

/* Anim class. */
var Anim = function() {
Anim.prototype.start = function() {
Anim.prototype.stop = function() {
/* Usage. */
var myAnim = new Anim();


/* Anim class, with a slightly different syntax for declaring methods. */
var Anim = function() {
Anim.prototype = {
start: function() {
stop: function() {


        <title>String Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        	// javascript ,        
			//         C++      。          
			//    :
            /* An anonymous function, executed immediately. */
                var foo = 10;
                var bar = 2;
                alert(foo * bar);
			//                    。   ()       。
			//     ,         
            /* An anonymous function with arguments. */
            (function(foo, bar){
                alert(foo * bar);
            })(10, 2);
			//          。             
            /* An anonymous function that returns a value. */
            var baz = (function(foo, bar){
                return foo * bar;
            })(10, 2);
			//               。
			//             ,                       。       
            /* An anonymous function used as a closure. */
            var baz;
                var foo = 10;
                var bar = 2;
                baz = function(){
                    return foo * bar;
			baz(); // baz can access foo and bar, even though it is executed outside of the class
        <!-- Nothing in the body -->
		// javascript ,        
			//         C++      。          
			//    :
            /* An anonymous function, executed immediately. */
                var foo = 10;
                var bar = 2;
                alert(foo * bar);
			//                    。   ()       。
			//     ,         
            /* An anonymous function with arguments. */
            (function(foo, bar){
                alert(foo * bar);
            })(10, 2);
			//          。             
            /* An anonymous function that returns a value. */
            var baz = (function(foo, bar){
                return foo * bar;
            })(10, 2);
			//               。
			//             ,                       。       
            /* An anonymous function used as a closure. */
            var baz;
                var foo = 10;
                var bar = 2;
                baz = function(){
                    return foo * bar;
			baz(); // baz can access foo and bar, even though it is executed outside of the class


/* Add a method to the Function object that can be used to declare methods. */
Function.prototype.method = function(name, fn) {
this.prototype[name] = fn;
/* Anim class, with methods created using a convenience method. */
var Anim = function() {
Anim.method('start', function() {
Anim.method('stop', function() {
   method,               。      。
/* This version allows the calls to be chained. */
Function.prototype.method = function(name, fn) {
this.prototype[name] = fn;
return this;
/* Anim class, with methods created using a convenience method and chaining. */
var Anim = function() {
Anim.method('start', function() {
method('stop', function() {

