_xfer_size": "0x100000",
                    "num_cmd_elems": "200",
                    "sw_fc_class": "2"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C4-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter"
            "fcs2": {
                "attributes": {
                    "intr_priority": "3",
                    "lg_term_dma": "0x800000",
                    "max_xfer_size": "0x100000",
                    "num_cmd_elems": "200",
                    "sw_fc_class": "2"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C5-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter"
            "fcs3": {
                "attributes": {
                    "intr_priority": "3",
                    "lg_term_dma": "0x800000",
                    "max_xfer_size": "0x100000",
                    "num_cmd_elems": "200",
                    "sw_fc_class": "2"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C6-T1 Virtual Fibre Channel Client Adapter"
            "fscsi0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attach": "switch",
                    "dyntrk": "yes",
                    "fc_err_recov": "fast_fail",
                    "scsi_id": "0x3122b",
                    "sw_fc_class": "3"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C3-T1-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device"
            "fscsi1": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attach": "switch",
                    "dyntrk": "yes",
                    "fc_err_recov": "fast_fail",
                    "scsi_id": "0x40768",
                    "sw_fc_class": "3"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C4-T1-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device"
            "fscsi2": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attach": "switch",
                    "dyntrk": "yes",
                    "fc_err_recov": "fast_fail",
                    "scsi_id": "0x4063b",
                    "sw_fc_class": "3"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C5-T1-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device"
            "fscsi3": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attach": "switch",
                    "dyntrk": "yes",
                    "fc_err_recov": "fast_fail",
                    "scsi_id": "0x3105c",
                    "sw_fc_class": "3"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C6-T1-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device"
            "fslv00": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "/testvol",
                    "lvserial_id": "00xxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx846.2",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "512",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "fslv01": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "/export/lpp_source",
                    "lvserial_id": "00xxxxxxxx4c000xxxxxxxx10.13",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "21",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "fslv02": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "/export/spot",
                    "lvserial_id": "00fxxxxxxx0016exxxxxxx0.14",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "11",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "hd1": {
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                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "c",
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                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "1",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
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                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
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                "type": "Logical volume"
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                    "intra": "c",
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                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
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                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
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                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
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                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
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                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
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                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
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                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "hd5": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
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                    "lvserial_id": "00xxxxxx04c0000000xxxxxx10.1",
                    "relocatable": "n",
                    "size": "1",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "boot",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "hd6": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
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            "hdisk0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "PCM": "PCM/friend/fcpother",
                    "PR_key_value": "none",
                    "algorithm": "fail_over",
                    "clr_q": "no",
                    "dist_err_pcnt": "0",
                    "dist_tw_width": "50",
                    "hcheck_cmd": "test_unit_rdy",
                    "hcheck_interval": "60",
                    "hcheck_mode": "nonactive",
                    "location": "Location",
                    "lun_id": "0x0",
                    "lun_reset_spt": "yes",
                    "max_coalesce": "0x40000",
                    "max_retry_delay": "60",
                    "max_transfer": "0x80000",
                    "node_name": "0x50xxxxxxxxxxxx4cb",
                    "pvid": "0XXXXXXXX000XXXXXXXX0000",
                    "q_err": "yes",
                    "q_type": "simple",
                    "queue_depth": "20",
                    "reassign_to": "120",
                    "reserve_policy": "single_path",
                    "rw_timeout": "30",
                    "scsi_id": "0x30100",
                    "start_timeout": "60",
                    "timeout_policy": "fail_path",
                    "unique_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx000000XXXXXXXXXXXX14503IBMfcp",
                    "ww_name": "0XXXXX768021XXXXXb"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C3-T1-01 MPIO IBM 2076 FC Disk"
            "hdisk1": {
                "attributes": {
                    "PCM": "PCM/friend/fcpother",
                    "PR_key_value": "none",
                    "algorithm": "fail_over",
                    "clr_q": "no",
                    "dist_err_pcnt": "0",
                    "dist_tw_width": "50",
                    "hcheck_cmd": "test_unit_rdy",
                    "hcheck_interval": "60",
                    "hcheck_mode": "nonactive",
