
4560 ワード

[trafodion@esgyn-01 testtxt]$ rpm -qa|grep unixODBC
[trafodion@esgyn-01 testtxt]$
2. インストールされていない場合は、次の操作を行います.
yum install unixODBC.x86_64

3.Trafodion ODBCドライバをインストールする;駆動インストールパッケージesgynDB_clients-2.2.1-RH6-x86_64.tar.gz;インストール中にデフォルト設定をすべて選択
[root@n09 chenqilin]# ls
esgynDB_clients-2.2.1-RH6-x86_64.tar.gz  esgyn-tpcds-kit  python
[root@n09 chenqilin]#
[root@n09 chenqilin]# tar xzf esgynDB_clients-2.2.1-RH6-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@n09 chenqilin]# ls
clients  esgynDB_clients-2.2.1-RH6-x86_64.tar.gz  esgyn-tpcds-kit  python
[root@n09 chenqilin]#
[root@n09 chenqilin]# cd clients/
[root@n09 clients]# ls
DISCLAIMER                 jdbcT4-2.2.1.zip  LICENSE_Esgyn  odb64_linux.tar.gz  trafci.zip
EsgynDB-ADO.NET-2.2.0.exe  LICENSE           NOTICE         TFODBC64-2.2.0.exe  TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]# tar xzf TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]# ls
DISCLAIMER                 jdbcT4-2.2.1.zip  LICENSE_Esgyn  odb64_linux.tar.gz  TFODBC64-2.2.0.exe  TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
EsgynDB-ADO.NET-2.2.0.exe  LICENSE           NOTICE         PkgTmp              trafci.zip
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]#
[root@n09 clients]# cd PkgTmp/
[root@n09 PkgTmp]# ls
connect_test.cpp  install.sh  libicudata.so.44  libicuuc.so.44  libtrafodbc_l64_drvr.so  libtrafodbc_l64.so  license.txt  MD5SUM  runconnect_test.sh  TRAFDSN
[root@n09 PkgTmp]#
[root@n09 PkgTmp]#
[root@n09 PkgTmp]# sh install.sh

Beginning Install of TRAFODBC Libraries
Verifying OS version Architecture verified Esgyn ODBC LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE: You are not authorized to install or use this product unless you first read, agree to, and confirm that the use of such product is subject to a valid license agreement with Esgyn Corporation as stated below. You confirm such license by installing this software. If you do not have an existing license for the use of this product, you may not access or use the product until you obtain the appropriate license from Esgyn Corporation. This ODBC driver software is provided subject to the terms of your existing license agreement with Esgyn Corporation or its reseller, integrator, distributor or other authorized sub-licensor for the use of Esgyn Corporation software. Do you accept the terms of the license (YES/NO): yes Thank You.... Proceeding with install ENTER a directory for library files OR hit Enter to use the default [/usr/lib64] : ENTER a directory for datasource template file OR hit Enter to use the default [/etc/odbc] : ENTER a directory for sample OR hit Enter to use the default [/etc/odbc] : TRAFODBC driver has successfully been installed. * Library libtrafodbc_l64_drvr.so is installed on /usr/lib64 * data source template file TRAFDSN has been copied onto /etc/odbc * sample file has been copied onto /etc/odbc [root@n09 PkgTmp]#

traceFlags = ERROR
TraceStart = 0
TraceFile = tracefile.log
MaxTraceFileSize = 1024

Description = traf instance in IDC vm
Driver = Trafodion
Schema = QA
DataLang = 0
FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
Server = TCP:
ClientCharSet = UTF8

注:配置了一个名为traf的ODBC连接,Server为需要连接的DCS Master,ClientCharSet = UTF8这个是为了避免用odb导入带中文字符入表后不是乱码。

5. 添加/etc/odbcinst.ini

Description = Trafodion ODBC Stand Alone Driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/libtrafodbc_drvr64.so
FileUsage = 1
UsageCount = 1
AppUnicodeType = utf16
Threading = 1

注意:ドライバのインストール場所がデフォルトの/usr/lib 64でない場合は、ドライバをインストールしたドライバライブラリの場所に変更します.
[trafodion@esgyn-01 PkgTmp]$ ./runconnect_test.sh
In file included from sqlext.h:2071,
                 from connect_test.cpp:27:
sqlucode.h:20:20: error: sqlext.h: No such file or directory
Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=ss;PWD=ss;

Connect Test Passed...
[trafodion@esgyn-01 PkgTmp]$