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            // javascript ,         
            //          。
            //             ,         。
            /* Class Person. */
            function Person(name, age){
                this.name = name;
                this.age = age;
            Person.prototype = {
                getName: function(){
                    return this.name;
                getAge: function(){
                    return this.age;
            /* Instantiate the class. */
            var alice = new Person('Alice', 93);
            var bill = new Person('Bill', 30);
			document.write("/* Instantiate the class. */<br/>");
			document.write("name: "+alice.name+";her age: "+alice.age+"<br/>");
			document.write("name: "+bill.name+";his age: "+bill.age+"<br/>");
            /* Modify the class. */
            Person.prototype.getGreeting = function(){
                return 'Hi ' + this.getName() + '!';
			document.write("/* Modify the class. */<br/>");
            /* Modify a specific instance. */
            alice.displayGreeting = function(){
			document.write("/* Modify a specific instance.  */<br/>alert(getGreeting)");
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            function foo(){
                var a = 10;
                function bar(){
                    a *= 2;
                return a;
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
        var Book = function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor){ // implements Publication
            // Private attributes.
            var isbn, title, author;
            // Privileged methods.
            this.getIsbn = function(){
                return isbn;
            this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn){
                isbn = newIsbn;
            this.getTitle = function(){
                return title;
            this.setTitle = function(newTitle){
                title = newTitle || 'No title specified';
            this.getAuthor = function(){
                return author;
            this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor){
                author = newAuthor || 'No author specified';
            // Constructor code.
        // Public, non-privileged methods.
        Book.prototype = {
            display: function(){
                return "ISBN:"+this.getIsbn() + "<br/>"
				+"Title:" + this.getTitle() + "<br/>"
				+"Author:" + this.getAuthor();
		var book = new Book('978-0261103283','pro javascript design pattern','Apress');
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
        var Book = (function(){
            // Private static attributes.
            var numOfBooks = 0;
            // Return the constructor.
            return function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor){ // implements Publication
                // Private attributes.
                var isbn, title, author;
                // Private static method.
                function checkIsbn(isbn){
                    if (isbn) {
                        return true;
                    else {
                        return false;
                // Privileged methods.
                this.getIsbn = function(){
                    return isbn;
                this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn){
                    if (!checkIsbn(newIsbn)) 
                        throw new Error('Book: Invalid ISBN.');
                    isbn = newIsbn;
                this.getTitle = function(){
                    return title;
                this.setTitle = function(newTitle){
                    title = newTitle || 'No title specified';
                this.getAuthor = function(){
                    return author;
                this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor){
                    author = newAuthor || 'No author specified';
                // Constructor code.
                numOfBooks++; // Keep track of how many Books have been instantiated
                // with the private static attribute.
                if (numOfBooks > 50) 
                    throw new Error('Book: Only 50 instances of Book can be ' +
        // Public static method.
        Book.convertToTitle = function(inputString){
            return inputString + "[us]";
        // Public, non-privileged methods.
        Book.prototype = {
            display: function(){
                return "ISBN:" + this.getIsbn() + "<br/>" +
                "Title:" +
                this.getTitle() +
                "<br/>" +
                "Author:" +
        var book = new Book('978-0261103283', Book.convertToTitle('pro javascript design pattern'), 'Apress');
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            /* Class Person. */
            function Person(name){
                this.name = name;
            Person.prototype.getName = function(){
                return this.name;
            /* Class Author. */
			//     ,      
            function Author(name, books){
			//  ,       ,call       ,    	
                Person.call(this, name); // Call the superclass's constructor in the scope of this.
                this.books = books; // Add an attribute to Author.
            //    new   ,          。      object      。
			//           scope chain
            Author.prototype = new Person(); // Set up the prototype chain.
            Author.prototype.constructor = Author; // Set the constructor attribute to Author.
            Author.prototype.getBooks = function(){ // Add a method to Author.
                return this.books;
            var author = [];
            author[0] = new Author('Dustin Diaz', ['JavaScript Design Patterns']);
            author[1] = new Author('Ross Harmes', ['JavaScript Design Patterns']);
            document.write(author[0].getName()+' ' +author[0].getBooks()+"<br/>");
			document.write(author[1].getName()+' ' +author[1].getBooks());
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            /* Extend function, improved. */
            function extend(subClass, superClass){
                var F = function(){
                F.prototype = superClass.prototype;
                subClass.prototype = new F();
                subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
                subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype;
                if (superClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) {
                    superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass;
            /* Class Person. */
            function Person(name){
                this.name = name;
            Person.prototype.getName = function(){
                return this.name;
            /* Class Author. */
            function Author(name, books){
                Author.superclass.constructor.call(this, name);
                this.books = books;
            extend(Author, Person);
            Author.prototype.getBooks = function(){
                return this.books;
            //  Author 
            Author.prototype.getName = function(){
                var name = Author.superclass.getName.call(this);
                return name + ', Author of ' + this.getBooks().join(', ');
            var author = [];
            author[0] = new Author('Dustin Diaz', ['JavaScript Design Patterns']);
            author[1] = new Author('Ross Harmes', ['JavaScript Design Patterns']);
            document.write(author[0].getName() + "<br/>");
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