                    "location": "Location",
                    "lun_id": "0x1000000000000",
                    "lun_reset_spt": "yes",
                    "max_coalesce": "0x40000",
                    "max_retry_delay": "60",
                    "max_transfer": "0x80000",
                    "node_name": "0x5XXXXXXXXXXa4XXX",
                    "pvid": "0XXXXXXXXd67290000XXXXXx00000",
                    "q_err": "yes",
                    "q_type": "simple",
                    "queue_depth": "20",
                    "reassign_to": "120",
                    "reserve_policy": "single_path",
                    "rw_timeout": "30",
                    "scsi_id": "0x30100",
                    "start_timeout": "60",
                    "timeout_policy": "fail_path",
                    "unique_id": "3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXDXXXXXXXXx09170421XXXXXXX3IBMfcp",
                    "ww_name": "0xXXXXXX680210aXXX"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C3-T1-01 MPIO IBM 2076 FC Disk"
            "inet0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "authm": "65536",
                    "bootup_option": "no",
                    "gateway": "Gateway",
                    "hostname": "test_001",
                    "rout6": "IPv6",
                    "route": "net,-hopcount,0,,0,YY.XX.YY.XX"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Internet Network Extension"
            "iocp0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "autoconfig": "defined"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "I/O Completion Ports"
            "iscsi0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "disc_filename": "/etc/iscsi/targets",
                    "disc_policy": "file",
                    "initiator_name": "iqn.localhost.hostid.7xxxxx01",
                    "isns_srvnames": "auto",
                    "isns_srvports": "iSNS",
                    "isw_err_recov": "delayed_fail",
                    "max_targets": "16",
                    "max_xfer_size": "0x80000",
                    "num_cmd_elems": "200"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "iSCSI Protocol Device"
            "lg_dumplv": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "None",
                    "lvserial_id": "00fxxxxxxxx004c0xxxxxxxx2710.11",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "32",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "sysdump",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "livedump": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "/var/adm/ras/livedump",
                    "lvserial_id": "00xxxxxxxxx00016exxxxxxxx10.12",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "8",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "lo0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "mtu": "16896",
                    "netaddr": "",
                    "netaddr6": "::1",
                    "netmask": "Subnet",
                    "prefixlen": "IPv6",
                    "rfc1323": "Enable/Disable",
                    "state": "up",
                    "tcp_mssdflt": "Set",
                    "tcp_nodelay": "Enable/Disable",
                    "tcp_recvspace": "Set",
                    "tcp_sendspace": "Set"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Loopback Network Interface"
            "loglv00": {
                "attributes": {
                    "copies": "1",
                    "inter": "m",
                    "intra": "m",
                    "label": "None",
                    "lvserial_id": "00xxxxxxxxx000001xxxxxxxx46.1",
                    "relocatable": "y",
                    "size": "1",
                    "strictness": "y",
                    "stripe_size": "Stripe",
                    "stripe_width": "Striping",
                    "type": "jfs2log",
                    "upperbound": "32"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Logical volume"
            "lvdd": {
                "attributes": {},
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "LVM Device Driver"
            "mem0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "ent_mem_cap": "I/O",
                    "goodsize": "2048",
                    "mem_exp_factor": "Memory",
                    "size": "2048",
                    "var_mem_weight": "Variable"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Memory"
            "pkcs11": {
                "attributes": {
                    "comp_trace": "no",
                    "io_threads": "8",
                    "proc_heap_sz": "8",
                    "trc_adm": "no",
                    "trc_clic": "no",
                    "trc_context": "no",
                    "trc_dd": "no",
                    "trc_hw": "no",
                    "trc_io": "no",
                    "trc_k_klib": "no",
                    "trc_k_ulib": "no",
                    "trc_malloc": "no",
                    "trc_meta": "no",
                    "trc_mmap": "no",
                    "trc_obj": "no",
                    "trc_req": "no",
                    "trc_sess": "no",
                    "trc_slot": "no",
                    "trc_token": "no",
                    "trc_u_lib": "no",
                    "trc_util": "no",
                    "y4_max_req": "16"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "ACF/PKCS#11 Device"
            "proc0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "frequency": "3891000000",
                    "smt_enabled": "true",
                    "smt_threads": "8",
                    "state": "enable",
                    "type": "PowerPC_POWER8"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "00-00 Processor"
            "pty0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "ATTnum": "256",
                    "BSDnum": "16",
                    "autoconfig": "available",
                    "csmap": "sbcs"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Asynchronous Pseudo-Terminal"
            "rcm0": {
                "attributes": {},
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Rendering Context Manager Subsystem"
            "rootvg": {
                "attributes": {
                    "auto_on": "y",
                    "cache_pbuf_cnt": "0",
                    "conc_auto_on": "n",
                    "conc_capable": "n",
                    "gbl_pbufs_ppv": "0",
                    "gbl_pbufs_pvg": "0",
                    "timestamp": "5eec791011a4cbc6",
                    "vg_pbufs_ppv": "0",
                    "vgserial_id": "00xxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx10",
                    "workQ_size": "256"
                "state": "Defined",
                "type": "Volume group"
            "sfw0": {
                "attributes": {
                    "enable_sas": "no",
                    "vltag": "3358"
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "Storage Framework Module"
            "sfwcomm0": {
                "attributes": {},
                "state": "Available",
                "type": "C3-T1-01-FF Fibre Channel Storage Framework Comm"
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