継承方式はすでに実現されている.でもext-base.jsの目標はまだ遠い.ここで、まず一つの概念を提出します:Prototypal Inheritance、私の理解は:ポインタ型継承.ポインタ型継承は非常に異なります.クラスとインスタンス化に関するすべての方法を忘れることが最善の方法であることを発見しました.オブジェクト自体のみを考慮し、典型的にオブジェクトを作成するには2つの方法があります.
        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            /* Clone function. */
            function clone(object){
                function F(){
                F.prototype = object;
                return new F;
             *      Prototypal Inheritance
             *          。                             。       
             * a.      ,     
             * b.    ,     
             *                        ,            
             *        ,          。           
            /* Person Prototype Object. */
            var Person = {
                name: 'default name',
                getName: function(){
                    return this.name;
            var reader = clone(Person);
			document.write("<h5 style='color:red'>simple object inherited and testing</h5>");
            document.write(reader.getName() + "<br/>"); // This will output 'default name'.
            reader.name = 'John Smith';
            document.write(reader.getName() + "<br/>"); // This will now output 'John Smith'.
            /* Author Prototype Object. */
            var Author = clone(Person);
            Author.books = []; // Default value.
            Author.getBooks = function(){
                return this.books;
            var author = [];
            author[0] = clone(Author);
            author[0].name = 'Dustin Diaz';
            author[0].books = ['JavaScript Design Patterns'];
            author[1] = clone(Author);
            author[1].name = 'Ross Harmes';
            author[1].books = ['JavaScript Design Patterns'];
			document.write("<h5 style='color:red'>Author object inherited and testing</h5>");
            document.write(author[0].getName() + ' ' + author[0].getBooks() + "<br/>");
            document.write(author[1].getName() + ' ' + author[1].getBooks() + "<br/>");
             *             ,               。            。
             *        ,  Author     books  。     author[1].books.push('New Book Title')     
             *              。  prototype     
             * clone     object   prototype       。
             *     author[1].name,      prototype       。         
             *      author[1].name,    author[1]           
            var authorClone = clone(Author);
			document.write("<h5 style='color:red'>Symmetrical Reading and Writing of Inherited Members</h5>");
            document.write("Name="+authorClone.getName() + "<br/>"); // Linked to the primative Person.name, which is the string 'default name'.
            document.write("Books="+authorClone.getBooks() + "<br/>");
            authorClone.name = 'new name'; // A new primative is created and added to the
            // authorClone object itself.
            document.write("Name="+authorClone.getName() + "<br/>"); // Now linked to the primative authorClone.name, which
            // is the string 'new name'.
            authorClone.books.push('new book'); // authorClone.books is linked to the array
            document.write("Books="+authorClone.getBooks() + "<br/>");
            // Author.books. We just modified the
            // prototype object's default value, and all
            // other objects that link to it will now
            // have a new default value there.
            authorClone.books = []; // A new array is created and added to the authorClone
            // object itself.
            authorClone.books.push('a new book to array'); // We are now modifying that new array.
            document.write("<h5 style='color:red'>Asymmetrical Reading and Writing of Inherited Members</h5>");
            document.write(authorClone.getName() + ' ' + authorClone.getBooks() + "<br/>");
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

Prototypal Inheritanceのポインタ継承により,スケルトンモードという設計モードを体得した.スケルトンモードとは、ベースクラスがすべてのプロパティとメソッドを設定し、デフォルト値を付与することです.サブクラスは任意に追加できる独自の方法が必要です.ここでは、親メンバーを非同期で読み書きする概念を示します.ポインタ型継承を有効に使用するためには、伝統的な継承方法をすべて忘れなければなりません.これが忘れなければならない方法の一つです.従来の継承では、Authorクラスごとにbooks配列がコピーされています.author[1]を通じてbooks.Push('New Book Title')を配列に追加します.この方式はポインタ型継承には使用できません.prototypeチェーンが効いたからです.clone関数はobjectオブジェクトのprototypeが完全に独立したコピーではありません.author[1]を読むとname、prototypeから保存された接続を得るだけです.インスタンスの値は得られませんでした.authorを書くとnameは、実際にauthor[1]オブジェクトに新しい属性を追加します.通俗的に言えば、父類は骨格を与え、子類は肉を加えた.
        <title>String Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            /* Clone function. */
            function clone(object){
                function F(){
                F.prototype = object;
                return new F;
             *    ,             。
             *                  ,         
             *               ,                   
            var CompoundObject = {};
            CompoundObject.string1 = 'default value';
            CompoundObject.createChildObject = function(){
                return {
                    bool: true,
                    num: 10
            CompoundObject.childObject = CompoundObject.createChildObject();
            var compoundObjectClone = clone(CompoundObject);
            compoundObjectClone.childObject = CompoundObject.createChildObject();
            compoundObjectClone.childObject.num = 5;
			document.write(compoundObjectClone.string1 + "<br/>");
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 

        <title>Extend Example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
			//    。  Prototypal Inheritance       
        	//ext                 。
            Ext = {
                version: '3.0'
			//Ext        。              。
			 * in      IE          
			 *        toString(),hasOwnProperty() ,propertyIsEnumerable() , toLocaleString() , valueOf()
			 * Ext       overrides    apply    ,    toString      object      。
			 * apply      applyif。         ,      。
            Ext.apply = function(o, c, defaults){
                // no "this" reference for friendly out of scope calls
                if (defaults) {
                    Ext.apply(o, defaults);
                if (o && c && typeof c == 'object') {
                    for (var p in c) {
                        o[p] = c[p];
                return o;
            Ext.apply(Ext, {
				//    v   object 
                isObject: function(v){
                    return v && typeof v == "object";
				 *   :
				 * 1、              -       ,       。
				 * 2、              ,           。
                extend: function(){
                    // inline overrides
					//       supperclass,subclass,overrides     io   。
                    var io = function(o){
                        for (var m in o) {
                            this[m] = o[m];
                    var oc = Object.prototype.constructor;
                    return function(sb, sp, overrides){
					//             object。
					//     overrides ,  overrides    constructor  ,
					//  overrides constructor         。
					//  ,     function,       ,  "sp.apply(this, arguments);",
					//           ,   extend             sp     。
                        if (Ext.isObject(sp)) {
                            overrides = sp;
                            sp = sb;
                            sb = overrides.constructor != oc ? overrides.constructor : function(){
                                sp.apply(this, arguments);
						//var F=function(){},       ,      。
						//sbp=new F() F.prototype   sp.prototype        sb.prototype
						//  ,  F           ,      delete    。
						//       sbp。
						//      ,                ,      
                        var F = function(){
                        }, sbp, spp = sp.prototype;
                        F.prototype = spp;
                        sbp = sb.prototype = new F();
						//sb.prototype.constructor F(),  sbp.constructor=sb
                        sbp.constructor = sb;
                        sb.superclass = spp;
                        if (spp.constructor == oc) {
                            spp.constructor = sp;
                        sb.override = function(o){
                            Ext.override(sb, o);
                        sbp.superclass = sbp.supr = (function(){
                            return spp;
                        sbp.override = io;
                        Ext.override(sb, overrides);
                        sb.extend = function(o){
                            Ext.extend(sb, o);
                        return sb;
				// apply     ,    。       toString,     。
                override: function(origclass, overrides){
                    if (overrides) {
                        var p = origclass.prototype;
                        Ext.apply(p, overrides);
                        if (Ext.isIE && overrides.toString != origclass.toString) {
                            p.toString = overrides.toString;
			//       S
            function S(){
            //S     s,s1
            S.prototype.s = "s";
            S.prototype.s1 = "s1";
			//     C
			//C     c,c1
            function C(){
                this.c = "c";
                this.c1 = "c1";
            //C  S  ,   s1
            Ext.extend(C, S, {
                s1: "by c overload"
			//   C
            var c = new C();
            alert(c.s); //s   
            alert(c.s1); //by c overload 
        <!-- Nothing in the body --> 